OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Bereitet euch vor, Leute!

Der berüchtigte Blue Monday ist zurück im Club XY und er verspricht, euch aus eurer Winterdepression zu reißen

und euch in eine sommerliche Stimmung zu versetzen – ganz gleich, ob das Wetter draußen mitspielt oder nicht!

Am 4. März 2024 ab 21:00 Uhr öffnen sich die Türen des Club XY, und ihr seid eingeladen, eine Nacht voller rhythmischer Vibes zu erleben.

Xenos wird die Plattenteller von 21:00 Uhr bis 23:00 Uhr übernehmen und euch mit den Reggae-Klassikern der 60er bis 80er Jahre zum Tanzen bringen.

Erinnerungen an Sonnenuntergänge am Strand und lässige Vibes sind garantiert!

Aber haltet eure Tanzschuhe fest, denn ab der zweiten Stunde bis zum bitteren Ende wird der Sound noch härter und wilder!

Reggae trifft auf Metal und andere böse Genres, die eure Seele zum Beben bringen werden.

Lasst euch überraschen und bringt eure wildesten Moves mit!

Als Vorgeschmack ab 20:00 Uhr gibt euch „The Process“, eine amerikanische Reggae-Band aus Detroit, Michigan, USA, einen Vorgeschmack auf das, was euch erwartet.

Und vergesst nicht, dass der Sommer bereits Einzug hält – also packt eure Badeklamotten aus oder entscheidet euch für weniger, denn im Club XY gibt es keine Grenzen!

Folgt den Teleportern, um sicherzustellen, dass ihr den Weg findet.

Und für diejenigen, die nur zuhören möchten:

Schaltet ein auf oder nutzt die TuneIn-App auf eurem Handy, um Xenolandia zu hören!

Die Party findet statt im Club XY, Taxi:

Lasst uns gemeinsam den Blue Monday in den heißesten Montag des Jahres verwandeln! Seid dabei oder verpasst die Party eures Lebens!

Weitere Informationen findet ihr auf unserer Website:

Bis bald, ihr Tanzwütigen!

Join us at the Piazza at 3 pm grid time, for a couple of hours of fun and music while Rockin' Robert spins the tunes for us via his radio station Wax Radio.
The Piazza, where good friends and great music always come together. Lagoon
I am looking for a dance floor in the shape of a ring with balls on which the dancers can sit. The whole ring rotates slowly. You often see them, I'm looking for a place where I can get something like this.

Jupiter Rowland: I've just been told to recommend you to ask Victor Clary or Samira Samtanko in Dereos. 7 months ago

Spontan Party



When we last left my meandering rant, i mentioned that my landlord and (Undecel Masala at Masala Estates!) regarding two regions that had popped up right next to mine. I was "Avedon Park" and they were Avedon Forest and another name. When I explained that I had no relation at all to the owners of those regions, my landlord and HERO was kind enough to lift my region up and move it elsewhere. Apparently, they were just trying to copy as much of my whole damn region as they could. And soon enough, a region pops up using the same naming concept as me. (Avedon Park, How about Avedon's Peak? Mark's Park? or Avedon Place? Oh well. As so many like to argue, this is how we roll in OS and it "happens all the time". The saddest part is that these are people I associate with and consider friends!

Jump ahead only a month or so later that I started releasing the history or "lore" I have created and posting it here for people to enjoy. It is an overall narrative that applies not only to the region in OS but is also being used as part of a graphic novel, artwork, and music. It was less than a week that a similar "history' with just a minor change or two popped up at the previously mentioned region.
Anyone who says copying is the best form of flattery should be stripped naked, tied to the back of a truck, and drug down a main street.) Again, you can make endless arguments about how "everyone does it" "that is how OS works" and "no laws are being broken" (though I am learning fast that is questionable!). The point is that it shows a complete lack of INTEGRITY. It is such a shitty thing to do, especially in OS, where you are not likely to make any sort of financial gain from it, you are just doing it for "likes" and laziness.

