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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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♥ Tierra de Volcanes wishes you a Happy Women's Day!!! ♥

LisaLandar: Happy Women's Day ♥ 4 days ago

Enjoyed visiting Dune with Arabian, a fantastic art gallery worth a visit.


rom today virtualife is a grid open to everyone. (ONLY ADULT, NO CHILD AVATAR).

From Oswald's purple themed club to the dark, moody reaches of the silent City, Gotham is everywhere you want to be when the yearning for magnificent madness strikes you. The dangerous streets beckon to anyone wanting to do some slice of deadly life playing, and there's plenty of beauty to be found in Gordon Park.

Eternal evening, Gotham IS the City of Night.

Rentals available soon. Work In Progress!
Sakura and Sakura City are a wonderland of Oriental beauty of various cultures and styles, lovely natural areas as well as brilliantly adorned structures and temples. A large and still lake completes the perfect sense of tranquility, as do the images of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas.

Come share in the mystical magic of Sakura, Land of the Cherry Blossom.

Rentals available soon. Work In Progress!

♥ Tierra de Volcanes wishes you a Happy Women's Day!!! ♥

💗💗Happy Women's Day💗💗

Rappel le festival continue 1 semaine l'essentiel est de participer
Et nos amis francos pour qui rien ne marche Il faut utiliser l'icone camera en haut du viewer avant de lancer les vidéos :)
The Funsize Dinkies Official Tour Bus Has Arrived!

The Funsize Dinkies World Resort just got even more fun! Thanks to Alina Trafalgar of Alina Custom Garage, we now have our very own Funsize Dinkies Official Tour Bus!

Hop aboard and take a ride through our magical Dinkie paradise, where adventure, friendship, and fun await at every stop. Whether you're a longtime resident or a curious visitor, this tour bus is your ticket to exploring the best of Funsize Dinkies World Resort!

Stay tuned for special guided tours, events, and fun-filled road trips coming soon!
Where will the bus take you next? Come find out!

Sing Smith: Every bus should have a Dinkie on the dashboard. 4 days ago
Alina Hotrods & Custom Vehicles.
New Vehicles & Drivable, Hotrods, American Classic Cars, Nascar, Dragster, Pick Ups, Trucks, and unusual vehicles.
hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Alina/13/187/22 Alternate Metaverse
Come have a look, you will find something you like
Open as from today, new vehicles added weekly amost 200 to choose from
All Welcome, all free

Have a nice weekend, everyone. :-)

I decided to migrate my regions from OSGrid to my own private grid so I do not depend of anyone, took me some hours to set up the configuration with the HyperGrid but I did finally. I really appreciate to the OSGrid team all the effort on all these past years, when I connected my project on their grid back in 2019 allowed me to show my project which I started back in 2011, but after a long time thinking about it and learning more about how it works the Hypergrid and to setup it, I was able finally to do it and perfom the test from the outside (with a account I created on other grid), I'll connect some of my the others regions in several hours (the speedway), and I'll balance better the load of all the regions in several servers over the time since it also runs now the ROBUST. Still need to work on the backups tasks, uptimes checkers. The construction of the city, is still ongoing, and I do it when I have free time, motivation and I'm inspired (since I want to do the buildings and all in a good way, I mean, not all the same, all differents with unique things even some share the same initial design), and also the city is not only on the surfarce, I build also under what can be seen on the map. Initially I wanted to do this way, but since I didn't know nothing about Hypergrid and how to setup back in 2019, never tried, until these last days when I started to see how to configure it.

harthelie: Bravo pour avoir fait votre propre grid. 4 days ago

Auguri a tutte le donne, grazie di esistere!

Best wishes to all women, thank you for existing!

