OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Holkham Beach

Find your dream home on a relaxed shopping spree.
The ultimate house gallery of the best architects with free spirit.
Governor Heron

Find your dream home on a relaxed shopping spree.
The ultimate house gallery of the best architects with free spirit.
Governor Heron

The second in the March series of Art Talks at the Institute. We will be running these again soon!

You can now choose to receive notifications when a new visitor enters a previously empty region. You can find the relevant setting in the bookmark button of every region. Let us know what you think

Thanks you to everyone who came to celebrate Ellen's Birthday. Wonderful People!

Big Opening !!!

We opened our new Halloween Sim.
from October 1st, till November 1st.
Come and get scared ;)

Public Viewing Germany _ South Korea
Where: Mare Welcome
When: 6 years ago [27 Jun 2018 15:30 SLT]

We invite you to our public viewing event.
We have lifestream for the game : Germany _ South Korea.
Also we have a playable Football Stadion..

Inspired by lucid dreams, synesthetic feelings, and weird childhood visions.

Nico Kalani: Join us today at 11:15 AM SLT, for the opening of Paradoxical Dreams, an installation by artist Cherry Manga, with a soundscape created by Nico Kalani. Dimension 6 hours ago
Almost halfway through this season of Safari, here 's the latest on our trips, plus special posts about Jimmy Olsen and Bloom Peters
The Olsen hideaway:
What happens when a group visits The Prince of Amor's solar system
An international load test
Bloom Peters' interactive animesh
Bloom Peters' mesh-hack for Firestorm

Safinemahoe2: Details make the difference! excellent work! 3 days ago

Building Huge new Horse Riding Trails accross around 12 4x4 regions in the middle of the grid. You can ride the from welcome but it's a bit of a way. Great Lakes region.

Flux1 is awesome.:-)
I love skirts like this at the moment.

As you step into the Witchy Woods, an otherworldly hush envelops you, the air thick with the scent of damp earth and ancient pine. Gnarled branches twist overhead, their silhouettes dancing against the pale light filtering through the canopy. Shafts of sunlight pierce the gloom, illuminating patches of vibrant moss and clusters of mushrooms that seem to glow with an ethereal light.

The path winds deeper into the heart of the woods, where shadows play tricks on your senses. You catch fleeting glimpses of movement—a flicker of a tail, a flash of feathers—as woodland creatures slip between the trees, their presence both comforting and eerie. The sound of a distant brook murmurs like a secret, drawing you further into the labyrinth of nature.

Every step reveals more of the woods’ haunting beauty. Delicate webs glisten with dew, suspended like jewels between the branches, while the soft rustle of leaves carries whispers of forgotten tales. Twisted roots snake across the forest floor, inviting you to pause and consider the stories they hold, as if the very ground is alive with memories.

A sense of magic hangs in the air, tangible and electric, making the hairs on your arms stand on end. The woods feel like a realm where time bends, a place where the mundane slips away and the mysterious reigns. You can almost hear the soft strains of an unseen melody, a lullaby sung by the woods themselves, beckoning you to lose yourself in their enchanting embrace. As twilight deepens, the shadows stretch and flicker, transforming the landscape into a dreamscape, where every rustle and sigh feels like a promise—of secrets waiting to be uncovered, of wonders yet to be revealed.

Happy Fall everyone from Trianon World
