Essensual @Essensual59

Canada Online Complex Fetish Factor every Sunday from 5 to 8pm PST and In the Trianons Ballroom every Thursday from 1 to 3 PST Fridays at TGIF Disco from 4 to 6pm

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Available for FREE and FULLPERM at 3D MUSEUM SIM.. Enjoy :)

Kris Patrick: This is awesome, thanks, Jimmy. 3 years ago
No llevo mucho tiempo en Open sim, y ya lo e visto practicamente todo. pero lo que mas e notado, el nivel de competencia entre grids, e incluso entre los mismos residentes de un mismo grid. No voy a explayarme demasiado, voy a ser directa y puntal: No voy a apoyar a quien de manera desleal tome lo que alguien a creado para ser COMPARTIDO DE MANERA GRATUITA, y lo venda x la moneda que sea, no importa si es 1... 5 o 1000 $ , las cosas deben FREE PARA TODOS, e creado contenido PROPIO para ser vendido, pero me di cuenta que los negocios deben ser dejados lado en un ambiente que a sido creado para hacer amistades. Chicos de Matrix , tienen el apoyo de nuestra comunidad!

edito y agrego pruebas de que se venden cosas que son GRATUITAS en otros grids

BearHug: You have no defense. You blame others for your crimes. You take no responsibility. Worst is you also steal and are selling stolen content inworld and on your web site. You are responsible and no other... 2 years ago

With a broken heart, I inform you that our dear friend and lover of Virtual Worlds, Veritas McMaster, passed away in a house fire trying to save her beloved cockatoo Sophie.

Derrybeg Arabello: I did not know Veri .. very well, only chatted in passing. She seemed to me like a very sweet and caring person, and of course, she'd care enough about her bird to go back for it. We need more peo... 2 years ago
I wanted to clarify my stance as a rebel. To me a rebel is ANYONE who takes a stand for freedom, without government, corporate, or any movements/associations/organizations controlling those freedoms of speech, livelyhood, happiness, or actions that do not harm, or endanger the freedoms, or life of others. We ALL have a right to disagree with others, and to even voice our opinions, but ultimately? How someone lives, what they do is their own personal choice, and right, and must be respected, and treated as such. I disagree with many things, but respect what others believe, and feel. Yah I pray. I believe in God, Jesus, and our Constitution. That is simply my personal beliefs. I respect anyones choices, beliefs, and opinions as their own, and their right. It also means too stubborn to give up, or die to me! haha! ;)
Prayers, love, hugs n high 5's to EVERYONE. :)

Rogue Galaxy: 100% live and let live! 2 years ago
Dopo una lunga convalescenza in ospedale, sono tornata a casa. Una brutta caduta mi ha provocato molti danni alla caviglia sinistra ho subito 2 interventi mi hanno da prima sistemalo le ossa con estensore esterno, poi oprerata hai tendini e infine ingessata. :) questa è la vita

Essensual: I hope you get well soon. I know what that feels like 9 months ago

Whatever you have to comment, please, allow me to share!

Nexus Storm: Great looking build love the details , you get a real sense of atmosphere with the top light may need turning down a bit or color. Very Nice!!!! 2 years ago
Have u been attacked by Priscilla Kleenex with prim-made penises? Did ur SIM or grid survive? So this 3D sign is for u lol.. Available for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy:)
PS. Before someone asks me why a transsexual pic remember the old motto in SL:
"In Second Life, men are women...
women are men...
and children are FBI agents".....

GlennXpletive: HAHAHA Ok that is some true and funny shit fer shure! lol Thanks for the morning giggles! 3 years ago
My passion is building large architectural structures and regions for commercial, spiritual, and entertainment purposes, and doing them with highly detailed surfaces and textures. While I am not primarily in the business of making smaller items, in the process of making a venue I inevitably end up adding furniture, lighting, and accessories that match the style. A lot of these I make myself, but some, like this beautiful Art Deco Lamp, which will be part of my new OSFest build, I source from 3D modeling sites.

