I have fallen far behind in my care and feeding of the now robust What Are You Looking For group. I'm making up for that by posting to the front page a list of our recent helpers that I would usually post in the group. My point in doing this is to let people know that their help will be acknowledged. I'm several months behind in doing this, so, for now, this is a list of our helpers in the past 2 months. I've also included info about them. If it's about their region, I've provided a region address. Go visit and know that they are nice people. If it's info about their interests and such, you might seek them out if you have a mutual interest, or use it as a conversation starter if you see them at an event. You will recognize them as they have avatars that look like the people in that charming picture of helpers. (Or maybe not. Ya, probably not.) In any case, you will want to get to know them because, as I've said, our helpers are good people. The list.
The Most Recent Helpers In The What Are You Looking For group.
Arkham City AKA Felix Mafia, creator of Arkham Grid. Check out Kingman City. It's the most popular region in OS, and for good reason. grid.arkhamgrid.org:8002:Kingman City
Chelsea Louloudi, co-creator of Pepperland and Pepperland II, based on the 1968 ground breaking animated cartoon, Beatles 'Yellow Submarine'. lfgrid.com:8002:Pepperland
Esti Mation, creator of several regions including Aestia, home of a 13th century people of todays Estonia. grid.estimation.ee:80:Aestia
Gentle Dragonheart, creator of Moana, which has, among many features, a clothing optional beach. login.friends-grid.com:8002:Moana
Harthelie, who is also a member of the Francophones group.
Herme. A mystery to all who do not know her.
Hicks, creator of Dingleberry Dump, “the public dump of miracles.” groovyverse.com:8002:Dingleberry Dump
JamieWright, creator of Birch Grove regions, welcoming, safe spaces. hg.neverworldgrid.com:8002:Birch Grove Spring
Jupiter Rowland, who is convinced of Roth2 v2.
KatOlague who says. “I'm researching shops and malls for inclusion on:
http://hypercat.info If you know a shop that isn't listed on HyperCat, please ask the shop owner to fill out the Request form at:
LunaAylan, a fan of Mexico Lindo
lfgrid.com:8002:Mexico Lindo
MandaStark, who asks you to "Join my group OpenSim
https://www.deviantart.com/opensim/ - open for all grids - lets post nice images and show the Secondlifers OS can be an interesting place - and also show ourselves what nice things we create together!"
Marianna, crafter of amazing jewelry and creator of many many regions! Visit her profile for a list. Here is one of them.
Mistressdalgato, lifestyle Mistress and also a creator of many many regions. Visit her profile for a list
MrSnoodle, who likes books with pictures, preferably with thick card pages with little buildings that pop up. Me too! Why don’t we have any of them in OS?
SheaButter, creator of several regions including the zoo-themed Moe, where you can see how you can use animesh animals. avirtualworld.org:8002:Moe
Sunshine Szavanna, who explores music from around the world with a special focus on Africa & India. Visit the Sunvibes region for a listen. hg.osgrid.org:80:Sunvibes
My thanks to them, and those I have not mentioned yet. They are why the group is so special,