OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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RB Farm is now available with the fix. For those using the basic farm this is your answer. RB Farm is the same as SF Farm. Leave me your region link and I’ll pop over and give you a copy.

Just added 9 Damian Fate Mesh Clothes templates. Going Back to work Tomorrow so as the Grid Name States, The Clock Is Ticking. Come Grab The Freebies While They are Around, anyone who knows me knows I change my mind weekly!

Hi hive-mind: Has nyone sucessfully managed to use Lockguard with AVsitter in OS?
(I know about SFposer, but feels very unfamiliar)

RemmyRavenhurst: I am not sure about Lockguard but i am using SF poser and it can take a bit to work out at first. I prefer it to AVsitter. 3 months ago

I welcome everyone to visit our Christmas market. :-)

Cheers to December. There is a free present at welcome for the month of December. That will only be in the current boxes once they have all been given out. After that, I'll remove them all. Therefore, be careful to pick up the gifts. Enjoy your holidays and have a great time! One a day will be given a look for the calendar and the elf on a box. :)
The Dinkies Advent Calendar is now Active, Every day leading up to Christmas, a new surprise awaits for you Dinkies in the Advent Calendar. The first day had arrived, ENJOY!!!
Located at: Dinkies
(Once landing at the Resort, click on the big Christmas Market board (you can not miss seeing) and it will take you there :-))


The Dinkies Advent Calendar is now Active, Every day leading up to Christmas, a new surprise awaits for you Dinkies in the Advent Calendar. The first day had arrived, ENJOY!!!
Located at: Dinkies
(Once landing at the Resort, click on the big Christmas Market board (you can not miss seeing) and it will take you there :-))

Bink Draconia: I've grabbed the 1st gift - it is soooo cute!!! Thank you very much!!!! 3 months ago

Community Meeting today all welcome - even if you are not on Wolf Territories Grid - 11AM Community Hub Region

The Hub Grid is our new Secondary Grid and its run by the fantastic Una of Masala Estates.

This Grid will host most of our public lands, but many of our rentals will stay where they are. The private land rentals will remain on E, and a few of the large sims will remain there too, if they have rentals already.

Please update your landmarks for some of our best lands now, on The Hub! :)

The Snowfall Expanse
you start the experience by crossing the region, have fun!
teleport Dreamscape Area

Die drei winterlichen Sims sind ja schon das Jahr über "geöffnet" - die Adventszeit naht - und an jedem der Adventsabende im Dezember gibt es wieder eine Lesung mit Rubeus in den Märchenzelten. Abwechselnd auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt in Dorenas World und in Rubeus`Santas Winterwunderland.
Ab 20:00 gibt es dann eine runde Stunde Geschichten und Musik zur Adventszeit zu hören - davor gibts auch schon ein wenig "festliche Klänge" zur Einstimmung. Am 1. und am 3. Advent treffen wir uns im Märchenzelt auf Dorenas Weihnachtsmarkt
und am 2. & 4. Advent gibts Weihnachtsstimmung im Märchenzelt im Winterwunderland Winterwunderland
Vorher und nachher könnt Ihr dann in aller Ruhe die Marktstände und Geschäfte auf den Weihnachtmärkten durchstöbern - da gibts bestimmt etwas das Euch und anderen Freude machen kann.
Morning Breakfast show by DJ Yana @ AMV
from 6AM untill 8AM gridtime Yana Dakota will play her old rockers tracks.
Come on over if you like to have a good time.
Requests are always welcome unless its in the theme of the event.
hop over and here is your taxi:

Mein Weihnachtsmann in der Toscana hat schon einen Glühwein zuviel :))

My Santa Claus in Tuscany has already had one too many mulled wine :))

DJ Yana at Welcome in AMV

Come on over, Im spinning the tracks from 1970 80 and 90's

here is your taxi hop://

Heute Abend erneuern Nojan und Zarra ihr Eheversprechen und ihr seid alle herzlich zu einem dunklen und geheimnisvollen Tanzabend im Palaise Roissy eingeladen. Wir freuen uns auf Euch!

Govani13: Eine lnage Reise hab ihr hinter euch. Ich freu mich darauf euch weiter Jahre begleiten zu können. 3 months ago
2024 Twiztid Timez Advent Calendar will open December 1st for [TTG]Grid Events Group Members. The Advent Calendar is located in the Welcome Area outside of Faith Fashions. Touch the Gnome to Join the Group. None of the Gifts in the Advent Calendar are OpenSim finds and we'd very much like you to honor the permissions on the gifts given. Merry Christmas & Have a Safe & Happy Holiday!

