OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Lets begin with FUCK YOU VIRTUAL RBM!! Bela

This is what we deal with now...I have more places that do the same shit.
I know that they have taken all our REBORN Stuff, hairs, shoes and much more from Santorini Shop plus they took the pictures I have made with logo on. But the most stupid thing is that they copy the model statues at Santorini and the Shoe that we have as display at the shop. This is not all...

They have taken almost all stuff from R.Lion, Moonrose, Soul-GRID and many more great GRIDS that works so hard to bring stuff like I do to make opensim happy. So yes BIG FUCK YOU!! They have been a lot of people from the GRID that have taken stuff from our REBORN Store, not just one avatar. Oh yes they do use a lot of different avatars the mother fuckers.
I really hope that opensim close down the GRID, if not I hope people stop support this fuckers and stop think they are doing good for opensim. Your fools to then. Hopefully more people do like we did BANN THE FUCKING GRID! We have a lot of good people who do a lot of work and help one and another here, so please don´t think for one moment that we will never know if you or your fucking GRID take our stuff to resell without our notice, the funny thing they were on Avitron to so yes you get mad If I bann you...LOL really!! Kiss my ass.
I have a great of bunch friends that I trust and we help one and another here and yes we do know all of us when people like this shitty GRID do this stuff.
So if your GRID are banned this is the reason!!! So GRID owners check your tenants before they open up stores at your areas.
I will never give my permission to resell my stuff I bring in, if I give it I let you know , ask instead of beeing an asshole like this GRID is.
I want to say to all that works hard like R. Lion, Moonrose MALL, Arkham GRID, Soul GRID and other GRIDS that works there butts of to make sure you get great stuff here , you all make great work and ty for all you do to make the opensim alive and I wanna say thank you to the true people here who have helped me out to make my dream come true in here to make opensim free and always be kind to me and give me great advice by the time I have been here.
All love and respect and love to you all.
Ty so much to my good friend Snik.snoodle who made this wonderful shirt to me =) it's an honor to wear it because you made it .
Love and respect..

¡¡Empecemos con FOLLATE RBM VIRTUAL!!
Esto es con lo que nos enfrentamos ahora... Tengo más lugares que hacen la misma mierda.
Sé que tomaron todas nuestras cosas REBORN, cabellos, zapatos y mucho más de Santorini Shop, además tomaron las fotos que hice con el logo. Pero lo más estúpido es que copian las estatuas modelo de Santorini y el Zapato que tenemos expuesto en la tienda. Esto no es todo...

Han tomado casi todo el material de R.Lion, Moonrose, Soul-GRID y muchos más GRIDS geniales que trabajan tan duro para traer cosas como yo para hacer feliz a opensim. Así que sí, ¡¡QUE TE JODAN!! Ha habido mucha gente del GRID que ha cogido cosas de nuestra Tienda REBORN, no sólo un avatar. Oh, sí, usan muchos avatares diferentes, los hijos de puta.
Realmente espero que Opensim cierre GRID, si no, espero que la gente deje de apoyar a estos cabrones y deje de pensar que le están yendo bien a Opensim. Tus tontos hasta entonces. ¡Ojalá más gente haga lo mismo que nosotros, BANN THE FUCKING GRID! Tenemos mucha gente buena que hace mucho trabajo y se ayuda unos a otros aquí, así que por favor no pienses ni por un momento que nunca sabremos si tú o tu puto GRID toman nuestras cosas para revender sin nuestro aviso, el Es curioso que estuvieran en Avitron, así que sí, te enojas si te prohíbo... ¡¡LOL de verdad!! Bésame el trasero.
Tengo un gran grupo de amigos en los que confío y nos ayudamos unos a otros aquí y sí, nos conocemos a todos cuando personas como este GRID de mierda hacen estas cosas.
Entonces, si tu GRID está prohibido, ¡ésta es la razón! Por lo tanto, los propietarios de GRID verifican a sus inquilinos antes de que abran tiendas en sus áreas.
Nunca daré mi permiso para revender mis cosas que traigo, si lo doy te lo haré saber, pregunta en lugar de ser un idiota como es este GRID.
Quiero decirles a todos los que trabajan duro como R. Lion, Moonrose MALL, Arkham GRID, Soul GRID y otros GRIDS que trabajan duro para asegurarse de que obtengan excelentes cosas aquí, todos ustedes hacen un gran trabajo y están agradecidos por todo lo que hacen. para hacer que Opensim esté vivo y quiero agradecer a las personas verdaderas que me han ayudado a hacer realidad mi sueño aquí de hacer que Opensim sea gratuito y que siempre sean amables conmigo y me den buenos consejos cuando lo haya hecho. aquí.
Todo amor, respeto y amor para todos ustedes.
Así que sí, ¡Jódete RBM VIRTUAL!
Muchas gracias a mi buen amigo Snik.snoodle, quien me hizo esta maravillosa camiseta =) es un honor usarla porque tú la hiciste.
Amor y respeto..