I've been posting & asking others about "LIKING" our new welcome area :D

If you look above here, you will see this pic that I posted. This is where I am referring for you to "like". :D

You may like elsewhere too! Giggelz :D

But that is the main area that I am referring to! :D




victorialogan: The place is very nice, its spaces are designed so that the user can spend pleasant moments. The people welcome you with warmth and a very good disposition. 4 days ago
It’s a night of jazz, a night of rhythm, a night to remember, Fri., March 7th at 6:00 PM grid time. And taking center stage is none other than DJ Rosa Alekseev, ready to give you a performance like no other! Come as you are or dress in costume!

Four Winds & Coopersville: hop://grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/OpenSim Worlds Fair/1006/187/23

#OSWF #opensim

Hop on over!
hop://grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/OpenSim Worlds Fair/1208/1246/22

* Finally ! King Max and lady Mina got married ! The wedding was celebrated beside the big redkeep castle, many were present, and the party that followed was very nice. Congratulations to the couple !
* Lady Ember arrived on the continent and found refuge in one of the Crossroad Inn room.
* Rowk decorated the iron-island to his image. A thing we can say, he love beers.

RemmyRavenhurst: Looks like you had fun! 5 days ago

Just added bukkakae! Come have fun!

L'aventure continue maintenant avec Nadir Rae qui depuis 2 ans rajoute sa petite touche perso à mes builds et qui créée ses propres sims sur Ignis Fatuus.

Tropicana Club @ Barefoot Dreamers - Slumming it at the Palace. Sunday night parties at 12 pm SLT courtesy of Tropicana Tuneage. Dress to impress or just come as you are. Everyone Welcome.

Tropicana in London. Everyone Welcome.

Next week @ Rosies ballroom, Friday 14th March starts at 2 PM grid time. - Featuring Live performers Nazirah Avro, Khiron Ametza, Putri Solo Thala Verani, and Maribol Inshan. An event not to be missed!
Save the date! On Pangea-Grid
Honored to be featured in the Winter 2025 edition of Virtual Education Journal along with @CherryManga and others. There are several great articles, including an interview with Lone Wolf and Xenon Darrow of Wolf Territories Grid, and one on the Opensim Worlds Fair which goes through March 31st.

You can read the Journal here: https://virtualeducationjournal.com/previous-issues/

You can get info on the Fair here: https://www.opensimworldsfair.com/

Milly Money: Congratulations on this Luna, very well deserved!! :) 5 days ago
The first issue of 2025 is out, the Winter Issue of Virtual Education Journal! The Journal (VEJ) was mainly a Second Life Publication, but the new Editors decided to expand into many different virtual platforms including OpenSim. Which is great for us. Check it out here. FYI, the summer edition is going to be all about OpenSim, so if you want to write an article go to the back page of the journal, all of the submission info is there. https://virtualeducationjournal.com/
The first issue of 2025 is out, the Winter Issue of Virtual Education Journal! The Journal (VEJ) was mainly a Second Life Publication, but the new Editors decided to expand into many different virtual platforms including OpenSim. Which is great for us. Check it out here. FYI, the summer edition is going to be all about OpenSim, so if you want to write an article go to the back page of the journal, all of the submission info is there. https://virtualeducationjournal.com/
DJ Eagle, 11 AM to 1 pm Grid Time AT Radio DJ Club
WITH - Mixed Music♫♫
Who - DJ Eagle
When - 11 am to 1 pm Grid Time
Where- ♫♫ hop://gentlefire.opensim.fun:8002/Radio%20DJ%20Club/148/11...
It’s a night of jazz, a night of rhythm, a night to remember, Fri., March 7th at 6:00 PM grid time at the OpenSim Worlds Fair. And taking center stage is none other than DJ Rosa Alekseev, ready to give you a performance like no other! Come as you are or dress in costume!

Four Winds & Coopersville: hop://grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/OpenSim Worlds Fair/1006/187/23

Luna Lunaria: Updated my flapper outfit for this party :-) 5 days ago
Dear Friends of the Virtual Carnival,

What an incredible time we have had! Once again, we were able to celebrate an unbelievably beautiful carnival in the Pangea Grid together. It was a festival of colors, imagination, and pure joy. One of the undisputed highlights was our Rose Monday parade, where creativity and community spirit came together in a truly impressive way.