The first photo is of an original lamp from the 1920s, currently available on Etsy for about $300 usd. The second is the 3D model by Katmit developed for 3D printers. I purchased it on Renderhub for $12 and it came with an Extended Use license. After a lot of work with faces and UV maps I was finally able to get Firestorm to let my version upload, which is the last pic. I was meh about the plain globe, so I replaced that with something more interesting and added my light script. This little project took a lot more time and effort than I planned for, but I'll spend many happy moments sitting at the bar just looking at this lovely piece of art that began life a hundred years ago.

You will be able to see my full Art Deco venue at OSFest this September on the sponsor region.

Jasminecliodhna: lovely as always luna love your places 1 years ago
Not Safe For Work At All...
Dedicated to Priscilla Kleenex. :O
Do not watch if you are at all offended by cursing.
Someone actually made a video about priscilla kleenex... o.O

OpenSimUser: Completely innacurate, they are not even a hacker, just taking advantage of people that fail to bother setting permissions correctly on their regions. And why give more light to this moron? 2 years ago
- Different choices on colors! Very handy for power towers, airplanes or even for your venue!
- Really low lag! Not using a laggy blinking script that one can`t see in far away distances, instead - it`s using an animated texture!
PS. Textures and script (if needed) are also available!
PS1 - Teleport to DISCO sector to grab a FREE and FULLPERM copy!

Enjoy :)

Suzi_Avonside: For the confused, like I was, it's the Disco section! 2 years ago

Palaces! Roffello Kisses came and took some wonderful photos of the sim!

Essensual: very beautiful, IM so glad to see others using light to make there regions look more realistic 6 months ago
1- Now, pair/unpair table/controller is easier.. There is no need to do the "rez-in-order" steps like on previous NG versions;
2- TOP 5 HIGH SCORES NOW CAN BE RESET/CLEANED! (Many people asked me that and thx for my friends Adani and Essensual from Trianon grid who worked on the script modification.
3- To make it work rez always the table/controller with the N2 V2 logo! (its blue now instead of the golden texture)..
4- Special thanks also for all my friends who helped me ideas and suggestions since my 1st version of tables, years ago. Also thx for Clifford Hangar and Cataplexia Numbers, AMV Grid owners who supported me on grid.. and White Angel, from Sacrarium grid. And Durham Redmond who "scipted the NG previous models.

well, enough written.... enjoy! and send it away to all ur friends )

Jimmy Olsen: GREEDY GAME NG V2 UPDATE on the KATANA model - Had to fix a glitch found on score display. Fixel model available at TP area and also inside the boxed version. Enjoy :) 2 years ago
DJ CLAN at Moonlight Bay at 1PM MONDAY!
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [20 Jun 2022 13:00 SLT]

We were sailing along on Moonlight Bay
We could hear the voices singing
They seemed to say
"You have stolen her heart"
"Now don't go 'way"
As Clan played love's old sweet songs
On Moonlight Bay (...on moonlight baaaaaaaaay..)

DJ CLAN'S May Garden Party and CONTEST
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [23 May 2022 13:00 SLT]

Roses are pink, violets are blue,
To start your week off right....
Here's what to do:
Visit our garden all decked out for May
Put all your spring cleaning away
Dance with us and relax under trees
The music delightful and so is the breeze!

P.S. Don't forget Clan's weekly competition for Gloebits! 5,500 in the pot to start! Throw some of your own bits in there, winner takes all!

If you come to this thing, we're sure you'll look a dish,
Not lookin' like Crustaceans, Octopus or Squid,
For we are living artists, not acting like a goon,
Welcome to Club Escotia to the land of King Neptune!

Honoring singers, musicians and artists who have left this world too soon... DJ Clan will pay tribute to the lives of the most talented dearly departed on this day of remembrance.

It wouldn't be the Fourth of July without some fireworks, some BBQ, and Friends & Family! So come by and listen to some good ol' American songs (played by a Scot ;) along with his weekly COMPETITION for Gloebits..

Webby has made a fun pop out TP MENU HUD for all the venues (OMG there are 20!) in Club Escotia, feel free to try it out and pop around to any you may have missed! Have an independent day wherever you are!

Calling all Aliens, we know you're out there, dancing among us... Show your true colors today at Club Escotia's elaborate Area 51! DJ Clan will be creating the mood with his personal collection of out of this world music :) There are 2,000 Gloebits in the Contest Prize Jar to start, drop in some of your own, winner takes all! Beam over!