But enough whinging. What can you really do about any of this? Well, after some research, I probably more than you think, especially if you live in the US.

First, say something! Even if you end up being wrong, it is important to publicly express your feelings on the issue and explain your work.

Second, Copywrites and protection through the DMCA are fairly easy and cheap (ie Free) to acquire. You can file for protection yourself for free, OR you can find someone who is already protected and simply absorb your content into their protection. And in the US you often don't have to file ANYTHING to be protected if your idea has been completed and made public, you can seek DMCA protections.

Now, and here we go back to just needing some integrity.

Idea vs. Expression:
Ideas themselves cannot be copyrighted. This means that the core concept or plot of your project cannot be exclusively protected by copyright.
However, the expression of that idea—how you write it down, how you present it, and certain details or traits—can be protected. (This is the future path I am walking but you should choose what works for you)

Also, OSGrid and other grids need to do more to police themselves. Know the difference between BOB Q Guy buying an item in SL or Kitely, copying it and bringing into Open Sim, and handing it out, as compared to someone just taking a person's work without payment or permission, and then claiming it as their own idea or concept. And don't assist them by allowing them to use your website and tools to promote a hijacked concept.

And finally, when it happens just speak out. you will take hell for it and you might even be WRONG, but speak up and let people know this hurts you.

and wow, did I just ramble on or what?? Sorry about that, but I do think there is a possible "integrity deficit" in our house and it would be up to us each to change that. I now climb off my teeny tiny soapbox and just wish you ALL a happy weekend. Feel free to come by Avedon Park and visit. We welcome everyone.

Verna Avril: I total agree with all your statements ..... they can hunt and shop and go to all trouble to get things and peoples regions should be safe from copy especially either copy all the best stu... 7 months ago

Was reading the back and forth of the infamous "arcane texture on my dance floor" with some interest. I have no connection to anyone involved, including Marianna, but this quote from her post hit home with me:

" they're not just copying pixels—they're co-opting the creative vision and storytelling of the original artist. They're diluting the integrity of the work and robbing it of its unique identity."
That is a huge problem for any creator, from Taylor Swift (who has to re-record her entire library after getting it stolen out from under her), all the way down to the poor guy who created that arcane texture god knows how many years ago years that probably 100 people have used without permission. From all indications, it is truly a bad problem in Open Sim. I wager this is why many artists who support themselves by their work or who want their ideas protected are hesitant to invest time or money into the "wild west' of OSGrid or open sim in general. To reiterate, I am not talking about copying an object or texture or pulling something from Second Life and redoing it. There are legitimate reasons for this. We are talking about the stealing of narrative and overall concepts that an individual created. Basically stealing someone's dream that they have risked sharing with the world.

Here is a small example:

It was only months ago I arrived in OS and decided to open up a small space on the OSGrid, Avedon Park. It was only days after that I was contacted by my landlord (Shout out to Undecel Masala at Masala Estates! THE BEST VIRTUAL LAND PROVIDER IN THE WORLD) regarding two regions that had popped up right next to be continued.

Marianna: I have always been a Swiftie, thank you. 7 months ago
hey folks starting soon we will have grand opening of paranormal club and beneath the deep blue sea 2 venus one loaded with mystery the other under water with the fishes come on over and visit for a splasing great time
Today I would like to talk to you about Hypergrid Games in AvatarLife.

Many times there has been talk of grids that have been improperly and unjustifiably advertised on Opensimworld in a misleading way, I don't understand how AvatarLife is still present here.

First of all, they don't have an open grid to Hypergrid; AvatarLife users, just like what happened in the past with Avitron, do not accept HG connections, neither outgoing nor incoming, yet they are FULL of things coming from Opensimulator (probably their team can go out for shopping...), from bodies to clothes to much more.

Furthermore, the region that is being advertised here is totally inappropriate, not only because it is unreachable for users, but also because it shows as reachable and instead requires registration (this can be read in the comments of the region).

