Popular Regions

Rabbit Valley
0 Users 13 0 324th
Ein einfaches Land mit maroden Gebäuden zum Relaxen, untersuchen und entdecken. Es sieht ganz friedlich aus aber Vorsicht!! Wenn man sich dort einmal in der gro...
0 Users 16 2 325th
Softly is a tribute to love in its many forms, INCLUDING Poetry and sweet Irish Pubs! Home of The Quiet Man Pub, Bedlem Boys Tavern, The Live Poets Society & AM...

Outworldz Alexandria
0 Users | 15 likes 5 comments

Cleopatra hears that Marc Antony is rushing to her side, barely alive after falling to his sword. The world changed that day from a democracy to a dictatorship, and Egypt was enslaved. A 16 region simulation of Alexandria in 30 BC.

Lake George
0 Users 1 0 326th
Casual Hangout, Land for rent, Country club
Carpe Noctem
0 Users 21 0 327th
Gothic club at cemetry , medieval village with market and church, fantasy park, beaches and winterland with xmas market
Dream Sea
0 Users 2 0 328th
0 Users 13 0 329th
A Region from the "Gridtalk-Forum" http://gridtalk.de/
Lost Space
0 Users 2 0 330th
Lost in space the movie. If you lived in the 60's, 70's, 80's, then you watched the movie Lost In Space. Visit the island lost in space and remember some thing...
0 Users 48 19 331st
**Centro commerciale Freedom,ispirato all' Outlet di Serravalle. Sempre in aggiornamento con nuove sezioni e oggetti. **Freedom shopping center, inspired by t...
0 Users 59 30 332nd
Mini Grid of Ausgrid and also Freebies to grab nice things. Avatars Mesh male and female, Male and female mesh clothing. And more other items. All free! LOVE...
1 Users 1 0 333rd
Welcome to Delos home of West World, Roman World and Medieval World. Come Explore.
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