
0 Users 5 0 774th
A place to meditate, there is yoga, tai chi. Turn on stream for a relaxing mix from India. Visit the MettaCafe for a very unique world music playlist. Enjoy :)
0 Users 12 1 806th
Metaverse University of DigiWorldz provides virtual world education to users around the globe. Learn building, texturing, scripting, region management, real-lif...

Genesis Estates Realty
0 Users | 3 likes 0 comments

The real estate place for you to get land with the Genesis Roleplay Grid (Though you do not need to be a role player at all.)

Sanctuary Hills
0 Users 3 0 830th
Onboarding tutorial region using a fun tram system! Hop on the tram, go to first station, read the signs hop on the next tram. Have fun, and learn why you nee...
Learning Center
0 Users 7 0 854th
The Classrooms to learn building, blender, scripting, and more
0 Users 6 0 859th
Salle de classe de la grille ATLAS. Cours Linux, OpenSim, LSL, etc. Les cours sont donnés en langue française, en vocal. ALTAS classroom. Lectures and pratic...
Koryphon Academy
0 Users 18 2 866th
Koryphon Academy is a Free & Open Education Center offering educational and instructional courses for students from All Grids in OpenSim. Located on Alternate M...
0 Users 7 2 899th
A region dedicated to the continent of Africa. Turn on stream to hear the sounds of the continent.
Avatar Education Center
0 Users 6 1 921st
A Fun fantasy place for learning- Everything from Differences in SL and Open Sim living, Dressing, Movement, Basics in Building, Buying, Teleporting Etc. A must...
Maze Space
0 Users 6 1 925th
Our Solar System laid out on an 8x8. Pluto space station has about 20 freebie spacecraft to enjoy flying around. Jupiter is...HUGE:-) Enjoy your stay! Firm beli...
Magical Land
0 Users 6 1 985th
Magical land with inspiring delight world of fairy the awesome Mr.Weed , and mental Awareness community learn and read the Information it may Help a friend. ...
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