OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Installing upgrades on E Grid.

Will be offline overnight most likely, back up asap!

Rocking Thursdays @ Harmony Isle
Dj Golbez and his Exciting Rock Show Invade Harmony Isle Now till 6pm grid time.
Then, The Sweet Dj Alex and her sultry tunes return at 6 to 8pm grid time.
Taxi: hop://
See you there!

Just released, Ebody Reborn Zip-Up skirt with colour changing HUD

Rock-House (Special) am 07.06.2024.
Freitag 7.6.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Mit allen Wassern gewaschen
Alles ist im Fluss*

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid :
In Honor of your performance and entertainment in open sim and Gentle fire grid we thank you this is Zorre Jupiter
Performing in Virtual worlds such as Secondlife, Inworldz and Avination since 2009

The forests of Madrigal

Harmony Isle Events:
Dj KrisTina
Starting Now Till 8pm Grid-Time
Classic Rock night
Taxi: hop://

WHEN: 11:00am
MAP: hop://
Singer Songwriter Samuel James delivers a great acoustic show! Samuel is a must listen to Autistic artist from Australia. With his mesmerizing voice and captivating lyrics, he delivers a one of a kind musical experience that will leave you absolutely breathless.
WHEN: 11:00am
MAP: hop://
Yin Yang Town Store is open NOW !!
- discover something new every day!
- all for free
- decorative items
- Houses
- Characters
and much more


dj james is spinning some wild tunessssssssssssssssssssssss

Die Malzburg
Meine Burg wird ausgebaut und sie liegt im Kaiserreich Cartabria!

When: Saturday June 1
Time: 8:00am Grid Time
MAP:'s Sex Hideaway

Mattt McGregor: The Goddess is dead. Long live JaM's. And Rogue, we've waited what feels like forever you!!! 5 months ago
A List of OS LGBT+ Focused Places.
Perhaps, foremost, this groups serves our members as a refuge, and place to form connections and community. But the group is not just social. I hope it will be action-oriented. I'd like to help LGBT+ Focused places survive and thrive. We will also help promote LGBT+ Friendly places.

What is the difference between focused and friendly? LGBT+ Friendly places serve as friends and allies to the LGBT+ community. LGBT+ Focused places are intended to serve the LGBT+ community, but generally, are also open to all.

Many places that aim to be a gathering place have difficulty surviving in OS. But LGBT+ Focused places seem to have the hardest time of all. Most are listed by OSW as off-line, from anywhere between one month to seven years.

Here is a list of list of OS LGBT+ focused places that I found listed as on-line at the time of my search. I used the search terms “Gay”, “Lesbian”, “Shemale”, and “Trans” The information on the list includes Name / When Listed on OSW / Traffic Rate /Owner / URL / NOTE. They are listed in order of traffic rank. Most have dance clubs. (We could plan a Safari-style tour event at places without dance clubs).

(5 years)
Mathilda Stark
NOTE: Mathilda is a Group member. Stark has several clubs and daily dance events.

Nautilus Inclusive Keys
(2 yrs)
Chad Deischer Inclusive Keys
NOTE: Chad has a number of Nautilus named regions, This is the only one I found with a club.

(2 yrs)
Valerie NatureInSim

Radiant Rainbow
(1 mo)
Hairton_Earnshaw Rainbow

The Rendezvous (ally)
(1 yr)
Cataplexia Numbers Rendezvous

(20 days)

(2 yrs)
Rhowin Blackwell
NOTE: “[Currently Under Construction]”

GayPride 2
(5 mo)
Gazza Dezno 2
NOTE: 2nd, and most popular, of two regions

Gay Nation
(1 mo)

(9 yrs)

(7 mo)

(10 mo)
Gazza Dezno

Free Life Lovely LesBiAna
(5 mo.)
Elise Dior

(3 yrs)

(9 yrs)

Kira Farm
(3 yrs)
Bruce Shaw Farm

Nico Kalani: Not on the list at the moment: the Alphabet Club. It's a dance club for the LGBT+ community and friends on Xinashi. I built it when Stark closed a couple of years ago. I just recently re-opened it. I'... 5 months ago
Freitag 31.5.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

*Weil der letzte Freitag mit "Fortsetzung folgt" von BAP endete ...

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.
Hypergrid :

Arielle: Is that a picture of a couple dancing or fighting? It's hard to tell! 5 months ago

This is what is happening today with DJ Gio rockin' the Wolf Pack! 17 people today! WOOT! ;)

Updated and ready to go, this beautiful palace is on display here at Star Jinn Palisade Mall and it's full perm, free and waiting just for you. Done in a fashion reminiscent of ancient Persian architecture, it has a light, airy feel and a roof top pool. This enchanting palace is a must see and maybe even a must have for your region! Stop in and see it for yourself. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Join us in Wizardry at The School of Magic. Learn to fight evil hackers, evil scripters, greifers, and maligned individuals.