To activate an account to purchase virtual currency, you also have to provide them with a document (something that not even Second Life requires unless in particular cases where it is really necessary).

No respect for privacy on the website, disregarding international laws.

There are plenty of Opensimulator grids that offer casinos where you can play safely and legally; one of these is for example Wolf Territories Grid, but there are others as well, while AvatarLife seems to have very little in terms of legitimacy, there are no official licenses for the use of currency in line with European laws, and some time ago there was a rather suspicious document regarding the validity of their RNG (Random Number Generator), which usually applies to European Video Lotteries and has little to do with Opensimulator scripts or LSL in general.

It would be interesting to understand, since there is no declared company behind this grid, with what legal premise (with servers based in England and therefore under English jurisdiction) they can be sure to be compliant.

But what surprises me the most is that the internal team is the same as AviTron's, and the modus operandi is the same; they take ideas from other platforms (and propose them in a borderline absurd way) both technically and architecturally.

So, I don't understand how their region is still allowed to be listed for advertising if they have little to do with HG.

Do you think they can be trusted? Not for me.

I have advised many to block incoming and outgoing connections from this grid, just as it happened with Avitron; users won't suffer from it since they can't travel in HG, only their staff members who go around taking things from Opensim and then passing through other grids will be affected, so blocking them to some extent seems reasonable, and if I were you, I would do it.

I would like some explanations on this matter, perhaps, so if I am mistaken, they can demonstrate their truths here.

Panthera Mayor: AvatarLife Grid is a closed grid and cannot hg there or out of there. 7 months ago
Proud of our overhaul of the gaming region at Hypergrid Games ! Take a look at the 360 image on our profile :) Welcome for all games lovers; just make yourself an account in 5 minutes at:
Just to be clear, I have always pursued my own ideas in my work and have never been interested in replicating what others have done. Because of that my work is easily identifiable wherever it is on the hypergrid. So when I heard that I had stolen someone else's idea for a dance floor I laughed. Pictured above is an event at my Aeroclub on July 13th, 2018 on Bill Blight's old grid (OpensimLife), now gone since he retired. I was using arcane textures on dance floors even back then. When I built the Lotus Club early last year on Luxor I created a similar dance floor because that's what I liked. And no, it would never bother me that someone else got a similar idea on their own. I remember when Essensual bought my Grand Ballroom then invited me over to see it. She had completely remodeled it into a gorgeous Art Deco style. I could still see my objects and textures but I loved how she creatively rearranged everything and added in some of her own textures. That's the way it should be in Opensim.

Nico Kalani: I'm going to sue the Munchkins for putting an occult symbol on their floor. :) 7 months ago
I have new requests for new charm bracelets. Themes are fun, especially for events. If you would like a special bracelet designed for your grid just IM with the details Thank you for all the IM and support! It is always such an inspiration reading your notes, thank you I love you too 𖨆♡𖨆

Marianna: A recent IM asked "What is a good resource for mesh clothing. I will post here so that you can refer back to this post for the links-----> To the dudes out there saying we need more clothes for the g... 7 months ago
I am old :) I don't care! So I really don't care what you think :) I may not have seen "attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion" but I've seen and done some stuff that doesn't involve sitting and whining in a text box. So have your pale fun or wake up and make a POSITIVE difference :)
Love to all

Arielle: Getting older is mandatory but getting wiser is optional. 7 months ago

Zoree is on stage entertaining us till 2pm grid.. come enjoy her beautiful voice. DJ Essensual will be playing after.

HALFTIME AT CLUB FIRE Half time come down

12ᴩᴍ DJ TEK
ᴡʜᴇɴ: Thursday @ 12PM GT
ᴀᴛᴛɪʀᴇ: CASUAL
Parsons Creek Lodge proudly presents..
Come have a listen to this wonderful vocalist!

