
Green Hill Zone
0 Users 18 2 306th
Green Hill Zone is the welcome area of the Mobius Grid, a video gaming community open to all. This experience cleverly combines loads of must-haves, like social...
0 Users 6 2 557th
A large tower on the horizon. What is this strange island? Various biomes are found here. Go far into the sky till you get into space. Use the teleport rings t...

GRPG Welcome Center
0 Users | 5 likes 0 comments

This is the place where you can find any and all information about the Genesis Roleplay Grid as well as tutorials for new grid members and any other new arrivals to Open Sim. We're here to help you have a great experience in Open Sim, to this end we have provided tutorials for movement and viewing...

Welcome Center
0 Users 2 0 984th
Commercial Mall with free shops! To claim a shop contact Royale Mobian One shop per person (NO alt accounts) Uses Gloebit for currency
0 Users 7 0 1,672nd
A city devastated by War and technological greed. The Denizens of Robotropolis struggle to maintain the city's failing infrastructure in order to prevent nuclea...