A huge thank you goes to all those who, with tireless dedication and boundless imagination, built the incredibly creative floats, airplanes, UFOs, and many other wonderful constructions. You transformed the Pangea Grid into a true carnival spectacle and brought joy to countless people!

We are especially delighted that so many external grids joined us again this year, making our carnival an even more diverse and exhilarating event. A heartfelt thank you to Soul Grid, Monroose Grid, Nabila Grid, CCI Bikerworld, SoA.Bad and SINAS.S, HG Safari, and Loru.Destiny from the Grid artdestiny! Your participation has once again enriched and brought life to this Rose Monday parade.

I would also like to extend a special thank you to Abraxas and Lilie Oller, Bink Draconia, Finja and Jason Flux, Tutz, Lampithaler and Reyno Parx, Lilly Topas, Kitty Sarrasine,, and all the many dedicated participants who made this carnival what it was: an unforgettable experience!

As we cherish the memories of this wonderful carnival in our hearts, we already look ahead: Next year, we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Cologne Virtual Carnival! A very special jubilee that we will mark with even more brilliance, even more magic, and even more enthusiasm. The anticipation is already immense!

With a short video insight, I bid you farewell and say from the bottom of my heart Thank you! For your enthusiasm, your creativity, and your love for the carnival. Without you, this festival would not be the same!

Three cheers from the heart: Kölle Alaaf! Pangea Alaaf! Virtual Carnival Alaaf!

With carnival greetings and full of excitement for next year,

Yours, Marlon Wayne

Liebe Freunde des virtuellen Karnevals,

was für eine grandiose Zeit liegt hinter uns! Auch in diesem Jahr durften wir gemeinsam einen unglaublich schönen Karneval im Pangea Grid erleben. Es war ein Fest der Farben, der Fantasie und der puren Lebensfreude. Einer der unbestrittenen Höhepunkte war unser Rosenmontagsumzug, bei dem sich Kreativität und Gemeinschaftssinn auf beeindruckende Weise vereinten.

Ein riesiges Dankeschön gebührt all jenen, die mit unermüdlichem Einsatz und grenzenloser Vorstellungskraft die unfassbar kreativen Wagen, Flugzeuge, UFOs und viele andere wunderbare Konstruktionen gebaut haben. Ihr habt das Pangea Grid in ein wahres Narrenschiff verwandelt und damit unzähligen Menschen Freude bereitet!

Besonders freuen wir uns, dass auch in diesem Jahr wieder zahlreiche auswärtige Grids teilgenommen haben, was unseren Karneval zu einem noch vielfältigeren und mitreißenderen Ereignis gemacht hat. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an das Soul Grid, das Monroose Grid, das Nabila Grid, CCI Bikerworld, SoA.Bad und SINAS.S, die HG Safari sowie Loru.Destiny aus dem Grid Artdestiny! Eure Teilnahme hat diesen Rosenmontagszug wieder einmal bereichert und mit Leben gefüllt.

Ebenso möchte ich mich ganz besonders bei Abraxas und Lilie Oller, Bink Draconia, Finja und Jason Flux, Tutz Zabelin, Lampithaler und Reyno Parx, Lilly Topas, Kitty Sarrasine und all den vielen engagierten Teilnehmern bedanken, die diesen Karneval zu dem gemacht haben, was er war: ein unvergessliches Erlebnis!

Und während wir diesen wundervollen Karneval nun in unseren Herzen bewahren, richten wir den Blick bereits nach vorne: Nächstes Jahr feiern wir das 20-jährige Bestehen des Kölner virtuellen Karnevals! Ein ganz besonderes Jubiläum, das wir mit noch mehr Glanz, noch mehr Magie und noch mehr Begeisterung begehen werden. Die Vorfreude darauf ist jetzt schon riesig!