The announcer during the speech

With programming in the air, do not forget the fundamental rules of synchronization and creativity. Try to avoid a lack of concentration at work by doing other things at the same time, this causes errors.
Concentration is essential for the perfect execution of the table operation, when it comes to an announcer-operator (FM radio) and is also essential for synchrony between the announcer and the audio operator (AM radio). The posture is very important, it reveals respect for the programming and the listener.

The announcer and the voice

The voice is the working instrument of the announcers and through it many manage to create ambient magic. If we have a beautiful voice by nature we start with an advantage (it is not possible to obtain it through plastic surgery!) but a beautiful voice is not only one that is deep and velvety; We also need good diction, articulation and interpretation.
They act as a preventative against throat infections, which are harmful to the speaker.

Care with your voice:

Avoid drinking ice cold liquids
Gargle with warm water accompanied by half a glass of lemon in the morning.

Contact us:


L'annonceur pendant le discours

Avec une programmation en l’air, n’oubliez pas les règles fondamentales de synchronisation et de créativité. Essayez d'éviter le manque de concentration au travail en faisant autre chose en même temps, cela provoque des erreurs.
La concentration est essentielle à la parfaite exécution du fonctionnement de la table, lorsqu'il s'agit d'un annonceur-opérateur (radio FM) et est également essentielle à la synchronisation entre l'annonceur et l'opérateur audio (radio AM). La posture est très importante, elle révèle le respect de la programmation et de l'auditeur.

L'annonceur et la voix

La voix est l'instrument de travail des annonceurs et grâce à elle, beaucoup parviennent à créer une magie ambiante. Si nous avons par nature une belle voix, nous partons avec un avantage (il n'est pas possible de l'obtenir par chirurgie esthétique !) mais une belle voix n'est pas seulement grave et veloutée ; Nous avons également besoin d’une bonne diction, articulation et interprétation.
Ils agissent à titre préventif contre les infections de la gorge, nocives pour le locuteur.

Prenez soin de votre voix :

Évitez de boire des liquides glacés
Se gargariser avec de l'eau tiède accompagnée d'un demi-verre de citron le matin.


Courriel :

L'annunciatore durante il discorso

Con la programmazione in onda, non dimenticare le regole fondamentali della sincronizzazione e della creatività. Cercare di evitare la mancanza di concentrazione sul lavoro facendo altre cose contemporaneamente, questo causa errori.
La concentrazione è fondamentale per la perfetta esecuzione del funzionamento del tavolo, quando si tratta di un annunciatore-operatore (radio FM) ed è fondamentale anche per la sincronia tra annunciatore e operatore audio (radio AM). La postura è molto importante, rivela rispetto per la programmazione e per l'ascoltatore.

L'annunciatore e la voce

La voce è lo strumento di lavoro degli annunciatori e attraverso di essa molti riescono a creare magia ambientale. Se abbiamo una bella voce per natura partiamo avvantaggiati (non è possibile ottenerla con la chirurgia plastica!) ma una bella voce non è solo profonda e vellutata; Abbiamo anche bisogno di una buona dizione, articolazione e interpretazione.
Fungono da prevenzione contro le infezioni alla gola, che sono dannose per chi parla.

Prenditi cura della tua voce:

Evitare di bere liquidi ghiacciati
Al mattino fare dei gargarismi con acqua tiepida accompagnati da mezzo bicchiere di limone.



Der Ansager während der Rede

Vergessen Sie beim Programmieren nicht die Grundregeln der Synchronisation und Kreativität. Vermeiden Sie Unkonzentriertheit bei der Arbeit, indem Sie gleichzeitig andere Dinge erledigen, da dies zu Fehlern führt.
Bei einem Ansager-Operator (UKW-Radio) ist Konzentration für die perfekte Ausführung der Tischoperation unerlässlich und auch für die Synchronität zwischen dem Ansager und dem Audio-Operator (AM-Radio) unerlässlich. Die Haltung ist sehr wichtig, sie zeigt Respekt vor dem Programm und dem Zuhörer.

Der Ansager und die Stimme

Die Stimme ist das Arbeitsinstrument der Ansager und durch sie gelingt es vielen, eine atmosphärische Magie zu erzeugen. Wenn wir von Natur aus eine schöne Stimme haben, beginnen wir mit einem Vorteil (es ist nicht möglich, sie durch plastische Chirurgie zu erreichen!), aber eine schöne Stimme ist nicht nur tief und samtig; Wir brauchen auch eine gute Diktion, Artikulation und Interpretation.
Sie wirken vorbeugend gegen Halsentzündungen, die für den Sprecher schädlich sind.

Kümmere dich um deine Stimme:

Vermeiden Sie es, eiskalte Flüssigkeiten zu trinken
Gurgeln Sie morgens mit warmem Wasser und einem halben Glas Zitrone.

Kontaktiere uns:


I don't often jump into the fray but I feel this short video summarizes my thoughts on the drama du jour:

A change of schedule is going into effect for this week's event at the Players Club. Dj Tom will be moving his next event to May 31st, Friday. Thank you, for understanding in advance.

