Popular Regions

Never Village
0 Users 21 5 291st
Shops full of things made by Neveworld builders, open sim things, carriage rides,and a little rp!! A coastal little village with surprises around every corner!
AnsjelaGrid Welcome
1 Users 13 0 292nd
A fun and friendly grid with excellent customer service. Come and find out all the surprises here ;) . Country club, ballroom, a park, shops, and much more. giv...

2 Users | 32 likes 3 comments A

Want to explore meditate, being zen, or just just relax, or hang out at the port, get a house for living in a asian environment? Only for AMV Residents ofcourse. Want to learn how to meditate? Or listen to the last channeling by Blossom Goodchild with the Galactic Federation of Light come over t...

Cowboy Country
1 Users 2 0 293rd
COWBOY COUNTRY is a 4x4 western town I call Jasper Valley. It has functional stores where you can shop and get free items (not exportable to other grids) and al...
0 Users 60 27 294th
Visit the Farm shop with loads of new items for your VivoSim system then take a stroll to the Petting zoo and on through the nature reserve, art gallery and far...
Textures Trees, & Scripts
0 Users 41 6 295th
A Huge assortment of Textures, Trees and Scripts as well as amazing scripted items from Cyberglo's Wizardry Shop. In addition, a Underwater Dome has been add...
0 Users 7 0 296th
0 Users 8 0 297th
La Holi, parfois appelée fête des couleurs ou Phalguna, est une fête hindoue originaire de l'Inde célébrée vers l'équinoxe de printemps. Cette région rend homma...
0 Users 138 18 298th
Come in and find out
0 Users 1 0 299th
Dragon King Temple, SiLi, ZetaWorld Chinese themed venue for live music performances
Sampa Mix
1 Users 8 0 300th
A beautiful region with a beach for photos and parties, various stores with decorations and everything to make your island beautiful. Come visit us, everyone is...
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