Popular Regions

0 Users 2 0 403rd
Stark Straits
0 Users 7 1 404th
https://opensimworld.com/hop/82322 this is the main STARK page, please read it for explanations and rules, thanks. STARK STRAITS is still a work in progress...

Masala Al Kohav
0 Users | 41 likes 1 comments

MASALA AL KOHAV MALL: Masala Al Kahov means "Wish upon a star". And here with us you may just find what you've wished for. Home to such builders as Thorvaldr Ragnarsson (Thor's Forge), Dusty Falls (Fall's For You), the Skywinds (Skywind Designs), Ezra Millberry (Ezra's Place), and yours truly, La...

HG Welcome
0 Users 23 0 405th
Welcome to Herederos Grid!
Ardent Lake
0 Users 7 0 406th
Ardent Lake is a G rated family roleplay area and group, unlike most of Sub-Version Space Grid which is Adult rated. As a family roleplay, Ardent Lake include...
Fashion Island
0 Users 2 0 408th
Residential islands to rent with a ballroom and mall at the center
Never Village
0 Users 21 5 409th
Shops full of things made by Neveworld builders, open sim things, carriage rides,and a little rp!! A coastal little village with surprises around every corner!
0 Users 3 0 410th
Sub-Version FarmRegion A farm area - for those that love the countryside. There are several rental houses around the outside of the area with the farm ...
0 Users 42 2 411th
Luxor is the home of Luna Lunaria on Wolf Territories Grid and a place of meditation for spiritual pilgrims. The region rewards the patient explorer with hidden...
Palm Beach
0 Users 2 0 412th
A relaxing beach venue without drama, pretentions. #3rdWind #3RG
0 Users 4 0 413th
The Sunset Saloon will feature Live Video streaming of MrMikie String, singing Country music.
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