CLAN'S LIVE with Clan's Band at the RED HEN 1pm FRIDAY!
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [3 Jun 2022 13:00 SLT]

Roses are RED, violets are RED, everything's RED on Friday
My face is RED, cause some folks have said, they like when I'm singing songs My Way
So join us in RED, with eggs on your head, and bring all your friends to the Chalet
Come by The Red Hen, to start your weekend, with your favourite band and a PARTY!

It's Monday! It's here! The time has finally come,
To shake your poms, or your hips or maybe bang a drum,
The DJ's in PJ's, and lookin' rather arty,
So come along at 1 pm and join us for the PARTY!!

DJ Clan roams around his kingdom each week to bring a fresh new set of music and a "competition" for Gloebits every Monday from 1pm till...? This week's Prize Pot starts at 5875, add your own bits and winner takes all! Join us at the airport, and thank you for flying ClanAir ;)

Deep in Club Escotia, at the foot of "Craigh na Dun"
Lives a family of Sasquatch who are musically in tune.
We set up some equipment, for dancing and for sound,
And invite our hairy friends to join us dancing round the pond!
So pack up your umbrella, put on your dancing boots
We plan on dancing in the rain, the MUSIC is our roots!

The Red Hen presents DJ CLAN 1PM MONDAY
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [28 Mar 2022 13:00 SLT]

DJ Clan is absolutely positive (more or less) you won't guess this week's Trivia Contest. Spinning all his favorite songs, he will drop clues along the way... be sure to drop some bits into the prize pot, we have over 8k bits there now, but WINNER TAKES ALL!

Clan LIVE at our own special CARNIVAL! 1pm FRIDAY
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [25 Mar 2022 13:00 SLT]

It's always a treat to hear Clan sing,
This you know is true!
Surrounded by lions and monkeys and bears,
All we need now IS YOU!

Really a group effort on this show... Customized costumes and decor you won't see anywhere else! Watch Esse do tricks on horseback, with curated animations from Webby's workshop ;) There may even be a Big Foot sighting.. so come share the fun of our one-of-a-kind freak show! Special thanks to Essensual McMahon, Chris McCracken, and Clan's Band aluminati (lol) RainO Magic for their ideas, prims, scripts and support!

Hey folks! Sorry about the mess and confusion at the mall, but we're re arranging things to make it better and more streamlined for our customers! We should have it all done by the end of the day today, early tomorrow morning at the latest. So bear with us we've got all the little people working their butts off to get it done! Thank you for understanding because until it's done the teleport system is going to be a wild ride !!!
Hello, everyone, friends of New Life Italy,

The first two tribute evenings to the Sanremo Festival have come to an end, retracing the past years of the previous editions of the Italian music festival. With DJ Tombeur, we listened to the most beautiful songs from 2011 to 2023, while with DJ Adry, we listened to and sang the most beautiful songs from the festival from 2001 to 2010. Two wonderful evenings, thanks mostly to you, our precious audience.
This "Waiting for Sanremo 2024" is truly making us have a lot of fun, and much of the credit goes to you, who always follow and support us with your affection and your presence. Tomorrow, on January 31st, on the Ariston stage (of NewLifeItaly), our very talented Nikità will perform in a live concert not to be missed. The concert will start at 9:30 PM Italian time, 12:30 PM SLT. Don't miss it.
Our Sanremo journey will resume on February 2nd with the very talented DJ Angel Dark, who will take us back in time from 1991 to 2000, letting us listen to the most beautiful songs of those years. This adventure will conclude with our DJ Tombeur, the creator of this beautiful musical journey. With him, we will revisit the beginnings of the Italian Song Festival, starting from the distant 1980 to 1990.
The commitment is significant, and just as great is the desire to showcase the beauty of our country to all of you through this powerful medium called MUSIC. Don't miss out!

A warm hug to all,

Setting up for today's WHITE FRIDAY show! (1 PM) Free Ice Skates and Hot Chocolate...
Deets here:

Today's Autumnfest show with CLAN LIVE and Clan's Band will be Steampunked! Come hear Clan and blow off steam at the same time! Our usual Monday time slot (1PM) with Clan singing LIVE, in the beautiful AutumnFest stage sim.
hop:// AutumnFest Stage

When you feel you are blessed from above, and you get that flutter inside ya,
Maybe some friends try to match ya, and if they do is that enough?
If everything's pleasant, no tears abound, everything is roses and doves,
Then face it my friend possibility is there, you too are addicted to love!

