OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

What Are You Looking For?

Can anyone please help my friend? I can only fiddle with scripts so I am afraid I am not very helpful for this. Thank you!!
So I need some assistance with an Issue, Yesterday I made a group Joiner for my Cosplay Mesh Group and it works great, BUT......when I try doing Cosplay Mesh Group Joiner script it keeps saying Cosplay Mesh so I gave up would like to see if you please help me get that "Cosplay Corner" Script made correctly.

Rhowin Blackwell: Hey there, Star! I'd be happy to help you out. If you don't mind sending me your current script via message (best to paste it somewhere like and then send the link) I'll be happy ... 8 months ago

Hi there, I'm searching for a rectangular tea table, asiatic style, with tea pot and cups, Thank you

Good Evening Everyone!! hope you all are having a beautiful blessed day!!! i was wondering do any of you guys know where i can find BIG house thats not a mansion but has a good amount of rooms but is Modern like what you see on SL cause i am not happy with any of these houses!!! Even when i change the walls and all other ppl have the same house and i just like to have my own house that i picked thagt no one else has because its my flavor how i like to style things and have things no one else has i don't envy at all i just want my own style!!!

Jupiter Rowland: If you've got a lot of time, you might want to look through Victor DeAngelo's Free Life Grid, especially Nostalgia Neighborhood and Eloquent Estates. He has got a lot of exclusive stuff that you won't... 9 months ago
@LynneLundquist TY love for this i surely do appreciate it omg its awesome ty love have a beautiful day if you ever need anything you can ask if i have it i will surely share it as well!!!! much love Katana Hart!!!

I am looking for a working tambourine or clapping animation. thank you

would like to know is there a place we can get like hopscotch game and ferris wheel a nice one and roller coasters if anyone knows pleaseee!!

Lynne Lundquist: Hi Katana i left the hopscotch at the welcome at my region on seahaven hop:// 9 months ago
Yikes! When did the chat box here replace posting? Doing so makes this group no better than looking for stuff via the front page box.

What posting does that chat can not.
1. It provides a way to post and reply in a threaded conversation. That way, we can more easily see what someone is looking for, the help that has been provided, and the help that is still needed.
2. We have a small core group of helpers. I'd like to keep them around, and add to the number. Posts make it easier to see who has helped and to create a post that acknowledges the helpers. In turn, the acknowledgement post helps the helpers by promoting their regions and/or interests.
3. A post can have a picture of what you want or otherwise bring attention to your post.

Someone said chatting is fast and more reliable. I'm not sure how. Once I know why chatting has come to be preferred, I can see what we can do to bring those features to posting.

What do you think?

FallenAngel Absent: chatbox is for conversation between 2 parties...postings are for everyone and you can also follow the thread as an outsider - imho :-) 9 months ago

Can the Clothing Fit Deformers for the female Legacy body be found in OS? If so, where?

Any sources for a working bowling alley? I have seen many in my travels but none are able to be taken/bought. Ideally hoping to find one with full perms on the scripts as well, but I'll take what I can get. 😅

Looking for scripts for clocks, clock hands and clock sounds.

Racci: I'm a polar bear :D This script is like magic, but FIRST make 6 prims and link them together, then put the script in the root prim. MAGIC! You will need to find a texture for the clock face, not too ... 9 months ago

where can i find a golf cart? anyone ever seen one on opensim? geesh lol please let me know!!!???

SheaButter: I have one golf cart, and is driveable. Is at AVW at region Daytona. Will put at landing spot. 9 months ago
OMG!! Is it against the law to get pregnant on opensim ffs geesh like what is wrong with opensim this exsist in RL just like having sex those too and everything else i mean we can play house and cook and rp but we cant rp kids babays that are robots almost they are not avi kids geesh it makes me run back to SL because i have my kids there and living the life i want to enjoy i like where i am in opensim yes things are free but i also see the other side where you pay for the things you like and the way you want to live your VIRTUAL LIFE WHO IS ANY0NE TO RESTRICT THAT!! ANY BABAIES that are not animesh and these animesh babays are not to good looking we can look realistic but the babies we have cant omg i miss RP!!
Hello, all!

I have been hunting for some animations, particularly adult ones of the solo male variety. 😅 I don't want this request to be too obscene for the group, so if further clarification is needed or you wish to reach out to me directly as opposed to posting a reply, I completely understand.

Thank you for your time!

