OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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I left the confines of my grubby room of questionable privacy. The desert called to me, so I went. The further away I strolled revealed more signs of life...but I question the variety thereof.

The hills have eyes...

"Wild, dark times are rumbling toward us, and the prophet who wishes to write a new apocalypse will have to invent entirely new beasts, and beasts so terrible that the ancient animal symbols of St. John will seem like cooing doves and cupids in comparison."
-- Heinrich Heine

SteveMaryweather: Orange Desert Sands... 3 months ago

📝 stop it

To all of you in our community.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here
-- Don Henley, Glenn Frey

Misty_Falls: Are you chillin' and watching the "Box" drama? LOL Where's the popcorn and soda? 3 months ago
In my desert journey, I came upon an abandoned petrol station in a ghost town. I didn't dare seek shelter there, but slept across the road on the warm ground. I gave it the light of day, but does it look better? I still feel unease...

"What powerful but unrecorded race
Once dwelt in that annihilated place"
-- Horace Smith

Arcfury: It's like a scene from the Twilight Zone. 3 months ago

SN Lenia Outfit
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

📝 Dorena on a personal note

This video is in English for you. I'll tell you something about our grid

Another steamy furniture, great to blend in with public venues in adult sims (bars, or outdoors). A vending machine with stocked with everything you need, from dildos to condom. Not its main use, though! Have all the fun against it with the +300 animations it comes with.You could also, make the mesh invisible and place it on any wall!

Uber: hop://

The Asian kiosk - View from the inside

News! hop://

Jared Seda: These are so cool thanks for sharing 3 months ago
Immerse yourself in lush, bioluminescent forests, soaring floating mountains, and serene waterfalls that create a haven of tranquility and wonder. Iknimaya a Pandoran Paradise...

Littel Cuba, a themed hang-and chill-out space. Enjoy great music, or dance at the unique lounge, at the Cuban village or on our beach.

Our new landing station at Aveon Park is complete and ready to transport you to wherever you want to go. Explore and learn the history of the park and its founders, or perhaps you can solve the puzzle of the secret society! Explore the beautiful scenery or enjoy a hot air balloon ride. Play Greedy! Check into the La Fountaine hotel's suites, or just hang out in the piano bar. Shop at Luna's Landing. There is ample hiking, photo spots and great locations for boating. Enjoy some Live music at Tesla's. Explore the new Secret Garden. Shop at Luna's Landing. Please join our group and be sure to READ our simple rules to help you enjoy your adventure.

News! hop://

LeonitasLionheart: Nice! I only humbly wish someone would include ares/Jake 😁 3 months ago

SN Giona Beachdress V1
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

We are back up and running and open to all visitors! Thank you Unadecal Masala for being such a great Landlord!!

Milly Money: Sounds like you came out ahead! Glad Una was able to get you all fixed up again :) 3 months ago
Today, let's discover Novale's Swamp (Destination # 2 w. Teleport Buoys)
Swamp areas are known for there rich biodiversity.
Board walks will keep you on the dry side :)
Make sure that your ambient sounds volume is set high

NEW in the Store -- Boots for the Kimono Outfit`s Legacy & Lara X

NEW Outfits in the Store --for Legacy & Lara X & Lara X Petite

***news at Camballa***
Glamor and Glitter
Dresses and Shoes
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker


Soirée Théâtre - Et l’œuf engendra la poule
L’Event Space a le grand honneur de recevoir sous son toit la troupe Les Théâtreux pour vous présenter la pièce intitulée "Et l’œuf engendra la poule", écrite par Jean Vilain.
Elle a été initialement captée radiophoniquement et diffusée sur Radio Saint-Affrique, une radio libre et associative en Aveyron. C’est cet enregistrement original qui sera le support audio de la pièce dans laquelle les personnages sont incarnés par des avatars.

MinordLoup: Mais tout le monde en parle lol 4 months ago
Soirée Théâtre - Et l’œuf engendra la poule
L’Event Space a le grand honneur de recevoir sous son toit la troupe Les Théâtreux pour vous présenter la pièce intitulée "Et l’œuf engendra la poule", écrite par Jean Vilain.
Elle a été initialement captée radiophoniquement et diffusée sur Radio Saint-Affrique, une radio libre et associative en Aveyron. C’est cet enregistrement original qui sera le support audio de la pièce dans laquelle les personnages sont incarnés par des avatars.
The dates for the world's fair are March 1st - March 30th, 2025. People creating exhibits can start building any time. If you are interested in exhibiting in any way please contact us in Discord . Show off your grid, your projects, fashion, art, tech, education or just anything you want show the public.

Visit our website at:

Let’s make this fair spectacular!🎪🌟
OMG I am so grateful that so many people and GRIDS have contacted me to show their support in my move from Junglefriends GRID.
Thanks to all of you who give me, Arthur and Linda Support through our work.
We don't want to give room for others to copycat our idea' what we build.
It is all of you who give us support, to want to continue doing what we love.
A preview of what I'm building...
Follow us at opensimworld for more news.
with kind regards Angelina, Arthur and Linda

Dios mío, estoy muy agradecido de que tanta gente y GRIDS se hayan puesto en contacto conmigo para mostrarme su apoyo en mi mudanza de Junglefriends GRID.
Gracias a todos los que me apoyan a mí, a Arthur y a Linda a través de nuestro trabajo.
No queremos dar espacio a que otros copien nuestra idea de lo que construimos.
Sois todos vosotros los que nos dais apoyo, para querer seguir haciendo lo que amamos.
Un adelanto de lo que estoy construyendo...
Síguenos en opensimworld para más noticias.
Atentamente, Angelina, Arthur y Linda.

