Live Regions

TRF Ministries
0 Users 6 0 348th
TRF Ministries HQ. Home of TRF Radio. Club Remnants, Brotherhood Concert Stage and TRF Christian Fellowship
0 Users 11 1 350th
Lagoon is closed, private only sim .

NW Welcome
3 Users | 6 likes 0 comments

Neverworld Grid Welcome area is your starting point in Neverworld Grid. We offer 10,000 meter parcels to all residents and everything here is free! We are serious creators who design for opensim, so if you are sick of Another Mediocre Drama Metaverse, come to Neverworld since 2015. Free Land has...

Stergis Magic
0 Users 1 0 351st
The Shopping District
0 Users 67 13 353rd
Shop for your home and garden
Dragons Lair
0 Users 2 0 354th
Adult Hangout for you and your friends. Parties, Dancing, Private Rooms and Secluded areas for that special friend. ALL are welcome, human, furry, fae or fiend...
Never Harbor
0 Users 9 2 355th
Come sail away! Never Harbor, near the welcome center, the portals, and village! Come enjoy the yacht club and Freebie Town, Shopping and other things to do! En...
0 Users 48 3 356th
Nach Umzug in ein besseres Grid ist meine Mall wieder eröffnet Auf einer Mall im toscanischen Stil biete ich eine große Kollektion an Lingerie und Kostümen an....
0 Users 1 0 357th
0 Users 2 1 358th
Dinkie Town is in ALADINKIE where the southern comes from so be kind sorry only dinkies allowed here join our group watch for events and new items
0 Users 60 27 359th
Visit the Farm shop with loads of new items for your VivoSim system then take a stroll to the Petting zoo and on through the nature reserve, art gallery and far...
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