Find us at the romantic CandleDance venue this week! AMV is the place to be!

When it comes to verses, I try my very best,
When it comes to singing, vocals are put to test,
And when it comes to memories, I sometimes reach the bend,
It's times like that I count on you, the ones I call my friends!
P.S. Bring square photos of your favorite inworld memories, we'll display on the big screen on the main stage :)

DJ CLAN is Missing! Clues placed starting 1PM Monday...
Where: Club Escotia
When: 2 years ago [27 Jun 2022 13:00 SLT]

DJ Clan is hiding somewhere in AMV, and has left clues
in each of the venues at Club Escotia. Each clue is a
letter in the name of the AMV region where he is hiding,
collect them all and unscramble the name, put the name
in your Map, and TP there to win today's gloebits prize!

Clan will be on the stream with more clues, so tune in
while hunting, his clones will be watching you ;)

Look for purple clues in any of the Club Escotia venues.
(A box with a notecard of all venue locations with LMs
is at the landing point.)

It's International "Bring Your Dog To Work Day!" Join our canine festivities in the new Dogwood Forest venue at Club Escotia on Friday for a (don't make me say it...) Doggone Good Time! Oh, these cats in the pic? They told me they identify as dogs ;)

Clan LIVE with Clan's Band at The Swamp 1PM Friday!
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [17 Jun 2022 13:00 SLT]

Down in the boondocks... deep in the misty swamp... ok well I can't think of any rhymes today so let me just say, y'all come for a good time :)

If you're prone to settings that's beachy,
Where your skin goes all rosy and peachy,
Bring the sunscreen and hat, eat a burger -- get fat!
And let Clan and Band entertain ya!

Clan's BAND CAMP Friday 1PM!
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [27 May 2022 13:00 SLT]

This one time.. at band camp... you know the line ;)
CLAN sings LIVE with Clan's Band and some acoustic specials from Clan you have not heard! Full main stage at Club Escotia turned into a giant campground for your amusement for the month of May! Watch out for the local wildlife, oh and the animals also. See you here!

CLAN LIVE with Clan's Steampunk Band 1PM!
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [6 May 2022 13:00 SLT]

Wherever you go, there you are
We hope you never go so far
That you can't hear our handsome hunk
For this week Clan will be Steampunk!

With all the colors of the wind, Clan sings our favorite songs while we throw paint around the room. Bring a painting of your own to display (first 10 people to claim an easel!)
Special thanks to those who made this build a lot of fun: RainO for his 3D Mesh Blender skills, Essensual McMahon for her RL abstract art "Sure webby use it however you like!" Famous last words ;) - Jimmy for his incredible EEP work - as i watch the summer clouds waft by... and all of you good peeps for coming to our shows :) Clan's still looking for the return of the errand avatar he sent to the paint store for Tartan Paint. AMV is the Place to BE!

16th April is where the EASTER BUNNIES all coming out to PLAY.. Save the Date and Time to join us in an Eggspagtacular Party!!!! Come as you are or Dress to the Occasion, it is up to you.....

Clan's Band HOUSE PARTY - Sunflower House - 1 PM FRIDAY!
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [18 Mar 2022 13:00 SLT]

Rain and Webby teamed up on a Builder's Club AMV challenge to build a house based on a RL blueprint. Of course, we went nuts. Jimmy Olsen sent Webby some 3D Sunflowers and the concept BLOOMED into our beautiful new multi-purpose Clan's Band Sunflower House! This is our first show in this new house, please feel free to join us and roam around the premises! Interact with the band by CHANGING OUR COLORS LIVE with 45 color options! Of course with CLAN's voice LIVE on the stream, you know it's going to be a fun HOUSE PARTY ;)

If leathers and bikes are what ya like, then come along on Friday,
So check your closet for the outfit ya want, and we all know you will look tidy,
Rock'n'roll we plan to play, and everything in between,
We promise that we shall be the best band that you have ever seen!

Where: Texas Ranch
When: 3 years ago [4 Jan 2022 14:00 SLT]