Liked posts

Dear Leisa Calling, me out of My name proves that you have been harassing me for the last four weeks using various avatars with the same first name. You have been banned from the other grid for the identical reason. "Grow the hell up!" is all I have to say. God is my soldier, and you are the devil in disguise, attempting to attract attention. Here's my handkerchief; go on. Most people recognize me as a decent person, and I've helped a lot of people who came to my grid from other grids. I don't support lying or grieving, regardless of who you are. You must stop destroying and move on to real life.
My point was made.

HoneyOG: This is bashing and defamation of character against you Adore and very unwarranted and just plain bullying! You, Adore are the reason I remained on OpenSim and your kindness and generosity are legenda... 12 hours ago
rappel, comme tous les ans le marche fermera debut janvier , merci
Good morning,
Remember, as every year the march will close in January , thank you
Guten Tag,
Erinnerung, wie jedes Jahr schließt der Marsch zu Januar , danke

Govani13: hätte gerne mal ein spaziergang genacht ..aber läst mich nicht zu ... 2 days ago

Winter is HERE! Experience romance, exploration, and adventure in this winter wonderland. Bring a friend and welcome Winter on Everlasting Phoenix.

Männer aufgepasst, euch fehlt noch das passende Weihnachtsoutfit? Neu eingetroffen. Nur für den Gianni Signature Body.
Bitte füge dich unserer Gruppe zu und du bekommst diese Geschenke.

Watch out men, you're still missing the right Christmas outfit? Newly arrived. Only for the Gianni Signature Body.
Please join our group and you will get these gifts.

WillyWonka: Meine Mädels haben keine Unkosten und Mühen gescheut und haben wieder wunderschöne Weihnachskleidung für Männer und Frauen gebastelt. Liebe euch und bin voll Stolz auf euch.🥰 2 days ago
In the heart of the digital realm, where grids and codes intertwined, there existed a special place known as the Gentle Fire Grid. This grid was unlike any other; it was a warm, welcoming community where avatars from all corners of the virtual world gathered to share stories, create art, and celebrate together.

As Christmas approached, the Gentle Fire Grid buzzed with excitement. The avatars decorated their virtual homes with twinkling lights, digital wreaths, and pixel-perfect Christmas trees. The air was filled with the sound of cheerful carols and the scent of virtual gingerbread cookies.

One chilly December evening, the grid's founder, a wise and kind avatar named Santa Mint, decided to host a grand Christmas party. Invitations were sent out to all the neighboring grids, including the renowned OpenSim. The message read, "Merry Christmas from Gentle Fire Grid to OpenSim! Join us for a night of joy, laughter, and celebration with live singer's and DJ's"

On the night of the party, avatars from OpenSim arrived, their digital forms glowing with anticipation. They were greeted with open arms and warm smiles. The Gentle Fire Grid had prepared a feast of virtual delicacies, from pixelated plum pudding to holographic coffee.

As the night went on, the avatars shared stories of their adventures, exchanged gifts, and danced under the shimmering lights of the virtual sky. Santa Mint stood by the grand Christmas tree, watching the joy spread across the grid. It was a night to remember, a night where the boundaries of the digital world melted away, and the true spirit of Christmas shone brightly.

And so, the Gentle Fire Grid and OpenSim celebrated together, creating memories that would last a lifetime. It was a reminder that no matter where you are, the warmth of community and the magic of Christmas can bring everyone together.

Tant Kristine's House, near Novale's XMas market
This is her litte winter palace

Pangea Christmas Party
Saturday 7 December
Taxi: hop://
10 am pdt / 19 Uhr Cet : DJ Marlon
11 am pdt / 20 Uhr Cet : SaraMarie Philly Live Singer
12 pm pdt / 21 Uhr Cet : Rogue Galaxy Live Singer
dresscode: formal, elegant , gown
everyone is cordially invited

Zur Wieder- Eröffnung meiner Mall gibt es eine Nikolaus-Party :))

There will be a Santa Claus party for the re-opening of my mall :))

Come in and enjoy :))

NEWS !!!!
My Contribution for the Holidays
for Bodys Reborn Lara X Legacy
have a wonderful and peaceful Time
Hugs Chrissy

Un paseo por las nubes, mi cielo de Avalon

Aurora Starchild: Ohhh que bonitoo, yo tambien estoy montando un sim asi rollo angelical 16 days ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/158/115/3827

White hoarfrost on the trees
and the snow invites you to dream,
the branches glisten like frost
and the lake shines clear as cold,
the sun shines in the rich blue
of the sky and wherever I look
I see snow on the edge of the forest,
oh, you winter wonderland.

