Role playing

◉ Offline 1 2 1,685th
As the gods are being restored in Asgard, they restored Midgard for the people of that world to start over, these people are called "Earthlings" by some, but th...
1 Users 5 0 487th
Medieval-Fantasy ist eine Role-Play Grid der anderen Art.Freunde des Medievalen Kleidens- und Handwerkes, basierend auf der Satyr Farm, und ein Leben in der Gem...

Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
7 Users | 52 likes 8 comments

Welcome to Wolf Territories Grid, the ultimate destination in the OpenSim metaverse! As the largest grid running on OpenSim, we offer over 32000 256x256 equivalent regions for you to visit. You can attend regular social gatherings, spiritual retreats, and exciting events. Discover diverse shoppi...

Asgard Folkene
◉ Offline 3 1 1,685th
WANTED: ROLE PLAYERS who love Norse Mythology education and role play. Here you can become one of the Norse Gods, A Light Elf, a Dark Elf, a Dwarf, a Giant or...
◉ Offline 3 0 1,685th
Private world for our group
Lush Isle
0 Users 8 0 100th
Exotic Bodies Body Shop, Club Exotic, The Exotic Institute of Adult Education, and much more coming soon! "hop:// Isle/388/2...
0 Users 8 1 103rd
Fantasy & Vampire Roleplay
Westeros Medieval RP
0 Users 9 1 142nd
Medieval roleplays (Got based) - Come and have roleplay adventures and fun in good company
0 Users 48 7 154th
Carima, an Medieva Fantasy Roleplay once foundet at SL by Linde Kronfeld. Rised there from an half-sim up to 9 Islands and was well known there. Due to the rai...
GOR Sardar Fair
0 Users 6 0 160th
Sardar fair, shopping and more on the counter earth grid (Gor)
0 Users 13 0 206th
Start your roleplay here among the hobbits, satyrs, fairies and elves. Hope to see you there!! There are free homes here for all those interested in rp. Con...
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