Questo è ciò di cui ci occupiamo adesso... ho più posti che fanno la stessa merda.
So che hanno preso tutte le nostre cose REBORN, capelli, scarpe e molto altro dal Santorini Shop, inoltre hanno scattato le foto che ho fatto con il logo. Ma la cosa più stupida è che copiano le statue modello di Santorini e la scarpa che abbiamo in esposizione nel negozio. Questo non è tutto...

Hanno preso quasi tutto il materiale da R.Lion, Moonrose, Soul-GRID e molti altri fantastici GRIDS che lavorano così duramente per portare cose come faccio io per rendere felice l'opensim. Quindi sì, GRANDE VAFFANCULO!! Sono state molte le persone del GRID che hanno preso materiale dal nostro REBORN Store, non solo un avatar. Oh sì, usano molti avatar diversi, gli stronzi.
Spero davvero che OpenSim chiuda il GRID, altrimenti spero che la gente smetta di supportare questi stronzi e smetta di pensare che stanno facendo del bene per OpenSim. I tuoi sciocchi allora. Speriamo che più persone facciano come noi BANN THE FUCKING GRID! Abbiamo un sacco di brava gente che fa un sacco di lavoro e si aiuta l'un l'altro qui, quindi per favore non pensare per un momento che non sapremo mai se tu o il tuo dannato GRID prenderete la nostra roba per rivenderla senza il nostro preavviso, il la cosa strana era che erano su Avitron quindi sì, ti arrabbi se ti banno...LOL davvero!! Baciami il culo.
Ho un sacco di amici di cui mi fido e aiutiamo l'uno e l'altro qui e sì, conosciamo tutti quando persone come questo GRID di merda fanno queste cose.
Quindi se le vostre GRID sono vietate questo è il motivo!!! Quindi i proprietari di GRID controllano i tuoi inquilini prima che aprano negozi nelle tue zone.
Non darò mai il mio permesso a rivendere la roba che porto, se lo do te lo faccio sapere, chiedi invece di fare lo stronzo come lo è questo GRID.
Voglio dire a tutti coloro che lavorano duro come R. Lion, Moonrose MALL, Arkham GRID, Soul GRID e altri GRID che lavorano lì per essere sicuri che otteniate grandi cose qui, fate tutti un ottimo lavoro e impegnatevi per tutto quello che fate per rendere vivo OpenSim e voglio ringraziare le vere persone qui che mi hanno aiutato a realizzare il mio sogno qui per rendere OpenSim gratuito e essere sempre gentile con me e darmi ottimi consigli quando lo sarò Qui.
Tutto amore, rispetto e amore per tutti voi.
Quindi sì, Vaffanculo RBM VIRTUALE!
Grazie mille al mio buon amico Snik.snoodle che mi ha realizzato questa meravigliosa maglietta =) è un onore indossarla perché l'hai realizzata tu.
Amore e rispetto..

Beginnen wir mit FUCK YOU VIRTUAL RBM!!
Damit haben wir es jetzt zu tun ... Ich habe mehr Orte, die den gleichen Mist machen.
Ich weiß, dass sie alle unsere REBORN-Sachen, Haare, Schuhe und vieles mehr aus dem Santorini Shop mitgenommen haben, außerdem haben sie die Bilder gemacht, die ich mit dem Logo darauf gemacht habe. Aber das Dümmste ist, dass sie die Modellstatuen von Santorini und den Schuh kopieren, den wir im Laden ausstellen. Das ist noch nicht alles...