Mit einem kleinen Video-Einblick verabschiede ich mich und sage von Herzen Danke! Für eure Begeisterung, eure Kreativität, eure Liebe zum Karneval. Ohne euch wäre dieses Fest nicht dasselbe!

Dreimol vun Hätze: Kölle Alaaf! Pangea Alaaf! Virtueller Karneval Alaaf!

Mit karnevalistischen Grüßen und voller Vorfreude auf das nächste Jahr, euer Marlon Wayne

Littlefield Grid's monthly State of the Grid meeting. All Residents and HG Visitors are welcome!

This month's topics:

12th year Anniversary celebration, Rogue Galaxy's LFGrid Spring Fling Fest, Rogue Galaxy's new Parson's Creek music region, WLFG Adverstising promotion, OSGrid state, Additional free land plots for new users, New BDSM scripts.

Friday 03/07/2025 1:30PM Pacific


Jerralyn Franzic: Whew... *fans herself* 5 days ago
Hi everyone our Mother grid will be up in soon time, Better & Stronger! but until then to all my friends and loved ones ... You can Find me here at Sunlight (Gaia welcome area) as am working as usual on other RL stuff. Love to see you there to give ya that special greeting welcome 😉 Lets enjoy the Sunlight together. Those chairs are cozzzzzzzy after all.

Am also at Maze cause you know how I like to Dance with my Sis Pink as always! you'll find her there .. the lovely person that she is 🌷 .. Take your pick. wtih Paela or Prince I always feel at Home back at OSgrid. Miss my mother Grid 😢

👉 Sunlight 🌞 hop://hg.sunlight-grid.com:80/Gaia/
💌 Sunlight Discord: https://discord.gg/7mAuc3qd
🌐 web: https://sunlight-region.com/

👉 Maze 🌷 hop://maze.bz:7002/Maze%20Grid%20Home/142/206/22
💌 Maze Discord: https://discord.gg/TyNBPz5H
🌐 web: https://mazeofthemind.com/

Hugs and blessings .. MG ❤

LuciFer isBack: Go to the light, Morning! 5 days ago
Alina Hotrods & Custom Vehicles.
New Vehicles & Drivable, Hotrods, American Classic Cars, Nascar, Dragster, Pick Ups, Trucks, and unusual vehicles.
hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Alina/13/187/22 Alternate Metaverse
Come have a look, you will find something you like
Open as from today, new vehicles added weekly amost 200 to choose from
No need to check your radio—Fri., March 7th, at 12:00 PM grid time tune in as Mike Lorrey brings his country vibes to keep us moving! Let’s get this party started! Come on over to the OpenSim Worlds Fair.

Stage 4 hop://grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/OpenSim Worlds Fair/1245/804/22
Someone suggested I was spewing "Environmental pollution" so here's an oil spill to match my awfulness...lol

Oil Spill container by Avadhoot on Sketchfab:

"Oil Spill container" (https://skfb.ly/oFPJX) by Avadhoot is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

Free to copy/buy for 0 at:

three.hills.grid.outworldz.net:8002:Gracie and Dexter's Community Dump


groovyverse.com:8002:Dingleberry Dump

Marianna : "Gracie and Dexter have officially traded in their dung for deluxe oil baths! 🛢️🐞💦 They say it’s exfoliating and adds a nice sheen to their shells. Five-star experience, would roll again! 5 days ago

Ice cream tastes good everywhere. :-)

MorningGlory: Steampunk 😍 5 days ago

Good morning, hope you all had nice dreams.^^

MorningGlory: Lovely details 👍 5 days ago

Good morning it is friday. Enjoy the day. 😊🌞
Guten Morgen. Es ist Freitag. Genieße den Tag. 😊🌞

MorningGlory: Lovely work! Gypsy Girl 😍 with which model? 5 days ago