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13. Gridjubiläum von Dorenas World
Heute Abend:
17. Jan. Dienstag
20:00 Uhr GridTalk-Party - DJ Rubeus - Club GridTalk (Gridtalk)

13. Gridjubiläum von Dorenas World
16. Jan. Montag
20:00 Uhr Eröffnung der Festwoche - DJs Klara & Xenos (Meshmatsch)
Welch großartiger Auftakt der Eventwoche, danke an euch,..bin hin und weg.

What is wood Alcohol used for ?

Buzzy Cnayl: You can make perfume using the SF Vat 2 years ago
DJ Rosie's "70's Disco Night" at Hot Daddy's!! Tonight at 6:00PM!!
Region: Hot Daddys on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00PM grid time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
This week at Hot Daddy's DJ Rosie has chosen "70's Disco Night" as her theme! It's gonna be a Boogie Wonderland!! Let Rosie supply that Disco Beat and all you have to do is move your feet!! You're welcome to dress as a Disco Diva or you can just come as you are, just get over to Wyldwood Bayou Grid and Hot Daddy's and get your hustle on!! Daddys
ETA: Spax Orion mentioned something to me in the comments section of his recent post... I likely will need permission from a OSgrid region operator... in that case... I'll probably rebuild things slowly instead. As it is I have lots of photos of my favorite outfits from OSgrid (and Kitely), much more than whatever I have posted online. I'll be okay with this, not a problem. I can always pick three or four looks and redo them quickly enough. Not hard really. I'll just keep looking at a few more sims and see which one would suit me. Any sim that has a Suitcase in the inventory and is good about backups, griefer issues, customer support and fault tolerance should do.

Well, here I go... I'll have to see if I can pull off a IAR (inventory backup) run in OSgrid... need to read more documentation and maybe the OSgrid forums before attempting.

Here's the current version from the OS archives if you're curious:

I plan on importing as much as I can of my OSGrid identity somewhere else. My first choice is Alternate Metaverse, DigiWorldz is my second; I'm looking at a few more sims before I settle on my next, official second account. I won't send it to Kitely as I want to keep that account as lean and mean as I can, even though I've chosen it now as my main Open Sim account.

I may be overthinking my actions here, but I'm sick and tired of the file corruption issues I put up with when TPing with my OSgrid account. That account won't go away. I'll keep it around for testing purposes.

Okay, enough talk, time for me to eat dinner then I'll see what can be done. Carry on!
Ozone MiniVerse - Exportable Content

Exports are disabled in Ozone MiniVerse. This region contains all of the exportable goods we have on offer. Simply click a box to receive a folder with it's contents. SimGEAR content will only be dispensed to OSgrid avatars.

Whispering Forest now "Whispers". Opening to the public soon.

Luna Lunaria: Nice work Star, love the atmospheric feel :-) 2 years ago

Full Avatar Evo Valentine's day #arkhamcity

Full Avatar Ultimate BoM #arkhamcity

We made an island for our group member Eduard Milev from Ukraine who we did not see in a long time. He made wonderful arms for all kinds of RP, scripted, and you can visit this island and see his work. Visit our sims and the shipwrights shop to TP there. Or search his name in Kitely Marketplace.

Jerralyn Franzic: Awesome, hope he's doing well. :) 2 years ago
We made an island for our groups member Eduard Milev from Ukraine, from who we did not hear long.

Trouble Ahead : He made wonderful arms for all kind of RP. You can come see them by visiting Catronian Archipelago and visit the shipwrights to TP there, or just look at Kitely marketplace and search on name. 2 years ago

ce terrain est mort (land dead)
les likes doivent se faire sur
all on "pirate",
not on "falene pirate" (dead)

Rage Darkstone on the Inworld Review this week!


Make no mistake, what I like is astronomy, not rockets....

But doing this simulator (it's endless...), I'm realizing many things.

1. I have gone where I was not called.

2. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict reaches the space.

The international station, the ISS, is falling apart... The docked Soiuz has large meteorite impacts. An unmanned one will arrive on February 20 to return the astronauts to Earth (only the Russians)...

Russia has decided not to carry supplies and the ISS has to start its engines every day, to maintain orbit and not fall, plus water and food.

SpaceX has a spacecraft there, but it only holds 4 people out of the 7 that inhabit it in total. In case of emergency, if something happens before February 20, they will not be able to return in the SpaceX spacecraft either, the astronauts' suits are custom-made for each one, so the Russians could not return in it (they could not sit down for re-entry).

