
2 Users 6 0 66th
This is the first village in our project that is nearly completed, representing my Mi'kmaq ancestors of Canada and Maine. It features examples of wiguom (wigwa...
2 Users 2 0 95th
An age of sail and historical land with a touch of fantasy!

Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
4 Users | 52 likes 8 comments

Welcome to Wolf Territories Grid, the ultimate destination in the OpenSim metaverse! As the largest grid running on OpenSim, we offer over 32000 256x256 equivalent regions for you to visit. You can attend regular social gatherings, spiritual retreats, and exciting events. Discover diverse shoppi...

Big City Life
2 Users 21 4 241st
Nightlife in the heart of the city. But also research center of AI technology and much more. City Life with about 400 animesh people and 20 of them speak to you...
1 Users 9 2 40th
adult A club for friends who love erotic encounters in a private environment, with music, shows, shops and private areas: just for pleasure, not for money ..o...
Jungle Welcome
1 Users 3 0 46th
Edge Harbor
1 Users 2 1 68th
Edge Harbor - Musicians Community - Adult Rated! No child avatars, no public sex allowed!
Rabbit Valley
1 Users 13 0 220th
Ein einfaches Land mit maroden Gebäuden zum Relaxen, untersuchen und entdecken. Es sieht ganz friedlich aus aber Vorsicht!! Wenn man sich dort einmal in der gro...
Jungle Friends 50
1 Users 8 0 264th
1 Users 6 0 402nd
Beautiful place for music
1 Users 49 5 457th
House, Villa, Cottage, Pavillion, Commerzial Buildings like Mainstores, Stores, Warehouse and so much quality FURNITURE !
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