OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

What Are You Looking For?

From the front page box:
Mystic Moonlight
"anyone know where kyaker magic is now
looking for his ridabl;e donkeys"

***This sounds like a job for WAYLF!***
(I should have thought of a different name).
Saturday Roundup: Stuff we are still looking for.

Who and what. (See the posts to comment)
John Sheppard : A dragon that wears Gap clothing apparently.
Julie: A means of locomotion
LilyLove42: A horse home that is not homely
Cherry Manga: Animations for similar stances
SheaButter:  A long-necked zoo dweller
Esti Mation: Disagreeable NPCs

John Sheppard: Fred did a tutorial on his website, to make the Gap Dragon from Xanth. I'm having issues uploading the mesh to opensim. 2 days ago

Looking for the collars and such in kinky shop at arcadia grid, He has left opensim i guess and id like to get the collection as these were the fixed ones lotek did.

John Sheppard: Give me a couple days to do it. 2 days ago

I am looking for a uploaded version of Fred's Gap Dragon. Unfortunately my version of Firestorm will not upload it, no matter how much I try.

Sharpened Razor: where is the file to download for the Gap Dragon 4 days ago
Good morning! I am looking for a script that does something really simple: if you land on the invisible prim it is in (on collision?) it gives you a notecard. I want to use this to give out a notecard with landmarks to various points of interest in my region. I have found several in the scripts library here, copied them to a new script and tossed into a prim but when picking "reset scripts"
they keep telling me there is no script in the prim. I am a doofus, I know nothing about scripting. If someone already has something like this I would love to know where to find it, thank you so much!

Marianna : Hi I use this one, the notecard goes in contents named "Landmarks Notecard" // Notecard Giver on Collision string NOTECARD_NAME = "Landmarks Notecard"; // Change this to match your notecard's name... 6 days ago

Looking for a wild west steam train Please

Hi all I'm Looking For Stables that looks good

Hey, community helpers. Know that you are appreciated. Sorry I've fallen behind in acknowledging and thanking you. I've reviewed the past two months of posts and made a list. Check out the post
Please check out a new group and offer your ideas and suggestions

I'm still trying to figure out the name.
1. Why Yes! I Do Have a Media Site About OS.
2. OS News and Views: Blogs, Pix and Video".
3. The View: OS Blogs, Pix and Video.

And I'm still trying to figure out how to explain the aim of the group. Have a look at the current posts and you might get a sense of it.

Sprites of the Glen by encantada

Chelsea Louloudi: I have these I can drop them off or you can come visit 13 days ago

Does anybody know where I can find nice gates? place and grid pls?

Nico Kalani: The link is hop:// Click on "Landscaping' and you will find 5 different ones in that area. Use Firestorm area search to locate them 13 days ago

white male elf outfit from tierra di volcanes in amv

CyberGlo CyberStar: i got it. 15 days ago

alguien sabe donde puedo encontrar bebes y muebles?

Herme: 20 days ago

Corn. I'm looking for a mesh/prim/scuplted cooked corn kernel. Not cobs of corn - pieces of corn. If anyone has them or has seen them around please:)

Hello :)

I am looking for mirrored poses, like one pose, the other is same pose but reflected.
Anyone has a good place for this please?


Hi all,
Does anybody know of places where you can get scripted guns that shoot physical bullets. I found some at Lani on osgrid (free) and one set on yggdrasil on moonrose (play money). But I'm looking for others. Specifically regular guns/rifles/pistols and not blasters/lasers.
Thanks for any info.

LunaAylan: Advantis : 2 months ago

Looking for the boardwalk booths of games. Ring toss, etc..

JamieWright: Mall is the old big LK Mall that has all those boardwalk booths in the furniture section and even in the buildings room the big box of all thinsg boardwalk. I also noticed a co... 2 months ago

Hi all :) I am looking for a "multi-scene rezzer" that helps me to rez/de-rez scenes - one after the other - using a menu. One click to rez/derez scene/theme. Any help would be really appreciated :)

JamieWright: Following because I also might find this one useful:) 2 months ago

Darci Viper is looking for some real nice system skins. I know plenty of you can help with this.

JamieWright: Darci, I technically have lots but my region where I was planning to share them is a bit messed up right now. A bunch of my boxes were suddenly empty. Working on repairing that before I reopen it. Wha... 2 months ago

I am in search of Indian NPC's and teepees. Also tumbleweeds that move around. Any information and shares ... thank you in advance.

JamieWright: Hi Tay, What is the era of your region/s in time? I'm not going to remotely assume anything about your cultural heritage and the words you chose to use or reclaim. As a white settler with the p... 2 months ago
Looking for building that would be perfect for country club. Also in search of desert cactus, and other plants. Animals with western vibes. Any tips, where abouts, and items are very grateful and helpful. Thank you in advice.

Gentle Dragonheart: also for buildings: Virtualvista's free house galleries (there is a 1 and a 2, both huge sims, right next to each other. ) 2 months ago
Looking for buildings to bring a city alive :) I am thinking: police station, fire station, restaurants, bars, stores with stuff in them in short.. scenery for in between the real stores and houses. Any ideas, oh gurus of findstuffz?

Gentle Dragonheart: Thank you Jamie! I visited both and found a ton of inspiration as well as nice things I picked up. 2 months ago

Suzi_Avonside asks: "Anyone know of a DJ board that actually works? I have two, neither of them work."

