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Popular Regions

Little Big City Kids
1 Users 18 1 71st
Mostly kids on this grid, if you are anti Child Avatar. No need to visit is there. Kind , Respectfull , Demure Always. hop://
Freebie Store 2024
0 Users 130 0 72nd
MASSIVE FREEBIE STORE Free items from AviWorlds grid that is a collection of items from around the hypergrid.. Come Shop today!!!

Lunaria Emporium - Main Store
1 Users | 30 likes 6 comments

Lunaria Emporium is where you'll find unique products created solely by Luna, with themes such as Christmas, Cemetery, Magic, Castles, Steampunk Airships, Egyptian, Medieval, Japanese/Asian, Greek and Roman, Statuary, Decor, freebies, large architecture in multiple styles, and large Venues.

New Hope
1 Users 10 0 73rd
New Hope Grid is Home to live music, live musicians, and vocalists! It is the heartbeat of music in opensim! If you like music, you need to come check this grid...
Homestead Riverville 3
2 Users 7 0 74th
Free housing on one of the largest, most stable and fastest growing grids in OpenSim! We feel that everyone should have a place to call home, and AMV is a very ...
The ValLands
0 Users 5 0 75th
The Vallands
Pont Aeri
0 Users 1 1 76th
with prim 15,000) you can also buy it for a year at 1,000 dogecoins and resell or rent at the price you want, both empty and furnished, you can withdraw at any ...
1 Users 7 1 77th
Main Region for the VR-Esc Grid This is a Large Region for sailing, flying, housing Rental, developing your builds or scripts, and the welcome are for all resi...
3 Users 9 0 78th
Home to the Hypergrid International Expo
VB Creations
1 Users 6 0 79th
VB Creations, a Huge (2048x2048) region where you can explore, relax on the beach, or just go boating all day long. While there, you can also do some region ho...
1 Users 27 0 80th
A Small Shopping Region with Selected Clothes
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