if you picke dup the 4.1 Simona upgrade and found it isnt always working ( cause of Xengine ) we did a fix on that.. you can pick up the latest Simona version at Vesti, and pick up the updated version only not all the other add ons
Is the Simona update less complex now? I stopped using it because that was a problem for me, especially if I want to be seen at a venue as myself by others and not as a jellydoll. I typically try not to go above 75k-100k on the complexity scale.
You did great with Xaara for sure! I'll check out the Simona update ASAP.
yes as it said the complexity has changed.. its much lower while still maintaining the auto alpha the 4 nipple choices and the 5 feet choices and the hud works for skins, hand poses,