Live Regions

1 Users 21 5 182nd
A store for clothes, jewelry, shoes, and ready-made avatars. The store is frequently updated with new products. For the body, Reborn, Legacy and Lara X are avai...
Home and Gardens
1 Users 62 7 187th
looking for a home? Need some landscaping? come on down to Home and Garden and pick up what you need

Lunaria Emporium - Main Store
0 Users | 30 likes 6 comments

Lunaria Emporium is where you'll find unique products created solely by Luna, with themes such as Christmas, Cemetery, Magic, Castles, Steampunk Airships, Egyptian, Medieval, Japanese/Asian, Greek and Roman, Statuary, Decor, freebies, large architecture in multiple styles, and large Venues.

1 Users 4 5 207th
Residential center, entertainment, shop.
1 Users 13 6 211th
Welcome to Captiva ! The best region to explore. Plenty of freebies here and a lot to do and explore. See if you can find the Alien encounter with flying sau...
Magical Fairies Pass 3
1 Users 5 1 212th
This region is where I have my AI Art Gallery. I wanted to wait until Wolf Fest before I put this region on OSW. Wolf Fest is on Wolf Territories Grid. Th...
Miami Lands
1 Users 2 0 216th
Part of the Bountiful Continent in Neverworld, Miami has a vibrant shopping area with many types of items, free parcel rentals for mixed use, several active clu...
Carpe Noctem 2
1 Users 6 2 218th
A Zoo with lot of Animals (Info signs + Sound), to walk through and enjoy. 2 Cafes and some food and drinkstands. Benches to sit and watch the animals. Also som...
Barefoot Dreamers Mall
1 Users 24 0 224th
We Have everything you will need to get you started in the virtual worlds, from complete avatars , to apparel, Hair, Shoes, furniture, houses, wedding supplies ...
1 Users 5 0 226th
LANDFREE for the redeemed of
1 Users 2 0 253rd
SpaceGrid виртуальный мир в Opensim русскоязычный сегмент. Мир где вы найдете друзей, где нет угрозы что если кому то вы не понравитесь вас без объяснений выгон...
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