
Serenity - Tides
1 Users 1 0 667th
Segel Revier
◉ Offline 1 0 1,767th
Die Sims ist über Kater and Friends zu erreichen da sie auf Smart Start steht.

Lunaria Emporium - Main Store
0 Users | 25 likes 5 comments

Lunaria Emporium is where you'll find unique products created solely by Luna, with themes such as Christmas, Cemetery, Magic, Castles, Steampunk Airships, Egyptian, Medieval, Japanese/Asian, Greek and Roman, Statuary, Decor, freebies, large architecture in multiple styles, and large Venues.

AMV Welcome
0 Users 100 0 2nd
Welcome to Alternate Metaverse Grid, a warm friendly Adults Only grid with Sailable Open Waters & Air. Copy and Save your own OAR from our website, Self Restart...
Littlefield Welcome
0 Users 13 0 61st
Littlefield Grid Welcome and Hangout Region! Land Rental Available! Live on the grid with years of experience! Come by and hang out at Littlefield! Hypergri...
0 Users 22 1 66th
0 Users 5 0 78th
La Holi, parfois appelée fête des couleurs ou Phalguna, est une fête hindoue originaire de l'Inde célébrée vers l'équinoxe de printemps. Cette région rend homma...
0 Users 26 3 149th
Manipura- Land of The Golden Sun Belly Dance, Chakra Awareness, Meditation, Tai Chi, Yoga Named after the Solar Plexus Chakra, Manipura is the golden sun with...
Wolf Mountain
0 Users 27 0 180th
Please note this grid is over 3 years old, we had to reset our opensimworld membership 6 months ago. Wolf Territories Grid has the largest land area of any O...
0 Users 0 0 327th
Part of the Wild Grid, where slaves run our farm which currently specializes in agricultural production. Implemented Weather System Recommendation: Advanced ...
Kishaki Winter Wonderland 1
0 Users 18 0 388th
Welcome to our Winter Wonderland Region called "Riverdale Winterzauber"! Feel always free to come arround and explore 8 Regions of pure Natural Winter. You can ...
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