I never really understood breeding animals in SL. It always seemed like a pure cash grab by the creator. You had to buy food and stuff constantly, and nobody would ever buy your animals at auction at a price where you would make your money back on all the food you had to buy. The animals ultimately don't have any value as they are just copies with a few color variations. What is the new owner getting out of buying your animal? Now they have to buy food for it and breed it trying to obtain some made up stat that is meant to add value and try selling it for profit that never happens. The ultimate winner is the creator for milking its customers.
I assume as your grid is closed to everyone, you are trying to monetize these prim animals in the same way as it works in SL. You know full well that if you open up to the HG that there would be no money to be made as nobody would buy the food and would just hack the animals to eat for free. The concept of an auction just wouldn't work on the HG as there is no money/economy here.
In short this post really just seems like an advert trying to entice people to sign up to their closed grid so they can milk a little cash. I'm not sure what the point of making an account on a closed grid is. You are just stuck there and are limited to what that grid has. Unless the grid is massive like SL there really is no point joining a small closed grid as far as I can see. SL is the only grid that has a "functioning" economy and trying to create a functional economy in open sim will never really work due to the lax permissions on items.
Its sad to say but this venture is likely doomed to fail. The lure of some monetized toy animals probably won't entice many people away from the hyper grid.