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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Waiting for the bus at trailer park.
Since I am on OSW Website (2 weeks now) many come to my Big City Life and ask for shops. They stand at landing point with distance draw 256 and think that the promenade of little New Jersey is the big city. They stand there for some minutes and cam around looking for shops perhaps. But little New Jersey is country side of the sim. Not the big city lol
To be clear: The shops are just a bonus, because Cities have shops you can buy things. This sim is more like a game experience like you would explore cities. Lot of traffic, all is moving in a City environment. 25 000 scripts are running and 400 animesh people are the population of the sim.
The landing point is just to start with this city experience and load in cache. So this biiig sim (7x7) is purely built to the limit what opensim as technology is still capable and able to offer. It is a lot. But of course, not what we could have with unreal engine or think of Cyberpunk 2077.
At Landing point you get introduction with maps where you can see and listen what you can explore. Here is the video you see also inworld at landing point directly if you have mediaplayer on.
If you want to drive with bus in the city then you have to walk over the rails to the bus stop at trailer park. I had no space anymore for a bus stop at Little New Jersey Promenade (Landing Point)
So be warned. Big City Life is not to be confused with other sims that are called similar but are malls. I have shops in the city and also many exclusive things you get only here in opensim but it is not a mall to go for shopping. Most you can copy anyway and don't need a shop for it. If you see something you want to copy then do it. No need to ask for permission. We are in opensim. Not secondlife. Sharing is caring.