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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Welcome Area, Lounge & Starting Point for Alternate Metaverse Grid. A warm friendly ADULTS ONLY grid (No Child Avatars Permitted) with Sailable Open Waters & Air, Copy & Save your own OAR from website, Self Restarts & Rollbacks, Low cost land packages, Regional God powers, Super fast Land Creation & Customer Service, Several Large and reliable servers, Online since 2019, FREE HOMESTEADS, 2 FREE weeks on your first land purchase, A choice of many FREE pre-built regions you can have put on your land. A community grid filled with Parks, Beaches, Diverse types of Roleplay INCLUDING GOT & Adult, Arts, Performers & DJs Daily, Karaoke, Open Mic, Zoos, Galleries, Community Areas, Clubs, Luxury Cruise Ship, Spas, Several Malls & Stores, Raceway Island Regions, Amusement Park, Zombie Hunt, Adult Getaways, Memorial, Spiritual & Chakra Exploration & Education, Dinkies World, Game Nights and countless places to Explore & Enjoy! Own a region as low as 5$ USD monthly! The Home of Chakras In Motion, The Seed @ Magic, Mystical Paths, Prana, The Seed & Serenity Chapel, Koryphon Academy- Free Education, Friendly & helpful Staff! Join AMV, OpenSim's Greatest supporter of the arts! Visit our WEBSITE for info & to join one of the largest communities in OpenSim for free today! https://www.alternatemetaverse.com