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Veröffentlichung im Auftrag für Smaili Me, als Mitglied unserer Peaceisland Gruppe

Einige Mitglieder des Soul Grid sind wohl Gehirnlos und agieren beleidigend, sie können nicht eine Meinung gegenüber einer Auseinandersetzung oder einem Streit unterscheiden. Liebe Nasti eine Streitverursachung ist dies was du letztes Jahr gemacht hast, du weißt wo (Phil Collins Live) hier hast du eine hinterlästige Aufhetzung gegenüber Personen betrieben, was ich nun im Nachhinein erfahren habe, nachdem der Tommy und Crazy nicht mehr zur Party von Sylvia ins GWG gehen wollten.
Letztes Jahr wiederum, bei einer Party von Genie (Offworld) hast du Nasti und Karin als Sylvia zur Party kam und noch nicht einmal gerezzt war, Sylvia entwürdigt und angegriffen, das sie sofort weg ging und dies öffentlich, hier hat sich keiner eingemischt obwohl das unter aller Würde war, wenn ihr euch nicht mehr daran erinnert kann ich mit Offenlegung nachhelfen.

Und was ich am vergangenen Freitag am 23.Februar 2024 bei der Party vom Genie (Offworld) wo ich sachlich der AnaKathy.Rosenburg meine Meinung geäussert hatte
und hierzu über das Verhalten von sich einmischenden anwesenden Soul Mitgliedern und speziell über Karin feststellen musste in ihrer IM Nachricht dazu an mich, das diese Person weder eine Erziehung noch ein Ausbildung genossen haben kann, sie schreibt mir unter anderem im Wortlaut: du dreckige du kannst doch nicht unsere Souler die Ana angreifen
Jetzt verstehe ich auch liebe Nasti warum du nie alleine zu einer Party gehst und deine gehirnlosen Bodyguards dabei sein müssen.

Ich würde mich riesig über eine Äusserung von euch freuen, aber ich würde vorschlagen uns an neutralem Platz am besten nicht in Schriftform sondern zum Reden zu treffen mit Chill entspannender Musik im Hintergrund damit euere Gehirnzellen vielleicht beruhigt werden und wenn euer Still wieder auf assoziale Sprüche überschlägt und die Leute die euch noch nicht kennen kann man dies ja mit härterem Musiktönen übertönen und danach PARTYTIME !
Dieser neutrale Ort kann in Sandbox oder auch bei Micky im GWG sein, nicht zu vergessen, wozu er vorher befragt werden muss.

Noch etwas zu Ana Kathy, liebe Ana du weißt ab und an nicht was du redest und von dir gibst, ich will dir nicht zu nahe treten aber der Anschein erweckt es wie wenn du Persönlichkeitsstörungen hättest, ich kann dir einen Ratschlag geben, lass dir helfen.

Noch eine Bemerkung von mir Tommy und Crazy mischen sich in meine Belange nicht ein, sie verhalten sich nicht wie Souler. Ich bezahle auch kein Schutzgeld für mein virtuelles Dasein und Zuhause.

Ich schenke euch ein schönes Lächeln, was ich vorläufig in mein Profil real als Bild eingestellt habe, es ist zwar nicht mein wunderschönes Lächeln aber für die Souler reicht dies aus.

Smaili Me :)))))

P.S. ich bedanke mich recht herzlich bei dir Crazy das ich dies hier auf diesem Forum einstellen durfte.

Published on behalf of Smaili Me, as a member of our Peaceisland group

Some members of the Soul Grid appear to be brainless and abusive, unable to distinguish an opinion from an argument or argument.
Dear Nasti, what caused an argument is what you did last year, you know where (Phil Collins Live) here you were insidiously inciting people, which I now found out afterwards after Tommy and Crazy stopped going to Sylvia's party wanted to go to the GWG.

Last year again, at a Genie (Offworld) party, when Sylvia came to the party and wasn't even rezzed, you degraded and attacked Sylvia, so she immediately left and did so publicly. Nobody interfered here, even though that was the case was beneath all dignity, if you don't remember it, I can help by disclosing it.