Sie haben fast alle Sachen von R.Lion, Moonrose, Soul-GRID und vielen anderen großartigen GRIDS übernommen, die so hart daran arbeiten, Sachen wie ich zu bringen, um Opensim glücklich zu machen. Also ja, GROßER FICK DICH!! Es waren viele Leute aus dem GRID, die Sachen aus unserem REBORN Store mitgenommen haben, nicht nur ein Avatar. Oh ja, sie benutzen viele verschiedene Avatare, die Wichser.
Ich hoffe wirklich, dass OpenSIM das GRID schließt, wenn nicht, hoffe ich, dass die Leute aufhören, diese Scheißkerle zu unterstützen und aufhören zu denken, dass sie OpenSIM Gutes tun. Deine Narren bis dahin. Hoffentlich machen es mehr Leute wie wir. BANN THE FUCKING GRID! Wir haben viele gute Leute, die hier viel Arbeit leisten und sich gegenseitig helfen, also denken Sie bitte nicht einen Moment lang, dass wir nie erfahren werden, ob Sie oder Ihr verdammtes GRID unsere Sachen ohne unsere Ankündigung zum Weiterverkauf bringen Komisch, dass sie auf Avitron waren, also ja, du wirst wütend, wenn ich dich verbiete ... LOL wirklich!! Leck mich am Arsch.
Ich habe viele Freunde, denen ich vertraue, und wir helfen uns gegenseitig und ja, wir kennen uns alle, wenn Leute wie dieser beschissene GRID so etwas machen.
Wenn Ihr GRID also verboten ist, ist das der Grund!!! Deshalb prüfen GRID-Besitzer Ihre Mieter, bevor sie Geschäfte in Ihren Gebieten eröffnen.
Ich werde niemals meine Erlaubnis geben, meine Sachen, die ich mitgebracht habe, weiterzuverkaufen. Wenn ich sie erteile, lasse ich es dich wissen und frage, anstatt ein Arschloch zu sein wie dieses GRID.
Ich möchte allen sagen, die hart arbeiten, wie R. Lion, Moonrose MALL, Arkham GRID, Soul GRID und andere GRIDS, die dafür sorgen, dass ihr hier tolle Sachen bekommt: Ihr leistet alle großartige Arbeit und seid dankbar für alles, was ihr tut um OpenSim zum Leben zu erwecken, und ich möchte mich bei den wahren Menschen hier bedanken, die mir dabei geholfen haben, meinen Traum wahr werden zu lassen, OpenSim kostenlos zu machen, und die immer freundlich zu mir sind und mir tolle Ratschläge geben, wenn ich dort bin Hier.
Alles Liebe und Respekt und Liebe euch allen.
Vielen Dank an meinen guten Freund Snik.snoodle, der mir dieses wundervolle Hemd gemacht hat =) Es ist eine Ehre, es zu tragen, weil du es gemacht hast.
Liebe und Respekt..
The Next Hypergrid International Expo is April 19-21. We are building our new program, and you're invited to participate in the Expo Park!
If you want to build a publicity booth for your grid, your region, or your project, come over to HIE Welcome and pick u a copy of the basic booth, to modify according to your needs. Please read the notecard inside the booth for full details, the deadline for Booths is March 15

Thirza Ember: To clarify - while the talks and art presentations at this event are not in English, but there are subtitles in English (and many other languages!), the Expo booths are available to all grids all lang... 8 months ago

The yacht club.

A new range is coming to Zoey's Boutique for the Legacy Perky. To get you all started I have a few packs that include one item each. I have:

~ Legacy Perky Push Up Boobs - Dress in picture goes with this
~ Legacy Perky Soft Arms - Comes with the arm ribbons worn in the pic
~ Legacy Perky Soft Thighs - Comes with the garters worn in the pic

If you like what I'm doing, please stop by regularly for new items in my store!

Zoey ♥

let us entertain you! We've converted Tesla's old warehouse and laboratory into a quirky bar and grill. As always, Avedon Park is open to everyone of any shape and size. Come explore. Have fun.

SN Wesly Pants with Belt
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Welcome to the Cannabis Information Center, your gateway to understanding the diverse world of cannabis. Nestled in the heart of nature, our center provides a serene outdoor setting where enthusiasts and novices alike can explore the wonders of this versatile plant.

At our center, we curate an array of resources to educate and empower our visitors. Among our collection, you'll find literature from Leafly, a trusted source in cannabis information. Leafly's comprehensive guides offer insights into various strains, consumption methods, and the potential benefits of cannabis, helping you make informed decisions about your cannabis journey.

Whether you're seeking relief, relaxation, or simply seeking to expand your knowledge, our Cannabis Information Center is here to guide you. Join us amidst the tranquility of nature as we embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment together. Thank you @JoeBuilder for this really cool OAR!

NEW Outfit
Jule Top and Pants with Color Hud
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Back to 80s a retro party experience 90s dance party
with DJ LAGERTHA from Italy
Saturday 17 february 2024 at 8.00SLT/ 17.00CET

Partys in Cozy Comforts City in Osgrid on the Celtic Wheel... next is Ostara, Easter, around 19 to 21 march... i will put some music myself and invite all opensim for a dance party!

News!!! hop://

Bebe: and so much work and time behind the fun part :)) worth it though 8 months ago

Tidal beach at Madrigal

Lillysparks: Looks amazing. Let me know if you would like some surfable waves and a surfboard rezzer. xoxo 8 months ago

Tonight at 01:00PM SLT/22.00 ITA Zeno Live Singer in Concert!

Kimmy Cullein: Grande Zeno!!!! 8 months ago

Eine 512er Sim (Greenworld Seasons) bietet nun mehr Platz für saisonales Ambiente und Freebies. Gerade aktuell: Ostermarkt, Frühlingsambiente, "Hexenkram" und Magie, sowie Elfen, Feen und Drachen.


Иногда вместе приятно помолчать. Лучше молчать чем много говорить не по делу или ссорится..