SpaceX will continue to carry supplies (as long as NASA pays), but we all know how Elon Musk's business is going.

NASA on the other hand, is investing in the Moon colonization project, they didn't count on fixing the ISS.... Besides, their latest plan, as they fail to land on Luna with the Orion, is to... crash the spacecraft (the necessary instruments are saved for now, they say). I'm sure this is quite economical

Will the ISS make it to 2031, when it was scheduled to be destroyed in the ocean?
My guess is that international politics will destroy it sooner.

Taking into account, that there is a new space race between SpaceX, China, Arab Emirates, USA and some crazy couple who want to go to Mars (right now nobody is able to reach the Moon and land, but they want to go to Mars...).

Why invest in Mars? Why did we go to Luna?


No os equivoquéis, lo que me gusta es la astronomía, no los cohetes....

Pero haciendo este simulador (es interminable...), me estoy dando cuenta de muchas cosas.

1. Me he metido donde no me llamaban.

2. El conflicto ruso-ucraniano llega al espacio.

3. La estación internacional, la ISS, se cae a pedazos... La Soiuz acoplada tiene grandes impactos de meteoritos. Una no tripulada llegará el 20 de febrero para devolver a los astronautas a la Tierra (sólo a los rusos)...

Rusia ha decidido no llevar suministros y la ISS tiene que encender sus motores todos los días, para mantener la órbita y no caer, además de agua y comida.

SpaceX tiene una nave allí, pero sólo caben 4 personas de las 7 que la habitan en total. En caso de emergencia, si ocurre algo antes del 20 de febrero, tampoco podrán volver en la nave de SpaceX, los trajes de los astronautas están hechos a medida para cada uno, por lo que los rusos no podrían volver en ella (no podrían sentarse para la reentrada).

SpaceX seguirá llevando suministros (mientras la NASA pague), pero todos sabemos cómo va el negocio de Elon Musk.

La NASA por su parte, está invirtiendo en el proyecto de colonización de la Luna, no contaban con arreglar la ISS.... Además, su último plan, como no consigan aterrizar en Luna con la Orión, es... estrellar la nave (los instrumentos necesarios están guardados por ahora, dicen). Seguro que esto es bastante económico

¿Llegará la ISS a 2031, cuando estaba previsto que se destruyera en el océano?
Mi opinión es que la política internacional la destruirá antes.

Teniendo en cuenta, que hay una nueva carrera espacial entre SpaceX, China, Emiratos Árabes, EEUU y alguna pareja de locos que quieren ir a Marte (ahora mismo nadie es capaz de llegar a la Luna y aterrizar, pero quieren ir a Marte...).

¿Por qué invertir en Marte? ¿Por qué fuimos a Luna?

Ellen: Very interesting stories! 2 years ago
Group notices are borked even more than usual, so it looks like no one got my new group gift notice:

"There's a brand new group gift at the Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid, and you don't want to miss it! Look for the box in the lobby by the group joiner kiosk. Thank you again for your patronage!"

HG Address: Emporium - Main Store
Here we are... my Ruth2 avi in Kitely that has similar body dimensions to my Athena body, especially the one that uses the Lelutka Erin head. It measures 5.33 feet\1.625 meters.

I'm getting there, still a work in progress. :)

This is consistent with the casual look I sport in Open Sim and Second Life, so it's something I can enjoy. Next time... I'll try to put together something business oriented... then fantasy... a gown... in due time. ^_^

DJ Kith's Sunday Night Blues Bash at Rockin' The Blues!! 6:00PM (SLT)!!
Region: Rockin' The Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00 PM grid time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
DJ Kith is well known for his upbeat, modern, high energy blues! He spins tunes you instantly fall in love with and that reach into your heart and soul and bring out the best in everyone!! When Kith spins..the house rocks and shakes...the excitement is crazy and the Tribe is full of laughter and happiness! Come join us and get your happy on with friends old and new, fabulously cool blues and the most fun you'll have all week!! See you there!!! Bayou Rockin' The Blues
LOST DATA in Opensim.

