
The Mall
2 Users 39 21 45th
The Mall is the shopping place for you everyone also hypergrid for your Hair, Clothes Boots, Shoes Female and Male. walk around and find the stuff for your n...
DayWalker Design 2
◉ Offline 1 1 1,686th
A brief description about DayWalker The DayWalker Designs it is a group and brand in virtual worlds, was founded by Armix Portal in 2007 in SecondLife website...

NW Welcome
0 Users | 6 likes 0 comments

Neverworld Grid Welcome area is your starting point in Neverworld Grid. We offer 10,000 meter parcels to all residents and everything here is free! We are serious creators who design for opensim, so if you are sick of Another Mediocre Drama Metaverse, come to Neverworld since 2015. Free Land has...

Shopping FUN
1 Users 11 0 15th
Die Welt in einer futuristischen Zukunft. Die Menschheit ist in den Weltraum gezogen. Die Shopping FUN ist der Anlaufpunkt für eine vielzahl von Bekleidungen f...
Gentle Fire Grid
1 Users 65 6 40th
Step into a New Reality! Discover the Gentle Fire Gid where your dreams come to life! explore Limitless Landscapes: From the bustling streets of futuristic ci...
The Pier
1 Users 16 18 42nd
Openly known as a The Pier Club has a few hotspots where alike can enjoy a wild night of clubbing. fun playlist House Bluse Live singers techno, mainstream mu...
1 Users 13 0 47th NewLifeItaly Italia nasce sei anni fa in veste di Videochat questo perchè la realtà della videochat permette di conoscersi meglio ...
1 Users 7 1 68th
Main Region for the VR-Esc Grid This is a Large Region for sailing, flying, housing Rental, developing your builds or scripts, and the welcome are for all resi...
Hidden Cove Ranch
1 Users 8 0 247th
Farming, horseback Riding, Living the country style. enjoying my farm, family and friends Great place to visit ... make some changes.
◉ Offline 4 1 1,686th
Imaginez-vous en vacances pendant les fêtes de Noel au ski avec toutes les illuminations ! Des surprises vous y attendent ! Pour une visite optimale mettez-vo...
NakedWorldz Grid
0 Users 24 0 2nd
A Naturist Recreational Grid For Everyone including Families & Friends Please visit our website at: naturist,nude,naked,op...
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