I am sure you are being sarcastic - but what you say may actually be true. Do not assume others disposable income! Besides - I wasn't aware that Lone actually DID 1x1 regions - from my memory (which may be faulty) in the past he only did 4x4s so I believed this to be significantly higher.
In actual fact though - the numbers you quote here are still incorrect. Its $6.35 for a 1x1 but you have to add prims on top of this. For the lowest tier it's $2.54 thats $8.89. Don't get me wrong thats still very good value.
However, to use Lone's new service of fixing oars I would imagine you would need a region the same size as the one he's going to fix. If your region on osgrid was a 4x4 then its unlikely that renting a 1x1 from Lone would be sufficient. In this case it would be $25.40 + $2.54 = $27.94. That may well put it out of reach of some people. Of course my assumptions on the size of region you need to rent for this are just that assumptions.
I do want to make it clear here that I am NOT criticizing Lone's pricing, or this new service. I am simply pointing out that some people may not be able to stretch to this or not be able to do this for other reasons. Your sarcastic comment about "might break someone" may not have been meant this way, but can be very demoralising for someone already down on their luck and feeling low. I do not believe looking down on people for their lot in life should be acceptable. Just my opinion maybe.