Hello everyone, I recently decided to move my regions back into a mini-grid application (linked in my profile) due to issues I was experiencing with OSgrid. One of which was the problem with losing MESH assets. It was a well known fact that some 'textures' would go missing but eventually return again. My biggest issue was mesh assets being worn on NPCs while rezzed inworld. One NPC had his head missing, the maid had a missing foot. Console errors would warn me that my NPCs were not going to be fully drawn. I keep boxes of all assets for NPCs and the backups also had the same missing content problem. It does not end there, boxes with mesh items rezzed on land inworld (not in inventory folders) were also affected. It was my understanding (from online articles) that storing items on land was generally regarded as being safer than keeping items in your inventory.

What do you do?

When attempting to load an old oar to OSgrid, I discovered that it will ignore assets which are already in their database, even if the osgrid entry is damaged or missing. So the only way to get those items back is to load this oar on another grid. Maybe a Standalone, Dreamgrid or any other server which has it's own database. Here is how my recovery procedure worked:

1. I loaded an oar backup (from a hidden INVENTORY REGION) I made LAST NIGHT which had several thousand missing items. During the creation process, RED console errors gave warnings of items that would not be included in the archive.

2. I created a separate region to load oars (made last year and the year before) of that SAME sim. As the oars were loading I noticed it was skipping assets and only loading the missing content. I had one old oar load 15 assets and skip the 25k+ which were already in the database. In this experiment, I used several oars in the "recovery" region. I emptied the sim after each oar load. I figured It would not necessary to keep the content live.

3. When all was said and done, this produced an interesting side effect. Since missing assets are now in my new database, I could go into the region which once had asset loading errors and rez mesh content which was previously missing. This tells me that the damaged oar had mention of the missing assets written into it and all that was needed is to load the missing items into the database for retrieval. The way Oar archives work is nothing short of genius!

4. Once the procedure is complete a NEW OAR can be made (with noticeably less content errors) and the Wizardry & Steamworks database cleanup procedure ( can be used to discard database bloat.

Anyway, I wanted to share my findings on this topic and I hope it will help someone who has lost assets. As a content creator, I can tell you it is devastating to lose things you spent a great deal of personal time making. An old saying comes to mind: "Never keep all of your eggs in one basket". Having a hypergrid enabled standalone region on the side will let you get those lost items back. If you wish to stay on OSgrid, you can have your alt bring recovered data to your OSgrid region with NEW asset IDs.

I cannot stress enough... BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP your DATA.

-Peace & Love

Jerralyn Franzic: Curious... I'm basically a user in Open Sim. I don't have any land that I rent/own and I don't run a sim. Is it possible for me to back up my inventory in OSgrid using the OAR method? I'm looking to... 2 years ago
****LIVE NOW****
Agatha is not only an exceptionally talented singer, she is also hysterically funny and down to earth. Singing from her home in Brazil, Agatha’s strong, smooth and sultry voice will have you wanting more!

» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴3:00p ∵∴ ❈
» Шhere: ✫INTERLUDE✫
◂◄◀ MAP ▶►▸
DJ Golbez starts the year with our first event at Club Equinox of 2023.

Come on over and shake your bits to DJ Golbez's heavy metal, baby metal and whatever he spins. Club Equinox
Putri Solo ,is an Indonesian singer who has been enchanting second life audiences with her fantastic voice for years, with its repertoire of over two hundred songs. She has sung professionally in RL and is very popular in SL. Putri sings great covers from a variety of genres.Come along for fun, laughter and great live music!!......hop://
****LIVE NOW***
Katia has been doing Internet performances for over 15years. Her wide range of styles coupled with an upbeat stage presence and her infectious laugh has drawn a large fan-base. Shows can feature styles such as modern/classic rock, pop music, show tunes and romantic ballads... and of course, your requests.
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴2:00p ∵∴ ❈
» Шhere: ✫INTERLUDE✫
◂◄◀ MAP ▶►▸

The Ruth2 v4 mesh head is not usable for me, since it won't accept a shape well. Is there a compatible mesh head in Opensim that's a good quality? I see a some heads available on the Kitely Market but I know nothing about them. Until now I've only used the system head with the Ruth body

Jupiter Rowland: Unfortunately, no, there is no 3rd party head for Ruth2 v4 whatsoever. No BoM head at all with the same neck cross-section as Ruth2 v4, for that matter. All you can do is spend some time (a lot of ti... 2 years ago
****LIVE NOW****
Sultry Sunday Dual Stream with Zoree & Remy
The sensual stylings of these two vocalists is amazing!
Come have a listen!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴12:00p ∵∴ ❈
» Шhere: ✫INTERLUDE✫
◂◄◀ MAP ▶►▸