❈ ════ ❈ LIVE at 1:PM OST
❈ ════ ❈ Parsons Creek Lodge
❈ ════ ❈ RIDE: Creek lodge
Zoree Jupiter Live
1:00pm at The Triannon Ballroom
Friendly crowd and music variety according to your requests.
Looking forward to having you join us :)
Attire: Formal Complex
Rice Tyler brings an experience of a "real life´s" rock concert. Tyler performs a variety of genres from 80´s, 90´s or even 2000´s, like pop, rock, hard rock, heavy metal, and love metal with the best rock ballads.
❈ ════ ❈ LIVE at 12:PM
❈ ════ ❈ RIDE: Creek Lodge
Parsons Creek Lodge proudly presents..
Katia has been doing Internet performances for over 15years. Her wide range of styles coupled with an upbeat stage presence and her infectious laugh has drawn a large fan-base. Come check her out & Welcome her to OpenSim!
❈ ════ ❈ LIVE at 11:AM
❈ ════ ❈ Parsons Creek Lodge
❈ ════ ❈ RIDE: Creek lodge
Hi everyone. Hippie here.
First Thank you for making this group.
I am looking for several things, types of things.

Art Deco items, clothes of that era and anything else, I do have some but more is definitely better LOL
Also Burlesque AO or something similar, Burlesque costumes or something which can be adapted, modified as such.

Also Koi
Sorry a mish mash I know.

If anyone can help steer me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
Good Day/ Night all.

Nico Kalani: Arkham has one of the largest, and newest, collections of AOs and dance packs. It's a good place to start your search. 7 months ago

Freitag 1.3.2024
Rock-House (512)
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

* Heisst: Dem DJ ist kein Thema eingefallen.
Da hat er dann in seinem Archiv wahllos ein paar Schubladen aufgezogen
und aus jeder 3 Lieder genommen ...
Und so wurde aus Diesem und Jenem eine Playlist.
Und der Dj sah was er geschaffen hatte.
Und er sah, dass es gut war!

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid :
Remember when going to the mall was more than just shopping?

Socializing, hanging out, relaxing, walking, skating....
Malls were more than just a place to buy things.

Friends Mall was created with that in mind. Sure it is a place to buy things....but it is so much more!

From the amazing skatepark in the courtyard to the gorgeous surrounding harbor with boats to enjoy....friends mall is an experience! You may not be ready for the half pipe....but maybe you have always wanted to learn how to sail. Come enjoy the artwork ranging from Michelangelo to Banksy to street artists....and expand your definition on what art is.
Stop by Friends Bistro and enjoy a snack before you head to the shops.

The shops at Friends mall are as diverse as the residents who run them. You will find totally unique hand crafted items as well as our favorites from around the Hyper Grid.

The specialty shops at Friends Mall include:
Skateboards Shop. Friends-grid rentals, Bits n Bobs-noobie avi and clothing, Substance - for subs, Curiosity Shop - unique items, Fractal Designs - art, Sunset Market - animated art, Toy Shop - cars, boats and planes, Corazon de melon - petite clothes and accessories, Michiko CreatioN - oriental art, Joy Love Free Store- clothing and accessories, El Rincon Arturiano - Medieval furnishings, Sailing School, Bahro Fine Art, Photo Booths, Threadz Boutique - fashion, Threadz Beach - bikinis & swimwear, Threadz Barely there - Lingerie, Threadz Sole - shoes, boots and tennis shoes

If any items appear in our shops incorrectly and you are the original creator of the product, please contact me and I will gladly remove.

hey folks new grid new venus we have paranormal club and beneath the sea with awesome djs and amazing singers

hey folks new grid new venus we have paranormal club and beneath the sea with awesome djs and amazing singers

Carmen Jewel: I never tire of looking at pics of virtual beauty :) 7 months ago
I needed to create a car spawner/rezzer for my city (since I can't allow a single space for rez items), so I needed to code this, which allows you to configure cars to be rezzed on designed points, it's split into 3:

- Car spawner (parking): must contains the cars available to be spawned, note the name of the item you put there since you'll need to configure it on the rezzer machine
- Rezzer machine: Here it contains 2 notecards: CFG (configuration) and CARLIST (cars to be rezzed)
- Temporary object: It will have the script to rotate and listen the finall call to destroy itself (when moving to other car or reset)

The panels for images can be modified and added several, just look at the config value from there.