Infinity 21 Owner,
Wicked Way

The Sweet Dj Alex and her sultry tunes Live Now.
Taxi: hop://
See you there!

The inverted pink triangle, surrounded by a green circle symbolizing universal acceptance, was introduced at anti-homophobia workshops from the Gay & Lesbian Urban Explorers in 1989. You may want to use this image at your place to show its a space free from homophobia and to indicate your alliance with gay rights. You can get a copy at the Xinashi landing zone.

Please help distribute the sign by setting it for sale and full perm. Let me know if you display this, and I'll add your place to a list of LGBT-friendly places. Not sure how we can use the list. Let's make a list of ways to use the list!

So, my grand plans for the Alliance. Let me know what you think.

The group description says that we work at "identifying and promoting places that celebrate pride, individuality, and diversity"

Identifying LGBT-Focused Places
• Use "region search" to find places with, for example, "gay" in their name/description.
• Call on our own and friends knowledge of such places.
• Put up a front-page post asking that owners of LGBT-focused places contact us.

Promoting - Plan A
Our main effort would be to help promote LGBT-focused places. We would rotate monthly events among them. Think of the Safari tours, but with a single destination each month. To be selected, these places would need to commit to cross-promoting Alliance events.

Promoting - Plan B
The aim is to create a community of LGBT-focused places that support one another. I've been cautioned that there are factions, politics and competition among them. So Plan B is to do Safari-like tours of LGBT-friendly places as well as any LGBT-focused place that agree to take part.

While there is a Plan and a Plan B, plan B would be easier to implement first. That means finding a good mix of LGBT-friendly and LGBT-focused places for Alliance events

The problem is that there are so many LGBT-friendly places (What a nice problem to have!) How do we go about picking which, and in which order, for monthly events that rotate among them? It makes sense to me to pick group member places first.

In addition, I'd like to have an annual fund-raising event for a group-selected organization that helps the LGBT community.

More to come.

Hyacinth: GroovyVerse, as a whole is safe, and loaded with beautiful places. But most of our region owners have been reluctant to put up a beacon because of the flack and negativity it attracts. I work long... 5 months ago

Let me be your guardian angel, Glenn my poor boy. ^^

Great group, there is no room for hate, anywhere. Love is all there is :D Out and proud here, Lesbian cis older lady. Quite a few people already know me here lol. I'm honestly surprised to see any hate in OS as OS, and online in general has always been very inclusive in my experience. So its good to see everyone coming together here to say NO to that sort of nonsense.

Hi! I found the group it yesterday, I'm a trans woman (I transitioned in 2017) and thanks for accept me ^^

A rich life should be one based on inclusion. Happy to join this group and claim my region as a supporter of it.

In the early days of the Gay Pride movement, as it was called then, I heard a man ask, "What do the gays do that they are so proud of?" He was suggesting that what defined gay people was simply their sexual behavior, and that behavior was unnatural and repulsive. Yet studies have found that 82.2% of women and 82.7% of men have had oral sex with an opposite-sex partner. And 35.1% of women and 38.1% of men have had anal sex with an opposite-sex partner. That guy, and people like him, need to be hating on a whole lot more people it seems.

But I didn't tell him that. What I said was that "Gay people are proud of surviving, and continuing to strive to be with those they love, despite the vile hatred of people like you." There have been 55 years of Pride Parades, and almost 10 years of nationwide legal same-sex marriage in the U.S.. But the struggle is not yet over -- in the world or in-world. So, thanks for being part of the Love Is Love Alliance.

Vamos¡¡¡¡¡¡ , esos locos años 50, precioso entorno. Ven y disfrútalo.

Just added the Hot Air Balloon Ride.

When: TODAY and Each Tuesday - 2 GRID TIME
Where: THROB CLUB at the Inclusive Keys OSG
Map: hop://
Hey folks, just a reminder about our Saturday Dance! This Saturday DJ Maldrul Smith will be featuring patriotic songs, love songs and patriotic love songs and of course his signature "Something Completely Different" Songs. We start at 6pm Pacific (SL/Grid) time and run until 8pm Pacific (SL/Grid) time. We'd love to have you join us for the fun, so here's the address in world - Al Kohav
When you arrive you will see the "Quick Teleport" system - just select Grid Dance Event and you'll be there, so come celebrate with us because there's just nothing better than good friends, good music and good fun!!


I'll be performing LIVE at Black Sun tonight!
Come over to Kitely & join us for some fun!
WHEN: 3:00pm OST
MAP: hop://
DJ Riker's Saturday Blues Showcase at Rockin' the Blues tonight at 6:00PM!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins: 2024-05-18 18:00 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
Calling all blues lovers! Get ready for a night of smokin' hot blues with DJ Riker at Rockin' the Blues! Riker is a master of the blues, with a deep knowledge of the genre and a knack for keeping the dance floor packed! He'll be spinning your favorite blues from classics to contemporary! Rockin' the Blues is the perfect place to soak up the atmosphere of the blues! Come on down! Bayou Rockin' The Blues