
Kitely Welcome Center
1 Users 12 1 95th
The Kitely Welcome Center is a beautiful always-on world which serves as Kitely's official community center. It contains: * Helpful information about Kit...
Marigold Bay
1 Users 14 0 175th
THIS IS AN ADULT REGION. NO CHILD AVATARS In Marigold Bay, where dreams set sail, An island haven, a wondrous tale. Created with friends, with love and c...

2 Users | 51 likes 1 comments

Freebie Mall shopping, mash clothes, furniture ,Great Hair , classics clothes ,Gift shop ,decoration need Help lets us know

◉ Offline 4 1 1,760th
Imaginez-vous en vacances pendant les fĂȘtes de Noel au ski avec toutes les illuminations ! Des surprises vous y attendent ! Pour une visite optimale mettez-vo...
Infinity Cove
0 Users 1 1 31st
A spot for exploring, hanging out, dancing, and many adult themed activities.
0 Users 10 0 47th
GroovyVerse - We are a very large, but peaceful grid that is home to a lot of wonderful, creative people. Our grid is owned by a transgender woman, and we wel...
Vela Disco
0 Users 0 0 98th
Vela Disco
Funsize Dinkies
0 Users 39 12 111th
(Dinkies Only Region) "Funsize Dinkies World Resort" for all Dinkies on Opensim. To kick back and enjoy a Wonderful World of a Dinkies Lifestyle, Dinkies Retrea...
0 Users 14 0 133rd
A place for lovers and explorers to enjoy. Home of Rosies Ballroom "Live your life like a lighthouse and be a beacon of hope to others" Avatars under 3 week...
AnsjelaGrid Welcome
0 Users 10 0 144th
A fun and friendly grid with excellent customer service. Come and find out all the surprises here ;) . Country club, ballroom, a park, shops, and much more. giv...
Shopping FUN
0 Users 4 0 153rd
Wir akzeptieren nur GOEBIT. Nach einieger Zeit habe ich eine alte OAR von mir wieder zum Leben erweckt. Hier findet ihr ausschliesslich Items, die die Einwohn...
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