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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

I decided to migrate my regions from OSGrid to my own private grid so I do not depend of anyone, took me some hours to set up the configuration with the HyperGrid but I did finally. I really appreciate to the OSGrid team all the effort on all these past years, when I connected my project on their grid back in 2019 allowed me to show my project which I started back in 2011, but after a long time thinking about it and learning more about how it works the Hypergrid and to setup it, I was able finally to do it and perfom the test from the outside (with a account I created on other grid), I'll connect some of my the others regions in several hours (the speedway), and I'll balance better the load of all the regions in several servers over the time since it also runs now the ROBUST. Still need to work on the backups tasks, uptimes checkers. The construction of the city, is still ongoing, and I do it when I have free time, motivation and I'm inspired (since I want to do the buildings and all in a good way, I mean, not all the same, all differents with unique things even some share the same initial design), and also the city is not only on the surfarce, I build also under what can be seen on the map. Initially I wanted to do this way, but since I didn't know nothing about Hypergrid and how to setup back in 2019, never tried, until these last days when I started to see how to configure it.