And what I said last Friday on February 23, 2024 at the Genie (Offworld) party, where I objectively expressed my opinion to AnaKathy.Rosenburg and about the behavior of soul members present who were interfering and especially about Karin, she had to realize in her IM message to me that this person could not have had any upbringing or training. Among other things, she wrote to me verbatim: you dirty, you can´t attack our Soulers, here the Ana.

Now I understand, dear Nasti, why you never go to a party alone and your mindless bodyguards have to be there.

I would be very happy to hear from you, but I would suggest meeting in a neutral place, ideally not in writing form but in talking, with chill, relaxing music in the background so that your brain cells might be calmed down and if your silence turns back to anti-social sayings and the people who don't know you yet, you can drown this out with harder music and then PARTYTIME!

This neutral location can be in Sandbox or with Mickey in the GWG, not forgetting what he needs to be asked about beforehand.

One more thing about Ana Kathy, dear Ana, you sometimes don't know what you're saying and what you're saying, I don't want to offend you, but it seems like you have personality disorders, I can give you some advice, let me help you .

Another comment from me Tommy and Crazy don't interfere in my concerns, they don't behave like Soulers.
I also don't pay protection money for my virtual existence and home.

I'll give you a beautiful smile, which I've temporarily put up as a picture in my profile. It's not my most beautiful smile, but it's enough for the Soulers.

Smaili Me :)))))

P.S. I would like to thank you very much, Crazy, for allowing me to post this here on this forum.

Smaili Me: Marty das was du als Mist definierst wollte ich privat abklären aber war nicht machbar um die Sache abschliessen zu können. Ein Disput war nie mein Ziel. 7 months ago
hey folks starting soon we will have grand opening of paranormal club and beneath the deep blue sea 2 venus one loaded with mystery the other under water with the fishes come on over and visit for a splasing great time
A new attraction on Stark Straits, a gallery of AI art that does not take itself too seriously, being created from fantasy and desires by a complete novice!!! You will love it or hate it, it is the marmite gallery!!!!!! It it is called Niki's Checkerboard Museum of AI Art.

Sodasullivan: Woosh! a very fun and wild experience. I recommend a visit 7 months ago

Luxor at Wolf Territories Grid

Aurora Starchild: Oh wow :O ...also...Aliiiiens... :P That looks like the Stargate version of Luxor with the mothership just landing 7 months ago
Today I would like to talk to you about Hypergrid Games in AvatarLife.

Many times there has been talk of grids that have been improperly and unjustifiably advertised on Opensimworld in a misleading way, I don't understand how AvatarLife is still present here.

First of all, they don't have an open grid to Hypergrid; AvatarLife users, just like what happened in the past with Avitron, do not accept HG connections, neither outgoing nor incoming, yet they are FULL of things coming from Opensimulator (probably their team can go out for shopping...), from bodies to clothes to much more.

Furthermore, the region that is being advertised here is totally inappropriate, not only because it is unreachable for users, but also because it shows as reachable and instead requires registration (this can be read in the comments of the region).

To activate an account to purchase virtual currency, you also have to provide them with a document (something that not even Second Life requires unless in particular cases where it is really necessary).

No respect for privacy on the website, disregarding international laws.

There are plenty of Opensimulator grids that offer casinos where you can play safely and legally; one of these is for example Wolf Territories Grid, but there are others as well, while AvatarLife seems to have very little in terms of legitimacy, there are no official licenses for the use of currency in line with European laws, and some time ago there was a rather suspicious document regarding the validity of their RNG (Random Number Generator), which usually applies to European Video Lotteries and has little to do with Opensimulator scripts or LSL in general.

It would be interesting to understand, since there is no declared company behind this grid, with what legal premise (with servers based in England and therefore under English jurisdiction) they can be sure to be compliant.

But what surprises me the most is that the internal team is the same as AviTron's, and the modus operandi is the same; they take ideas from other platforms (and propose them in a borderline absurd way) both technically and architecturally.

So, I don't understand how their region is still allowed to be listed for advertising if they have little to do with HG.

Do you think they can be trusted? Not for me.

I have advised many to block incoming and outgoing connections from this grid, just as it happened with Avitron; users won't suffer from it since they can't travel in HG, only their staff members who go around taking things from Opensim and then passing through other grids will be affected, so blocking them to some extent seems reasonable, and if I were you, I would do it.

