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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Help wanted - we have two positions available at this time. Both are at an admin status on the grid. #1 Events coordinator - help with promotion, scheduling and talent acquisition for our growing events profile on the grid. Must have knowledge of social media sites and use. May entail some graphics design. Direct report is the events manager.
[12:04 PM]
#2 Blogger/social media promoter. Candidate must have experience in using social media sites to promote grid activities and spot light regions, with emphasis on our sharing philosphy on the grid including the several hundred parcels available to the hypergrid and local population. Will include frequent posts and conversation starters. Must have experience in blogging and promotion.
[12:06 PM]
These positions are offered in exchange for a free full rights region in your name, for your personal or commercial use. All admin positions are offered with the understanding that Neverworld is your home grid, and participation must frequent depending on your position. Please contact Govega inworld or here if you are interested. Thanks!