A place to meditate, there is yoga, tai chi. Turn on stream for a relaxing mix from India. Visit the MettaCafe for a very unique world music playlist. Enjoy :)
Metaverse University of DigiWorldz provides virtual world education to users around the globe. Learn building, texturing, scripting, region management, real-lif...
Onboarding tutorial region using a fun tram system! Hop on the tram, go to first station, read the signs hop on the next tram. Have fun, and learn why you nee...
Salle de classe de la grille ATLAS. Cours Linux, OpenSim, LSL, etc. Les cours sont donnés en langue française, en vocal.
ALTAS classroom. Lectures and pratic...
Koryphon Academy is a Free & Open Education Center offering educational and instructional courses for students from All Grids in OpenSim. Located on Alternate M...
A Fun fantasy place for learning- Everything from Differences in SL and Open Sim living, Dressing, Movement, Basics in Building, Buying, Teleporting Etc. A must...
Our Solar System laid out on an 8x8. Pluto space station has about 20 freebie spacecraft to enjoy flying around. Jupiter is...HUGE:-) Enjoy your stay! Firm beli...
Magical land with inspiring delight world of fairy the awesome Mr.Weed , and mental Awareness community learn and read the Information it may Help a friend. ...