Just a friendly reminder to be mindful, if you see this staff board with empty spaces. Please do not click them, you are not staff nor have permission to claim an empty space. :)

Trizzy Hunter: Just don't try to take mine Lone.....lmao 8 months ago
Come join us for the OpenSim World's Fair Meeting on Sat. Feb. 17th at noon in Wolf Territories. Here is the hop for the meeting, just paste this into your map: Worlds Fair/1025/1023/4001

IM Koshari Mahana, Kimm Starr or Cooper Swizzle in Kitely if you need an actual LM.

Join our Discord at:
TGI Thursday @ On The Rocks!
Elf Mage DJ Maldrul performs at On The Rocks @ Alternate Metaverse Thursdays from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Pacific time
DJ Maldrul will be playing a mix of classic and contemporary Rock & Roll and his signature selection of SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

Come check out Rocky Shores where you can dance, surf, play Greedy, hang out and explore!


Come by the Valland shop and see our new release.
NPC Companion new release 2.21

thedeeferry: This sounds fun! ●ヽ(゚∀゚ヽ)♪♪(ノ゚∀゚)ノ● 8 months ago
Glossy island is proud to announce its home rental service is now renewed and offers more houses at unbeatable prices. Whether you are looking for a vacation from your grid or simply a place to call home, come see us. We have a few rentals available.
Rock-House (Special)
Freitag 16.2.2024
Rock-House (510)
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Musik über Emotionen und die 7 Sinne
gefühlvoll präsentiert von
DJ Anachron

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid :
☯Ήσʂէ✩ HoneyOG 🍯
☯ահҽղ✩ 12 - 2pm ~ GT
☯ѠɦєƦє✩ Maj3sty Blue Ballroom
☯Attire✩ Casual
☯Taxi✩ hop:// Maj3sty Syrian Aram Empire/82/123/3517
come to flying high club with bootsy as dj 12 to 1 bootsy loves music and loves to make people happy then at 1 we have the amazing ouie with such a beautiful voice the song birds are jealous woooohoooo

Holkham Beach #arkhamfreeaccess

Everyone who didn't have time on Valentine's Day is warmly invited. We have DJ Marlon for good music, followed by Putri Solo with her powerful voice, which brings the evening to a close
Taxi: hop:// Miles Jamaica/96/252/31

Samedi le 17 Fevrier on vous presente Lou Ness en concert a Stella. Lou va chanter toutes nos chansons préférées en Francais et Anglais. Vous pourrez choisir dans sa liste les chansons que vous aurez envie d'entendre. Ne manquez pas ce merveilleux événement!
Still have time to come and get your Valentines Edition Tuxedos for the Valentines Events today, or the Lady in red event here tomorrow. The Tuxedos are in the Ballrooms Elegance shop Complex
Hey, Peter Parx from EscapeLands here. I hope you are having a wonderful Valentine's Day! And, as it's a day for love, our enchanting venue awaits you and your special someone for a celebration to remember. The Grand has undergone a stunning transformation into a haven for lovers, offering opportunities to explore, share intimate moments, and dance the night away. The fabulous DJ, 'The Diva,' is LIVE right now and is playing the most wonderful Valentine's Day musical fayre. and after her performance, indulge in selecting the perfect music yourself from our delightful Valentine Playlist. It truly is a splendid day to celebrate love! And I would love to extend my warmest invite to you all.


Tonight in Astralia Zeno Live Singer in Concert at 01PM SLT/22 ITA to celebrate Valentine's Day!

where can i get a race track for my region

Jamie Wright: There's also one on there called Kart Racing that could have soem potential: 8 months ago
Love is in the air !!!!!

Musik, die Sprache der Liebe, flüstert ihre Melodien wie sanfte Brisen auf den Saiten unserer Empfindungen. Zarte Finger klopfen an die Türen unseres Gefühls und wecken Erinnerungen, die unter der Decke der Nacht verborgen waren. In ihren Tönen enthüllt sie Eindrücke der Vergangenheit, die Worte nicht zu fassen vermögen.

Ihr dürft euch wieder auf einen Abend mit romantischen Love Songs, schöner Balladen, und feinster Kuschel Muschel Musik freuen.

Genießt mit uns den Tag der Liebenden

Wir freuen uns auf euch .

Eure Souler

MarcWatcher: Ein unvergesslicher Abend bei toller Musik. Danke Nasti 8 months ago
It took me about 3 years and 3 grids to finally get this castle built. Starborne Keep will take some time to explore. There is so much to see in The Land Of Xzar, plan to stay awhile. Please, don't just stand there and cam. You won't hear the sounds of the land and you won't see the details. You can get a notecard with Landmarks to help you get around at the landing. Use them, walk around, explore. If I am on, say hi. Strangers are only friends you have not met yet.

JayR Cela: This looks great. 8 months ago