
Gay Nation
0 Users 8 1 805th
Mall and clubs
Gloebit Mall
0 Users 11 2 832nd
Gloebit Mall on Dynamic Worldz Offers free and premium products for visitors from all grids to buy and take home. Free Gloebit shops to creators resident on Dy...

Goliath Gardens
0 Users | 17 likes 6 comments

Welcome to the enchanting Goliath Gardens, a realm where you can shrink down to the size of a bug and experience the wonders of nature up close. Be the bug!! We have bug Avatars! Gardens

0 Users 22 0 840th
Beautiful region with shopping and fantastic scenery, mall, christmas, womens, mens, fashion, mcdonalds, beach, pier, church, baseball, parks, houses, games, sp...
Clutterfly Extension
0 Users 8 0 868th
Clutterfly Extension offers free Stuff to give you some basics. Complete and enhance your virtual life in Opensim. With many thanks and tribute to Linda Kellie ...
Damour Enterprise Four
0 Users 5 1 888th
Damour Ocean Waves Mall region Has many rental stores. The mall is set up with 3 blocks. There are 5 stores in blocks 1 and 2. Block 3 has an additional store...
0 Users 2 2 904th
AMB Mall sim 2. AMB Themepark is next to AMB Fairytales Park at 3251 meters in the air. Almost 50 fairytales to explore, rides to try, vehicles and lots of fun....
Welcome Center
0 Users 2 0 1,021st
Commercial Mall with free shops! To claim a shop contact Royale Mobian One shop per person (NO alt accounts) Uses Gloebit for currency
Small Mall
0 Users 10 2 1,052nd
Small Mall (OSGrid) is a friendly shopping area of modest proportions for a few items made by a small group of creators. Jewelry, Aquariums, Rugs, Houses...
OSCC Shopping Zone
0 Users 8 0 1,062nd
The Shopping Center for the OpenSimulator Community Conference The OpenSimulator Community Conference is an annual conference that focuses on the developer a...
Stefanies Shopping Mall
0 Users 20 0 1,105th
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