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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

ANVIL-Island is the soft opening title for "Immersion Island"

This is a "bootstrapped" project & massive WIP that I/we have developed over the past 2 years with the help of some wonderful creative makers, that attempts to bring contemporary artists, makers, creatives & technologists together in a virtual venue to engage in fun community events that will intermingle and blend art, entertainment, technology & commerce in a fun new way for both Virtual & Real Life. This video shows only about 1/3 of the experience which includes multiple live entertainment venues, VR & RL shopping, action games & a Dome presentation documentary theater. And we are just getting started.


The Grand Opening is October 27th, 2022, from 12pm to 5pm on the Kitely Grid @ Anvil Island. AKA Immersion Island. Everyone is invited.

It is not rocket science. Go to Kitely.com and sign up for a free account and drop in and have FUN!

If you are a "NEWBIE" which is totally fine. I am happy to hold an open house "NEWBIE" day on October 26th to help you get adjusted. We can meet in the Kitely.com Welcome Center for your first lesson and help with your free avatar.

Get your Firestorm viewer from:


Copy & Paste this link into your Web Browser:


Here are a couple of introduction videos to help give you a headstart:



We will be available from 12 to 4 Grid time (PST)

There will be hosts and helpers available to help and you can meet the makers that have mini popup displays.

As you come in please get your free Music Fanny Pack to wear that will allow you to control the background music.

We would ask that you dress lightly and minimize the use of AOs as a courtesy to the other users and the Live Performers.

Whenever you are in the main dome performance areas it is also a good idea to reduce your draw distance.

There is much to see and do. I am hoping this will turn into the type of mini-event that can be rethemed and changed for the seasons and special occasions. We are already planning for what to do this Christmas-Holiday season.

You are all welcome to come and have fun and celebrate this wild & crazy holiday but also the wonderful platform that makes it all possible.

Come have fun, enjoy & explore Immersion Island!

Kind regards,

William Michael McHugh


P.S. Old dogs can learn new tricks and we are happy to help and share.