Jamie Wright: Also, I feel like Val has many many things of all proclivities: 10 months ago
What I'm Looking For.
First, a way to shut up that crying kid (without smothering him with his balloon).

Second, helpers! Among our 108 members, we have a core group of super helpers and others who graciously lend a helping hand. What can we do to expand our circle of helpers?

Third, here is an easy way to help: promote this group. Recently, people are using the box more and more to make a request for help finding stuff. As you all know, comments in the box get drowned out by not nice comments. Even the nice ones push the requests down until they disappear. Hence this group. If you see a comment in the box, provide them with info
• About the group, for example, "Post about items you are, well, looking for. For outfits, builds, shops, services, and skills, and so on."
• Why to use it. The short time before requests go to oblivion in the box v.s. the enduring posts in the group.
• And this address:

But, I have to wonder. Are people posting requests in the box because they don't know about the group, or because we have not been helpful enough? :(
Most recent helpers. These are cool folks with cool regions. Give them a visit and say "hey." "hi" or "howdy." Where permissible, bring your banjo and dog. (OK, maybe just the dog).

• FallenAngel Absent
Circus (
“In virtual worlds since 2007”

• Lillysparks
Tumbler ( Tumbler)
Aquarius (
In her profile, Lilly says “that she is looking for “Scripting wizards, like-minded artists, cool folks, and great animations. I really want to meet people that have time in world to hang out and do fun things.”

• Jamie Wright:
Birch Grove Spring ( Grove Spring)
“Celebrating PRIDE. 2SLGBTQQIA+ - Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and + . Everyone is welcome here. All genders, races, cultures and abilities. Kindness, diversity and accessibility positive”.

Want to see your name on the next "Recent Helper" post? Just help somebody find something they are looking for. Easy peasie!

wasn't there someone last who was looking for a grotto/Cave? Where I answer "just put Rocks together to make one"... Just found one at iPleasure (R. Lion) --> Landscaping region. it is a skybox but I am sure you can Rez also on ground :-)

This is the kind of Building i bin looking for or something like that. and i what to say thank you for helping me

LaylaHart42: yes plz 10 months ago
• Most Recent Helpers •
Visit these lovely people and their regions/grids when you can.
• Serina Gee:
• FallenAngel Absent:
• Hugabug: (Barefoot-Dreamers Grid)
• Lily Sparks: owner of several regions, including Tumbler
• Star Ravenhurst: owner of several regions, including Beau Retrouve
• Jupiter Rowland: in the Fediverse @
• Jamie Wright: undisclosed

Jamie Wright: Raise the barn! LOL undisclosed. I'm easy to find. Anna Cooper in Neverworld on Birch Grove Spring. Jamie Wright almost everywhere else. I build a lot on the OSGrid Sandbox Plaza when I need room and ... 10 months ago

We have finally grown from 101 to 102 members! Thank goodness. I will no longer be reminded of this damn movie when I see the number of members here.

Jupiter Rowland: Um... 10 months ago

Thank you for the invitation to visit this (most excellent) group! If you ever need something you cannot find please just IM I have nice resources to share!

Jamie Wright: Marianna knows stuff about stuff:) 10 months ago
Half day I was searching online for 3D Models for Tatto Equipment. I have seen this already somewhere inworld but no idea where it was. Any Idea where I could get some Tattoo equipment for my "beauty-Shop"? :-)

Jamie Wright: Hi @FallenAngelAbsent. Klamotto has tattoo stuff: 10 months ago

Now I am looking for triangle shaped rooves.

Jupiter Rowland: Never Depot has lots of untextured roof parts. And other parts for buildings as well. 10 months ago

ok now I am looking for a way to get shadows textures off of a mesh so that I can add it to a texture that I already have. Any suggestions?

Jamie Wright: Is the shadow a separate prim or part of the mesh? If you can edit and unlink one prim shadow that's the easiest. 10 months ago

Looking for a small outdoor Tiki style bar

I am looking for the pose stands (EXAMPLE: LIKE FOR BALLERINA - there were several ballet poses/animations in one pose stand - Oni had them all categorized) I had gotten like a dozen or so different pose stands while I was over at her one region there. I am wondering who would have them as I would like to use them for my different avatars as I take pictures of them wearing different outfits so that when I go into my closet that I made I can just pick and outfit out and wear it.
Also, I am looking for photo booths that I can use that have backgrounds please & Thank You! ;) Huggiez All Around! ;)
Hello Beautiful People...:) I am looking for a swimming pool kind of Olympic style with swimming animations. It doesn't have to be that huge. Anyone? :) Please and thank you :) Oh and also gym equipment if you know where i can get those items too would be grand. :)