I would like some explanations on this matter, perhaps, so if I am mistaken, they can demonstrate their truths here.

Panthera Mayor: AvatarLife Grid is a closed grid and cannot hg there or out of there. 7 months ago
Feeling empty today. Monkey sits still and quietly and looks worried. Not a normal morning in Caribou.

My partnership ended last night. I want to tell openly about it as it brings some changes to Caribougrid. And I hope that it can help others who have gone through the same.

I am so happy that Andron remains in Caribou. He will be less here because of other obligations and responsibilities. And yes, we will stay close friends. Andron will continue to help me with the difficult tech issues. We share our home here and I see that there are always fresh flowers and something to eat in the kitchen.

But our partnership? It did not get a real chance, for many reasons. And the future? We see what it brings.

There are some changes in Caribou. Three 2x2 large regions are now away or empty. Monkey and me are starting to repair them and we hope to have Caribou back in shape soon.

Friends are welcome to help of course.

Caribou will remain open for all 18+ Avatars from all regions and grids. There will be no changes.

I hope that you will all continue to respect this so that we can serve as a meeting point for everyone, outside any grid conflicts.

My younger sister Christina Lion is 19+ and will help me in Caribou. Yanny who is a wee bit older likes to be a fairy so better that Christina takes the responsibility.

'Little Lion' Christina cried, but was happy that Andron and her cousins will stay, even if they can come more seldom.

So, at the end it did not turn out to be as bad a day as I had expected. But yes, an empty and lonely feeling came over me, which Monkey understood.

I still suffer from the exclusion that I wrote about earlier, and am always here to lend a listening ear if someone wants to talk about these things.

Looking at Monkey, I smile. I love you and need you.


AVs from all Grids Welcome

Shemale Ladyboy TG 18+ M F Women Men Neko Furry Others

Best Shops - new mesh bodies, outfits, animations - Petite Reborn Legacy Athena. GRIMM

18+. Short or tall. Ask Jeanne. No groups.

Be safe as 18+.

Free Private Homes, Islands, Hideaways for Caribou Grid Avatars. Others Ask Jeanne. Full Owner Rights.


Lilly Pond: Dear Jeanne I just can give you a hug! “Keep a little fire burning; however small, however hidden.” 7 months ago
Proud of our overhaul of the gaming region at Hypergrid Games ! Take a look at the 360 image on our profile :) Welcome for all games lovers; just make yourself an account in 5 minutes at:
I have new requests for new charm bracelets. Themes are fun, especially for events. If you would like a special bracelet designed for your grid just IM with the details Thank you for all the IM and support! It is always such an inspiration reading your notes, thank you I love you too 𖨆♡𖨆

Marianna: A recent IM asked "What is a good resource for mesh clothing. I will post here so that you can refer back to this post for the links-----> To the dudes out there saying we need more clothes for the g... 7 months ago

Zoree is on stage entertaining us till 2pm grid.. come enjoy her beautiful voice. DJ Essensual will be playing after.

HALFTIME AT CLUB FIRE Half time come down

12ᴩᴍ DJ TEK
ᴡʜᴇɴ: Thursday @ 12PM GT
ᴀᴛᴛɪʀᴇ: CASUAL
Parsons Creek Lodge proudly presents..
Come have a listen to this wonderful vocalist!

❈ ════ ❈ LIVE at 1:PM OST
❈ ════ ❈ Parsons Creek Lodge
❈ ════ ❈ RIDE: Creek lodge
Just to be clear, I have always pursued my own ideas in my work and have never been interested in replicating what others have done. Because of that my work is easily identifiable wherever it is on the hypergrid. So when I heard that I had stolen someone else's idea for a dance floor I laughed. Pictured above is an event at my Aeroclub on July 13th, 2018 on Bill Blight's old grid (OpensimLife), now gone since he retired. I was using arcane textures on dance floors even back then. When I built the Lotus Club early last year on Luxor I created a similar dance floor because that's what I liked. And no, it would never bother me that someone else got a similar idea on their own. I remember when Essensual bought my Grand Ballroom then invited me over to see it. She had completely remodeled it into a gorgeous Art Deco style. I could still see my objects and textures but I loved how she creatively rearranged everything and added in some of her own textures. That's the way it should be in Opensim.