********* New Release*********

New body release Classic 1.7.1 with complete HUD

New Body release Athletic 1.7.1 with complete HUD

Xmas Market 2024 @ Eternal Ice

FinjaFlux: Let's have some eggnog at Bink's Xmas Market! Cheers! 3 months ago
Clock is ticking - first Advent door opens at midnight CET! Every day - until December 24, 2024 - there will be a new gift to take home. So that it doesn't become too stressful to visit the Advent calendar every day, all gifts can also be taken home at a later date.
You will find the Advent calendar pictured here inside the traffic circle directly in front of the landing point. Have fun!
* * * * *
Die Uhr läuft - um Mitternacht MEZ öffnet sich das erste Adventstürchen! Bis 24. Dezember 2024 gibt es jeden Tag ein neues Geschenk zum Mitnehmen. Damit es nicht zu stressig wird, jeden Tag den Adventskalender zu besuchen, können alle Geschenke auch nachträglich noch mitgenommen werden.
Ihr findet den abgebildeten Adventskalender innerhalb des Rondells direkt vor dem Landepunkt. Viel Spaß!

Dorena Verne: Juhuuuuuuuu. :-) 3 months ago

Touch it it lights up! Great addition to add any place take the teleport..

Gallery Path of Glory – Candoranien

Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt Candoraniens und erlebe epische Geschichten, heldenhafte Taten und bedeutende Meilensteine unserer Rollenspiel-Welt. Unsere Galerie nimmt dich mit auf eine visuelle Reise durch Abenteuer, Herausforderungen und triumphale Momente.

Von beeindruckenden Landschaften bis hin zu Szenen voller Emotionen – jedes Bild erzählt seine eigene Geschichte und lässt dich die Magie von Candoranien hautnah spüren.

Wishing you all a happy pre-Christmas season. :-)

Tainted Angel: Wishing you a very Merry Christmas season! 3 months ago

Note: Novale's uses GMT (or UCT) as reference Timezone
Info: Click the huge bauble for info
Good Luck !

Faith Fromund: Thank you so much! Beautiful Region and the Advent Hunt is fun. =) 3 months ago
Many new products in Dallas, such as landscaping items for your yard and clothing attire, take the teleport grab-it stuff. You can also check the items above. Just keep in mind that I'm not alone; we in Dallas are constantly adding new things. Three other people also contribute to Dallas on your behalf.
I am excited to roll out premium housing in our new Roads sims. These parcels are 10,000 meters or up and have waterfront views of Little Willow Bay. The parcels are on named roads, in a neighborhood, and connected to thousands of kilometers of connected roadways, including Cloudburst Roads, Rouge Vineyards, and the Neverworld National Forest. These homesites are available to Neverworlders ONLY, so you know your neighbors all live here full-time.
Parcels are free.
Each parcel comes with house rezzers of upgraded design. You are welcome to decorate your home and parcel as you wish in keeping with the coastal theme. Generous prim limits and an amazing opportunity to join our exclusive Roads community. You must join the Never Riders Group to obtain a parcel. It is a closed group... if you are not a member just ask any admin and we will send you an invite.
Hop to the private community of Little Willow Bay
hop:// Willow Bay/670/726/22

Crazyposeidon: Great regions, great performances, we use as our holiday destination, the best road system I have ever seen virtually, great places to discover, breathtaking mountain routes, great landscapes, outstan... 3 months ago
Many new products in Dallas, such as landscaping items for your yard and clothing attire, take the teleport grab-it stuff. You can also check the items above. Just keep in mind that I'm not alone; we in Dallas are constantly adding new things. Three other people also contribute to Dallas on your behalf.

Lone is at one of his home's talking trees with Jimmy!

*** Sleigh Ride with Santa ***
Click on the destination of your choice (red posters)
Santa's personal sleigh will be rezzed neaby
Sit in the sleigh and click the sleigh to ride. Enjoy!!

The station is located close to the Welcome Globe
Have a ride with Santa, there are two destinations offered
A nice way to immerse yourself in Holiday Ambiance

For our 12th year in a row...

Littlefield Grid will be running our annual WLFG Christmas Stream!
Christmas / Holiday Music 24x7!!

This stream is available to ALL!!

Merry Christmas from Littlefield Grid!!

Lynne Lundquist: Thanks so much! 3 months ago

Christmas Island is now open for all! Free holiday decorations! Sleigh Ride, Santa's flying Sleigh Ride, Santa's Castle, Ice Skating, and many other fun holiday items!!