BeeDebevec: A Very Beautiful Region :)) 25 days ago
Hey everyone, wintertime is coming and we are on the way to overhaul our entire Winter Wonderland! We allready updated our ice-skating set with new AO, build train tracks through the landscape and beeing busy for more details.

The snow has also came to our Region after the Dinkies danced the "Snowdance" on our Ice! For best result use our Windlight setting.

Also welcome our new custom handmade and scripted "Maienfeld-Bahn". It will drive you soon up to our "Maienfeld Mountain". All buttons are scripted, got function and sounds as in Real Life. Its inspired by "Fichtelberg Schwebebahn Oberwiesenthal" in Saxonia eastern germany.

We will keep you updated and wish you a wonderfull sunday!

Amelia & Hertha

Dabici132: Looks really wonderful !. I went to the Maienfeld Sation but did not figured out how to call or get the train. Can you give me a hint (or a ticket) :) 25 days ago
Created a Harvest Ring for those who celebrate harvest and being thankful. Grape clusters and rose leaves, diamond solitaire, in center of the store where I have the PBR jewelry. Jewelry

Amelie: so cute :)) 25 days ago


SilviaFrey: Que lindo todo. Gracias. 25 days ago


Nach Umzug in ein besseres Grid wurde meine Mall wieder eröffnet.

After moving to a better grid, my mall reopened.

*Lingerie *
*Beachwaer *

Ich freue mich über euren Besuch.
I'm looking forward to your visit.

Sylvia-Koeln: Thx Chris 26 days ago
Erlebe die Magie des Weihnachtsmarkts ?✨

Willkommen in einer Welt voller Besinnlichkeit, Freude und Liebe!
Tauche ein in den Zauber der Weihnachtszeit: Der Duft von Zimt und gebrannten Mandeln liegt in der Luft, sanfte Lichter glitzern wie Sterne, und liebevoll dekorierte Stände laden zum Verweilen ein.

Tainted Angel: Beautiful Region! Thank you! 1 month ago
Hey, im driving again through the Kishaki Grid. Right now i got no Stops at the Stations because im still in Testmode but atleast i can cross regions allready! I will receive my new valve gear soon aswell.

Some asked me what happened to our Narrowgauge System.

Yes its still there and since we done with rebuilding the Mall, we connecting Region by Region through all the Grid to get a great Ride! I had to do the scripting from scratch so the region crossing will work and yes also with wagons! If you still want to do allready a testride, you can visit it on Blue Agave. Enjoy!

Amelia & Hertha

Venx84: cool. i been thinking of rezzing out a multi sim railroad on the canadian grid 1 month ago

*** News At camballa***
Doris Dress
laraX-reborn -compatible Athena
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

*** News At camballa***
Doris Dress
laraX-reborn -compatible Athena
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

*** New on Camballa***
Elas Anita-Athena Black & white
Boots and Dress
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

*** New on Camballa***
Elas Anita-Athena-Green & Red
Boots and Dress
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

Hello everyone, our Mall has now been opened!

We have completely renovated the stores for a better overview and more space for new creations. We also rebuilded the Mall with Prims for better loading times and performance improvement. If we think back in time, we started 1 and a half years ago with a 32x32m store where we had some clothes, now we count 15 Shops, 170x70m on 2 floors with textures, clothes, skins, tattoos, botanicals and more. This is our birthday present to you, for your help, your feedback and your visit to us.

New Shops :

- Fox Jewelry (Jewelry for Males, Females & Unisex)
- Creative Box (more than 1283 new seamless Textures with Adv. Lightning Maps)
- ShoeFactory (Shoes for LaraX, Lara, Gianni, Legacy)
- BlueGents (Fashion for Gianni & Legacy)
- Venus Lingerie (Underwear)
- FoxSound Design (Enviroment Sounds)
- Botanic (Landscape Stuff for your Region)

Updated :
- Pureface (38 new Body Skintones, 6 Male EvoX Skins, 4 Female EvoX Skins)
- LovelyAmy (Lot of new clothes for LaraX, connected both Floors via Stairs)
- SilverFox Weddings (New Dresses & Shoes)
- DecoQueen (8 new things for Decoration)

We hope you like the things and that you find something nice for you!
You can also join our inworld Group for future updates.