Nico Kalani: I'm going to sue the Munchkins for putting an occult symbol on their floor. :) 7 months ago
Zoree Jupiter Live
1:00pm at The Triannon Ballroom
Friendly crowd and music variety according to your requests.
Looking forward to having you join us :)
Attire: Formal Complex
Rice Tyler brings an experience of a "real life´s" rock concert. Tyler performs a variety of genres from 80´s, 90´s or even 2000´s, like pop, rock, hard rock, heavy metal, and love metal with the best rock ballads.
❈ ════ ❈ LIVE at 12:PM
❈ ════ ❈ RIDE: Creek Lodge
Parsons Creek Lodge proudly presents..
Katia has been doing Internet performances for over 15years. Her wide range of styles coupled with an upbeat stage presence and her infectious laugh has drawn a large fan-base. Come check her out & Welcome her to OpenSim!
❈ ════ ❈ LIVE at 11:AM
❈ ════ ❈ Parsons Creek Lodge
❈ ════ ❈ RIDE: Creek lodge

Freitag 1.3.2024
Rock-House (512)
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

* Heisst: Dem DJ ist kein Thema eingefallen.
Da hat er dann in seinem Archiv wahllos ein paar Schubladen aufgezogen
und aus jeder 3 Lieder genommen ...
Und so wurde aus Diesem und Jenem eine Playlist.
Und der Dj sah was er geschaffen hatte.
Und er sah, dass es gut war!

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid :
Remember when going to the mall was more than just shopping?

Socializing, hanging out, relaxing, walking, skating....
Malls were more than just a place to buy things.

Friends Mall was created with that in mind. Sure it is a place to buy things....but it is so much more!

From the amazing skatepark in the courtyard to the gorgeous surrounding harbor with boats to enjoy....friends mall is an experience! You may not be ready for the half pipe....but maybe you have always wanted to learn how to sail. Come enjoy the artwork ranging from Michelangelo to Banksy to street artists....and expand your definition on what art is.
Stop by Friends Bistro and enjoy a snack before you head to the shops.

The shops at Friends mall are as diverse as the residents who run them. You will find totally unique hand crafted items as well as our favorites from around the Hyper Grid.

The specialty shops at Friends Mall include:
Skateboards Shop. Friends-grid rentals, Bits n Bobs-noobie avi and clothing, Substance - for subs, Curiosity Shop - unique items, Fractal Designs - art, Sunset Market - animated art, Toy Shop - cars, boats and planes, Corazon de melon - petite clothes and accessories, Michiko CreatioN - oriental art, Joy Love Free Store- clothing and accessories, El Rincon Arturiano - Medieval furnishings, Sailing School, Bahro Fine Art, Photo Booths, Threadz Boutique - fashion, Threadz Beach - bikinis & swimwear, Threadz Barely there - Lingerie, Threadz Sole - shoes, boots and tennis shoes

If any items appear in our shops incorrectly and you are the original creator of the product, please contact me and I will gladly remove.

hey folks new grid new venus we have paranormal club and beneath the sea with awesome djs and amazing singers

hey folks new grid new venus we have paranormal club and beneath the sea with awesome djs and amazing singers

I am looking for a dance floor in the shape of a ring with balls on which the dancers can sit. The whole ring rotates slowly. You often see them, I'm looking for a place where I can get something like this.

Jupiter Rowland: I've just been told to recommend you to ask Victor Clary or Samira Samtanko in Dereos. 7 months ago
I am old :) I don't care! So I really don't care what you think :) I may not have seen "attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion" but I've seen and done some stuff that doesn't involve sitting and whining in a text box. So have your pale fun or wake up and make a POSITIVE difference :)
Love to all

Arielle: Getting older is mandatory but getting wiser is optional. 7 months ago

Carmen Jewel: I never tire of looking at pics of virtual beauty :) 7 months ago
Thursday 29 February 12-14

90's Hits - DJ Ruth at Angels Club

Dance and chat at legendary Angels Club.

18+ AVs from all Grids welcome, large or small. Ask Jeanne if you wish.

Shemales Ladyboys 18+ M and F Adult Males Females Fairies All are welcome.

Safe for all 18+ - LGBTQAI Adult Region.

The Best Free Shops. Hard to find Athena, Petite, Reborn, Legacy... GRIMM. Free of Course.