Beautiful landscapes, Club for your leisure time with fantastic Djs, Ice skate parks, and a large mall where you can find almost everything and we have vacant stores to rent for free

Sunday Blues Brunch with DJ Kith on the Bayou Belle!! Sunday Mornings at 9:00AM (SLT)!!
Region: Rockin' The Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 9:00 AM grid time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
Get up, grab your breakfast and come on down to The Bayou Belle to chill with DJ Kith & The Tribe for coffee and relaxing blues!! DJ Kith may be a lousy cook but he's a fabulous blues DJ! He's got the blues that will both ease your troubles from the previous week, put a smile on your face and give you the motivation to head into the next! No better way to start your day than with a heaping helping of DJ Kith and some chill blues! See you there!! Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Agatha is not only an exceptionally talented singer, she is also hysterically funny and down to earth. Singing from her home in Brazil, Agatha’s strong, smooth and sultry voice will have you wanting more!

» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴3:00p ∵∴ ❈
» Шhere: ✫INTERLUDE✫
◂◄◀ MAP ▶►▸
Katia has been doing Internet performances for over 15years. Her wide range of styles coupled with an upbeat stage presence and her infectious laugh has drawn a large fan-base. Shows can feature styles such as modern/classic rock, pop music, show tunes and romantic ballads... and of course, your requests.
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴2:00p ∵∴ ❈
» Шhere: ✫INTERLUDE✫
◂◄◀ MAP ▶►▸

Sultry Sunday Dual Stream with Zoree & Remy
The sensual stylings of these two vocalists is amazing!
Come have a listen!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴12:00p ∵∴ ❈
» Шhere: ✫INTERLUDE✫
◂◄◀ MAP ▶►▸
In case you are sailing and see a really huge brown cube.......I know.....I was building....things went crazy...and I have turned in a ticket to get rid of it. Sorry for the will be fixed


Venite a trovarci A Movidaitalia Beach nella nostra spiaggia con una grande discoteca dove potrete ballare e divertirvi.

Angeldark: Bella! Complimenti. 2 years ago
On Camballa in the news box you can find a lot of new things for Valentine's Day.
Pretty for the wonderful day with your loved one
or for a hot party
Use the teleporter to the news box
Auf Camballa in der News-Box ist für den Valentins Tag vieles neues zu finden.
Hübsches für den wunderbaren tag mit deinem liebsten
oder für eine heisse party
Nutze den Teleporter zur News Box
On Camballa in the news box you can find a lot of new things for Valentine's Day.
Pretty for the wonderful day with your loved one
or for a hot party
Use the teleporter to the news box
Auf Camballa in der News-Box ist für den Valentins Tag vieles neues zu finden.
Hübsches für den wunderbaren tag mit deinem liebsten
oder für eine heisse party
Nutze den Teleporter zur News Box

Greedy Game Social - A get together to play greedy and make new friends! @ AMV Welcome, Fridays 3-5 PM Grid Time
All are welcome both on and off gridders! Beer & Pizza for everyone!

One of Opensimulator's Longest continually running Dance Parties! 10 years and counting!! LIVE DJ and Dancing!! Music from the 60's to current day!

Tonight at 8pm Pacific!

Bonjour les Francophones !
- "Une p'tite toile pour terminer le week-end, cela vous tente ?"
- "Euh, oui, pourquoi pas ! mais où est-ce ?"
- "M'enfin ! Chez Jo, bien sûr ! Il suffit de se rendre sur sa région d'accueil, puis un simple clic sur le panneau et on arrive au ciné-parc"
- "ah, oui, of course ! comme tous les dimanches. Et l'horaire ? tu peux me le rappeler ?
- "12h STL / 15h Qc / 21h Fr"
- "il est prévu la projection de quel film, ce dimanche 15 janvier 2023 ?"
- " The Island (ou L'île au Québec), c'est un film de science-fiction de 2005."
- "ok, merci ! @ dimanche ! :-)"
DJ Kith spinnin' the love...and the blues! Tonight at Rockin' the Blues at 7:30!!
Blues man DJ Kith steals the stage from the awesome DJ Riker at 7:30 to continue your Saturday night blues party!! Kith spins the blues you love..the ones that make ya scream and..ok....they don't but they make ya wanna dance and party with your friends! This is your Saturday night! Do it right at Rockin' the Blues!!!! The gang's all here!!! Bayou Rockin' The Blues