Live Regions

0 Users 60 27 322nd
Visit the Farm shop with loads of new items for your VivoSim system then take a stroll to the Petting zoo and on through the nature reserve, art gallery and far...
0 Users 1 0 323rd
Dragon King Temple, SiLi, ZetaWorld Chinese themed venue for live music performances

Outworldz Virunga
0 Users | 16 likes 2 comments

The Virunga Regions of Africa is a simulation of Africa in the time of Dian Fossey.. Visit the Virunga Lodge, where the view looks down on Dians Home, and the village of Ruhengeri. Seek out and photograph the rare and endangered mountain gorillas This land if alive with NPC's.

AnKaBi Shopping Mall
0 Users 68 3 324th
Blindside Estates
0 Users 5 0 325th
Family Orientated And Owned Suburban Role Playing Sim With Welcome Center
Maze of the Mind Free Houses
0 Users 5 2 326th
over 200 houses all out to see. All free. All ready for ubode with shells if necessary. Firm believer in share and share alike and lets make the world a better ...
0 Users 3 0 327th
Bienvenue à Lydora, un monde post-apocalyptique où la nature a repris le dessus. Les ruines d’une ville engloutie par la végétation témoignent d’un passé révolu...
Rabbit Valley
0 Users 13 0 328th
Ein einfaches Land mit maroden Gebäuden zum Relaxen, untersuchen und entdecken. Es sieht ganz friedlich aus aber Vorsicht!! Wenn man sich dort einmal in der gro...
0 Users 1 1 329th
Waking Dreams, SiLi, ZetaWorlds
0 Users 2 0 330th
Keck Observatory, SiLi, ZetaWorld An accurate and working model of the Keck Observatory Learn how to be an astronomical observer
CCI Troms og Finnmark II
0 Users 20 0 331st
UNDER CONSTRUCTION! TROMSØ - Wo Ihr arktisches Abenteuer beginnt. Sehen Sie, wie Lady Aurora diese arktische Stadt zu ihrer Tanzfläche macht! Oder jagen Sie ...
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