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Blessed Yuletide from The Starchilds!
Let this be my gift and Blessing to you: 'May, when give the choice, you always choose kindness. For you are all Children of the Earth and Starry Heavy, but your race is of Heaven Alone'.
For it's when the choice is the hardest to make, that becomes the most meaningful. May, when blame, when criticism, when frustration are the easy paths, you still make the hardest choice to be kind. For in this dwells a great Mystery of the quality of humankind.
As Miradola portrayed:
'We have given thee, Adam, no fixed seat, no form of thy very own, no gift peculiarly thine, that thou mayest feel as thine own, have as thine own, possess as thine own the seat, the form, the gifts which thou thyself shalt desire. A limited nature in other creatures is confined within the laws written down by us. In conformity with thy free judgment, in whose hands I have place thee, thou art confined by no bound; and thou wilt fix limits of nature for thyself. I have placed thee at the centre of the world. Neither heavenly nor earthly, neither mortal nor immortal have we made thee. Thou, like a judge appointed for being honourable, art the moulder and maker of thyself; thou mayest sculpt thyself into whatever shape thou dost prefer. Thou canst grow downward into the lower natures which are brutes. Thou canst again grow upward from thy soul's reason into the higher natures which are divine'.
Bright Blessing!