No groups are needed as the whole region is 18+. Shop Love Live Play among 18+ Adults.

Homes, Islands, Hideaways. Ask Jeanne.
Hi everyone. Hippie here.
First Thank you for making this group.
I am looking for several things, types of things.

Art Deco items, clothes of that era and anything else, I do have some but more is definitely better LOL
Also Burlesque AO or something similar, Burlesque costumes or something which can be adapted, modified as such.

Also Koi
Sorry a mish mash I know.

If anyone can help steer me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
Good Day/ Night all.

Nico Kalani: Arkham has one of the largest, and newest, collections of AOs and dance packs. It's a good place to start your search. 7 months ago
ternity Night Club PROUDLY Presents LIVE Performer Zoree Jupiter! 6-7PM OST GRID TIME!!
*Second Life and First Life as well as having sung at such famous venues as Carnegie Hall, for The Cure, Zoree shares her amazing talent for the poetic, the passionate and the emotion now on stage with her voice.~ R. D. *Performing in Virtual worlds such as Secondlife, Inworldz and Avination since 2009
*Theme: Black VS White!
* Raffle: 6-8PM Is Brought To You By River Island Fashions (Erdette Clarity) A Mesh Black Harness Dress. If You Are Bom You Can Wear Classic Clothes)And Mesh Outfits.HG friendly!!

Everything you need to decorate and celebrate St. Partrick´s day. Come have a look and give it a try!

Hi all!

Here goes my request: I'm looking for someone who can create hair for my avatar on opensimulator (in osgrid). I can pay with paypal or L$
Basically is the hair style of Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII.

Jamie Wright: Welcome Monica:) This is going to sound odd but try and find a region that has fantasy/rp/anime type people statues. Sometimes you can unlink the hairs. Q-Mesh on Kitely has a style that's kinda close... 7 months ago

tonight at 10.00 pm Latin dance evening for couples in the ballroom, we are waiting for you

(A summary of a comment to a Frontpage Post). Tigerkitti Eberdene ( has a new sim called Darkness Falls (

Tig is searching for anything Goth related. There is a Hell underground, and in the sky, Heaven (a work in progress. It’s best to visit to see what the place is about. I went there looking for goth clothing, but its also a build with a Gothic theme). Tig invites suggestions and stuff for the build

Tig would also like someone to get statues from a place (not yet identified) that they not able to get to. Can any one help with getting them? We are awaiting Tig joining the group but I thought it would be nice to get some suggestions in advance.

Jamie Wright: Nico, perfect pic for the theme of Darkness Falls:) 7 months ago
When people post private conversations it does get complicated and mixed up. It was never about stealing a texture it is about coming to my Grid long enough to see the idea and take it back with you. Sure you say everyone does it and it is a form of flattery. Luna's texture is not what this is about. Perhaps the most significant aspect of this issue is the theft of ideas. Textures and assets are not just passive elements; they contribute to the overall narrative and aesthetic of a piece. When someone replicates these elements without permission, they're not just copying pixels—they're co-opting the creative vision and storytelling of the original artist. They're diluting the integrity of the work and robbing it of its unique identity.

In the digital age, where content is easily accessible and infinitely replicable, it's crucial to uphold principles of respect, integrity, and ethical conduct. Instead of focusing solely on the act of stealing textures or assets, let's shift our attention to the broader issue of respecting creative ideas and the individuals behind them. Let's foster a culture of collaboration, attribution, and appreciation—a culture where ideas are celebrated, not stolen. Because ultimately, it's not about the texture—it's about the idea. It is not okay to take free items found online and sell them on the Kitely market either. The terms say for personal use, not for commercial. To say well my clients don't know how to create the models so they buy from me, I add my purple textures and they love them. Makes no difference. Not for commercial use means just that. I see one model being sold that is questionable Luna shows a license and creator there which conflicts with this which clearly states for Private use so which license is accurate? When there is a question as to where the original came from ethically you should not resell it without knowing the original creators TOS.

There is room for Gypsies now.

We have 1st and 2nd floor shared shop spaces available in our mall region that are rent free, we also have private shop space rentals with room to expand. All Shops include a touch TP back to the owner's grid and region to their main shop.
We also have regions available, just ask.