Lillysparks: The furniture vault has amazing gym/sports stuff. Check it out. (going to fethch the landmark for you brb) 11 months ago

is there any place that as a great collection of Pose balls for photos etc ie solo, 2 avs, 3 avs etc

Acen8: thanks :) 11 months ago

I am also looking for mattress sculpts or meshes. Thank you

Jamie Wright: Sarah - I put out a bunch of Asylum, hospital bed and matress stuff for you on the OSGrid Sandbox Plaza in the Northwest corner. Plaza 11 months ago

I am looking for things to go into a hospital specifically beds. I am building an asylum from 1890-1920. Any help would be adored.

Jamie Wright: @SarahBrennan I put it all out again becvause the Sandbox autoreturns after 24 hours. It's now 9:46 grid time on OSGrid so you have 24 hours again to go copy any items that work for your build. 11 months ago

There is a clunky, gawdy Polynesian boat out there somewhere and it has a special edition of the smash couch . I want that specific one .. Help !

I'm looking for a building for a store and a photo studio

I am looking for a working parachute and genuflect animation - Thanks

Nico Kalani: I knew people who made non-working parachutes. They are now dead. Hopefully you will find a working one. My advice...have somebody else test it. :) 11 months ago

I am looking for a working parachute and genuflect animation

I am looking for a working parachute and genuflect animation

I am looking for the canasta table. Maybe somebody with a very large very old inventory will still have it, if it has not been lost from the metaverse for good. I have the scripted hud for canasta, so the rest of it must exist somewhere.

Lynne Lundquist: CyberGlo would it another name besides Canasta? 11 months ago

i hunting for some animesh squirrels that are animated any one know where to get some ?????

hiho looking for Frisian Mink or a yellow rain parka/Jacket

Hi I'm Trying To Fine Free Backdrops So I Can Start Takeing Photos

FallenAngel Absent: R. Lion has a lot of very nice little complete scenes in his animation area... Worth a visit. In my opinion super suitable for photos 11 months ago
Hi, I'm looking for a DJ booth/table/stand and other dance club equipment with a swamp/bayou aesthetic. Bonus points if the swamp happens to be on an alien planet with giant, green, scaly critters under the water! Don't ask what it's for, or else I'll have to invite you ;)

FallenAngel Absent: Maybe have a look at Druskus Impero Island, he has a bunch of lights, DJ equipment --> 11 months ago
Hiya everyone! ;) Hope everyone is doing well this fine Sunday! ;) I am looking for clothing for Gianni please and TY! ;) Would you kindly pass me landmarks that would have any clothing for the Gianni body please & TY? HUGGGZZZZZZ! ;)
This is the name of the set that I am looking for:
!Elas Cross2 Necklace-Set Gold&Silver

These are what I need are the earrings:

*E*Cross Earring gold R
*E*Cross Earring gold L

I've seen this name of this store before but I just cannot figure out which store it is:

If anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate this & thank You!

Serina Gee: Hi Passion, the only Elas store I am aware of is this one at Camballa, hopefully it's the one you are looking for!! 11 months ago
What Are You Looking For?
Post about items you are, well, looking for, like outfits, builds, shops, services, skills, and so on. Here's how it works.
• Post your request in the group.
• If you like, use group chat to provide the link to the post to immediately alert people about it.
• Please do not post requests or answer them in chat. We are an alternative to making a request in the Front Page Box. Like there, group chat text will disappear, while posts, and the replies, will persist, providing on-going help to people browsing the posts.
• And please, consider being a helper, and visiting regularly to do that.

Thanks to all helping this group help people find what they are looking for.
143 members
Created 1 years ago by Nico Kalani

New Comments

CyberGlo CyberStar 8 hours ago
i got it.
Herme 5 days ago
JamieWright 7 days ago Spoiled Diva Freebbie Store
harthelie 27 days ago
il y a pleins de skins hommes et femmes sur
LunaAylan 1 month ago
in the soul grid... there are 2 sims full of beautiful things: Moon Roses
LunaAylan 1 month ago Island "El sim ahora está en Zone Nations y sigue enfocado en brindar contenido de entretenimiento, Discotecas ambientadas en varias temáticas, Animaciones de Baile...