I'm bringing this question to the group to see what suggestions you have. In the box, Star Ravenhurst asks, "What grids will help totally new people that join their grid? You have to teach them everything. Do any of these grids exist?"
My thoughts. People choose grids based on a number of criteria, such as cost of land ownership, the reputation of the grid owner, the dependability of the servers, and opportunities for shopping and socializing. However, people can travel to other grids for shopping and events, so the last two are perhaps less important.
Also, most of the people I've met have experience in SL. They need to learn what is different here. Which is what? How to run their own grid. Which grids allow you to attach your grid to theirs. How to get free land from other people. The number of people to expect at "big" events in OS. Some technical stuff -- I don't know -- scripting languages or something like that.
Then there are people who are total noobs. There are several grids that have sandboxes with instructional billboards set-up, like OSG. Anyone from almost any grid can visit regions like that. Some people have classes on different topics. But at times, people need one-on-one help.
So, a few requests, and a question.
1. Please name the grids that have the sandboxes with instructional material.
2. Please list classes that can help people learn stuff, especially the basics for noobs.
3. Are there instructional videos that teach basic skills?
4. Please say if you enjoy and are available to teach certain basic skills, one-on-one, to people new to the SL/OS family of virtual worlds.
The question is, is this group the best place to share this information for future use? Is there already an OSW group set-up for this? I think the best resource is a curated playlist of the best instructional YouTube videos. Anyone interested in doing that?
| Star Ravenhurst: Thank you Nico for creating this discussion. Thank you Jupiter for your information and input. Let me explain further what I am looking for in a place for Newbies. It will be longwinded so grab a cup ... 12 months ago |