Happy Shopping
Amelia & Hertha :)

AnKaBi: wouw die mall ist ist super schön geworden ♥♥♥ 1 month ago

Here is a new update of the Horse & Horse Rezzer script v3.3. This is a bugfix release. Enjoy :)

Hicks: beautiful objects made with care, I like it a lot tank you . 1 month ago
Hello everyone, we will be shutting down our mall until 3:00am SLT due to the upload of the new OAR and checking all vendors that everything will work.

Teleports to the region are not possible until then. We will open the new mall punctually at 0:00 our time (GMT+1) (3pm SLT). You can look forward to many new things. A detailed list will be announced later.

Even though our grid is only 1 year old, we have learned a lot in OpenSim and got to know a lot of new experiences and nice new people.

Amelia & Hertha

*** New on Camballa***
Small winter market on Camballa
have lots of fun in the winter
wishes to you all
your Karin

◂◄◀ 1st Thursday @ Eternity Night Club▶►▸
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴6:00p ∵∴ ❈ ROGUE GALAXY
» Шhat: • LIVE SINGER •
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ SemiFormal/Formal∵∴ ❈
◂◄◀ MAP ▶►▸ City


Jordan Melody: oooo yess i love blackout tatts!! Please make some for females 1 month ago
Am 07.11.2024 um 19 Uhr starten wir wieder auf der TimeBandit im ArtDestiny Grid zu Richi's MusicCall durch. Alle sind wie immer herzlich willkommen. Musikalisch geht es wie immer richtig rund.
Streaming URL:

🎉 Kishaki Grid celebrates its 1st anniversary! 🎉
🎉🎉🎉 November 9th 🎉🎉🎉

We look forward to seeing you there at 9th of November! 🎊

Amelia & Hertha

Every Wednesday at 1pm, DJ Azora will be spinning an exciting mix of music at The Train Station. She loves taking requests, so come down and enjoy the tunes while you wait for your train. Don't worry, we'll hold the train for you - just join us and let the music entertain you. Following Azora's set this week, we have Rogue Galaxy coming in to entertain you at 3pm. So dont miss these 2 great music makers. Come Join Us At Complex

Last Day to pick up your Halloween outfits at Vesti.. then they will be gone from there..

Essensual: Due to Popular request the Halloween Outfits have been MOVED to The Isle of the Forsaken in the clothing area there of the Forsaken Halloween Event at 11am Oct 31st.... 2 months ago


Tonight's usual dance party at Club Wet has been cancelled due to Autumnfest. DJ Chris McCracken & DJ April McKenna will be tonight's Freak Night DJs at Autumnfest- you must be dressed but wear your freakiest sexiest craziest costume! The party begins at 5-7 with DJ Chis, then 7-9 with DJ April - Don't miss the freakiest party on the hypergrid! hop:// AutumnFest Stage/130/94/26

Ellen: The artwork is really beautiful! 2 months ago

***News at Camballa***
Outfit Julia comes in any Colors
reborn-Lara X-Legacy
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

Jerralyn Franzic: Oh wow... hehe... I like this!!! Perfect for moshing lol 2 months ago
Hello everyone, we want to let you know that new Stuff arrived at our Mall!

* Easycool : *
- New T-shirt with 50 Colors (3 Huds included) fits on Gianni & Jake.

* Botanic : *
- New River System
- New Dirt Roads

* DecoQueen : *
- Lots of new Decoriation Stuff that fits in your Home

* Lovelyamy : *
- 5 New Complete Outfits for Lara X & Athena
- New Skirt for Lara X
- New Hoodies, Sweatshirts and Shoulder Crop Sweatshirt for Lara X

* Pureface: *
- New Skin "Noel" for Lelutka EvoX (6 Colors)

You can also grab the free E-Scooter at our Entrance. Every Vendor with new Stuff, will be signed with a "New" Button for 2 Weeks to be found faster.

Happy Shopping!
Amelia & Hertha

Mogan Chaplin: Great Mall. lots of new items. Thank you for sharing. 2 months ago

Join me today LIVE at Bourbon Beach on Pangea Grid!
MAP: hop:// Beach/249/369/22


(**) Modifications and instructions on how to use on "READ ME" notecard!

Enjoy :)

Jimmy Olsen: I forgot to mention and its already on the notecard: Once one rezes the script inside, the lamps will glow all red for few seconds.. be patience and soon they will work perfectly 2 months ago