OMG, ich bin so dankbar, dass so viele Menschen und GRIDS mich kontaktiert haben, um mir ihre Unterstützung für meinen Wechsel von Junglefriends GRID zu zeigen.
Vielen Dank an alle, die mich, Arthur und Linda bei unserer Arbeit unterstützen.
Wir möchten anderen keinen Raum geben, unsere Vorstellung von dem, was wir bauen, zu kopieren.
Sie alle sind es, die uns unterstützen, damit wir weiterhin das tun wollen, was wir lieben.
Eine Vorschau auf das, was ich baue ...
Folgen Sie uns auf opensimworld für weitere Neuigkeiten.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Angelina, Arthur und Linda.

Mio Dio, sono così grato che così tante persone e GRIDS mi abbiano contattato per mostrare il loro sostegno nel mio trasferimento da Junglefriends GRID.
Grazie a tutti voi che supportate me, Arthur e Linda nel nostro lavoro.
Non vogliamo dare spazio ad altri per copiare la nostra idea di ciò che costruiamo.
Siete tutti voi che ci sostenete, che volete continuare a fare ciò che amiamo.
Un'anteprima di quello che sto costruendo...
Seguici su opensimworld per ulteriori notizie.
Cordiali saluti, Angelina, Arthur e Linda.

Mon Dieu, je suis tellement reconnaissant que tant de personnes et de GRID m'aient contacté pour me montrer leur soutien dans mon déménagement de Junglefriends GRID.
Merci à vous tous qui me soutenez, moi, Arthur et Linda, dans notre travail.
Nous ne voulons pas laisser la possibilité aux autres de copier notre idée de ce que nous construisons.
C'est vous tous qui nous soutenez, qui souhaitez continuer à faire ce que nous aimons.
Un aperçu de ce que je construis...
Suivez-nous sur opensimworld pour plus de nouvelles.
Cordialement, Angelina, Arthur et Linda.

LaylaHart42: I cant what to go see 4 months ago

We have the beacon!

Paradise Lost is proud to present The Art Journey: An Exploration of Generative AI Images by Doc Nolan

Doc Nolan has been in virtual worlds for nearly 2 decades. He has always had a part in virtual world art through virtual world photography, then drawing, and now, in generative AI. Doc draws inspiration from a variety of life experiences, both real and virtual. His lifelong journeys as an avid hiker and international traveler have heavily influenced his choices in art, as well as his personal relationships and interests.

Come explore this medium through the eyes of Doc Nolan, wandering through a forest filled with forest nooks and hidden spaces, with beautiful areas for your contemplation of what you see and experience. Immerse yourself, explore, experience.

New hang out spot with a small photo gallery. Each photo owns a poem which reflects the inspiration for it. Click the center of each picture to read them. I hope you enjoy!

NEW in the Store --Teach Me Complete Outfit for LaraX Petite

ART & FRIENDS, along with the artists Azi AZ, Patinha Babii, Tina Bey, Caro Fayray, Elmo Figaro, Youca Godel, Morning Glory, Deanna janus, Victoria Logan, Lando Maremagnun, Nemo Night, Bonnie Oppewall, Victorious Oppewall, Valeria Rossi.
They invite all of you to the Opening of the exhibition We Are OsGrid.
Event you can't miss!!
Friday, June 28, 12 noon.-
My virtual campaign office at Kawabunga Bay surf region. I am running for State Representative in RL (and likely to win). The people on my grid can't vote of course, but my Partner brought up the funny point that they are all virtual residents of Ward 5 in our city. So it is relevant. :)

Mike Chase: Best of luck! Your constituents will be getting an awesome public servant. 4 months ago


SN Grace Bikini
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Here is another screen shot of my Little Flower Garden!

I wanted to take a better picture! ;)

A new expo in my gallery: Relationships

Join us for our closing ceremonies at 3pm at Tiki Stage hop:// with DJ Indi~Q on the ones and twos Closing remarks from Lone Wolf, Luna Stormfeather, Xenon Darrow. Open mic. Come give Wolf Fest a big send off till we do it all again next year!! It was an awesome fabulous weekend!! Even though the parties are over you can still visit the exhibits and awesome builds!! Thank you everyone for making our first Wolf Fest awesome.

Xenon Darrow: Best festival ever! 4 months ago

Collectibles III was born today, still a work in progress but am happy to share it at this stage, as always you will find cute gifts, so come take a look
Hugs Bebe

Bebe: In this small place you will find my collection of clothing for eBody Reborn only :) 4 months ago
Someone requested this house in the "What Are You Looking For" group, so I've set it out at the OSW exclusive area. As some folks were having issues getting there, I've got a teleporter setup to your left when you're exiting the subway car. Look for the door with OSW on it and click to get there. Enjoy!

Shops and stall are filling up!!!!

Jared Seda: I tried going again but can't get there either. 4 months ago