It's full perm, copy transfer including the scripts, you can modify it, do whatever, if you do a modification remember to keep the credits.

It's the first version, maybe it will have some bugs, but I tried to have the best code quality for it.
If you have a question, or found something remember to contact me.
Once I can, I'll do a better guide (there is one included on the object), you must copy or right click buy it (since the object contains all the scripts, the notecard, rezzer, spawner and instructions)

You can get it on: on my freebies mall (same landing point)
I used some cars of Prince Armor from his Region as demo and are the ones currently which can be spawned on my city for drive (these are not included, if you like them go to their region ^^)

FreshVirtualWorld: thankyou 7 months ago

new clothes with hud

FreshVirtualWorld: Thankyou. 7 months ago

Blake Hayvenhurst: This is not a rock, this is a tomato behind a rock. Prove me wrong! ;-) 7 months ago
Thursday 29 February 12-14

90's Hits - DJ Ruth at Angels Club

Dance and chat at legendary Angels Club.

18+ AVs from all Grids welcome, large or small. Ask Jeanne if you wish.

Shemales Ladyboys 18+ M and F Adult Males Females Fairies All are welcome.

Safe for all 18+ - LGBTQAI Adult Region.

The Best Free Shops. Hard to find Athena, Petite, Reborn, Legacy... GRIMM. Free of Course.

No groups are needed as the whole region is 18+. Shop Love Live Play among 18+ Adults.

Homes, Islands, Hideaways. Ask Jeanne.
ternity Night Club PROUDLY Presents LIVE Performer Zoree Jupiter! 6-7PM OST GRID TIME!!
*Second Life and First Life as well as having sung at such famous venues as Carnegie Hall, for The Cure, Zoree shares her amazing talent for the poetic, the passionate and the emotion now on stage with her voice.~ R. D. *Performing in Virtual worlds such as Secondlife, Inworldz and Avination since 2009
*Theme: Black VS White!
* Raffle: 6-8PM Is Brought To You By River Island Fashions (Erdette Clarity) A Mesh Black Harness Dress. If You Are Bom You Can Wear Classic Clothes)And Mesh Outfits.HG friendly!!
Hi all!

Here goes my request: I'm looking for someone who can create hair for my avatar on opensimulator (in osgrid). I can pay with paypal or L$
Basically is the hair style of Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII.

Jamie Wright: Welcome Monica:) This is going to sound odd but try and find a region that has fantasy/rp/anime type people statues. Sometimes you can unlink the hairs. Q-Mesh on Kitely has a style that's kinda close... 7 months ago
(A summary of a comment to a Frontpage Post). Tigerkitti Eberdene ( has a new sim called Darkness Falls (

Tig is searching for anything Goth related. There is a Hell underground, and in the sky, Heaven (a work in progress. It’s best to visit to see what the place is about. I went there looking for goth clothing, but its also a build with a Gothic theme). Tig invites suggestions and stuff for the build

Tig would also like someone to get statues from a place (not yet identified) that they not able to get to. Can any one help with getting them? We are awaiting Tig joining the group but I thought it would be nice to get some suggestions in advance.

Jamie Wright: Nico, perfect pic for the theme of Darkness Falls:) 7 months ago

Everything you need to decorate and celebrate St. Partrick´s day. Come have a look and give it a try!


7 members

RevOfBlood Masquerade

7 members

Dj Pompom

2 members

Club Equinox

2 members


1 members

Virtualife italian grid

2 members

Baby Mania

5 members

City life Virtual

1 members

New Enterprise

1 members