Help bring the joy of DJ music to Suzi.

Suzi_Avonside: Thanks for the help, however like so much in Opensim, two of the boards suggested are exactly the same as those I have and don't work. The one copied from Whatif won;tallow me to log on as a DJ and wo... 2 months ago
Good Afternoon .... I am searching for the following. Any information and location would be an great help as well. Looking for animals such as rattle snakes, bears, eagles, etc. that would be great for trails for horses. Thank you in advance

JamieWright: Tay, there's an old shop on Wright Plaza in OSGrid; Hylee Becker's shop. She's not really around anymore but in that shop she has a big box of animals which might have some of those: 2 months ago

Anyone got animated giraffe's for my zoo am building.

where can i find actual working games that people can play for my region

SheaButter: We have gioco game, and various others at AVW. 2 months ago

Thank you for add

Looking for Chinese furniture and Japanese furniture. lamps as well and anything else i might find.

regards to all. has anyone ever seen battle NPC-s? looking for them.

Bye !

Hi all, I am looking for static prop bodies/corps looking dead or sleeping etc. Thanks in advance and a happy 2025 to all :)

Hicks: I have a mesh mummy ... if it interests her she lies with her arms crossed on her stomach 3 months ago

What's that you say? Crap? You're looking for poor quality crap? Well then, go visit the Poor Quality Crap group!

Marianna : Thank you for promoting total crap! 💩💗💩 3 months ago
Asking for a friend: in times when R.Lion is offline or for whatever reason inaccessible for days or weeks at a time, where can we find Lelutka heads with a HUD? I can find other heads but all the Lel heads I have with HUDs come from R.Lion and are no transfer & she needs her head HUD to complete her new avie!

Gentle Dragonheart: Sciattisgrid has a few of the Lelutka heads out in a 4.0 version with HUD and some options the R.Lion heads don't have. It's a work in progress, they say they are wo... 3 months ago

An update here: Ms Niki from Zetaworlds helped me to find the scripts by Edison Rex! All sorted now. Thanks Niki!

Nico Kalani: Edison Rex is one of the fine folks in the Sharing Is Caring family. Another is Felix Mafia, who does a lot of work to get bodies and heads to function in OS. 3 months ago
@JustCurious wants a link to the discord group for this group. I did make a related group "What I Found on OS." It's been inactive for about 8 months now.

Anybody can check it out and revive it if you like
If anyone is looking to collaborate with people with skillz, the "What Are You Looking For" group is the place to ask.

So, there may or may not be people who want to work together like the Gilded Accord do. (Form a Builders Guild perhaps?).

The fine folks in the Sharing is Caring family have this all sorted out I think. They are some of the original importers and likely had a way to coordinate their efforts. @ChilliBean. Felix Mafia does a great amount of work with getting bodies and heads to work in OS. Last I checked, he's also part of the Sharing is Caring family.

@LaylaHart42 is "looking for poses and Backdrops where can i fine them plz and thank you"

Nico Kalani: Hey, funny you should ask. :) There are plenty of places with poses, but I don't know anyplace but R. Lion's with both. And he has lots and lots of them. I don't have the link to his place at the mom... 3 months ago


Can we speed up an existing animation using a script ?


Hello, I am looking for work related and dayly activities ANIMATIONS. For exemple,wood worker animations (cutting trees, logs, etc, cleaning home etc. I am also looking for folk and traditional dances.

According to you, what are the best places to explore and search for animations ?

Hello, I returned to Osgrid very recently, looking to develop my "virtual sailing" passtime :-). From past visits to the opensimulator grids I remember some sailing scripts developed by Edison Rex, from Zetaworlds. They were a very good alternative to SFsail (although these are fine too). I think Edison developed his version on the basis on Becca's open-source script. Anyway, now I see the sims which had these scripts are offline. Would anybody have one or some of Edison's boats or scripts? Any help would be much appreciated. June 1976

Just joined "What Are You Looking For" -- thanks to Nico!!

What Are You Looking For?
Post about items you are, well, looking for, like outfits, builds, shops, services, skills, and so on. Here's how it works.
• Post your request in the group.
• If you like, use group chat to provide the link to the post to immediately alert people about it.
• Please do not post requests or answer them in chat. We are an alternative to making a request in the Front Page Box. Like there, group chat text will disappear, while posts, and the replies, will persist, providing on-going help to people browsing the posts.
• And please, consider being a helper, and visiting regularly to do that.

Thanks to all helping this group help people find what they are looking for.
146 members
Created 1 years ago by Nico Kalani

New Comments

JamieWright 3 hours ago
@johnsheppard I'm not sure if any of these are the dragons but I saw a whole freebie giver thingy of dragons on Bob Solo's grid. It's possible one of them is the GAP one but renamed because lots of st...
John Sheppard 2 days ago
Fred did a tutorial on his website, to make the Gap Dragon from Xanth. I'm having issues uploading the mesh to opensim.
John Sheppard 2 days ago
Give me a couple days to do it.
John Sheppard 2 days ago
I have them. I can box them up and put them out on my grid.
Mistressdalgato 2 days ago
Sharpened Razor 3 days ago
there is some @ freelife grid really nice ones hop:// Life Great Gatsby/1152/964/40