OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

💬 Chat

The newest break on the hypergrid . Must see/surf. It is truly a new and unique surfing experience. Please enjoy the waves at Aquarius ( Board rezzer has a beta board for all to try . ) and Monterey too. Let's go!

Mistressdalgato: fyi region could use a landing point, i landed in the water. :) 1 years ago

New Mesh Concert Stage "BEATS LIVE" available for all free scripted commands turn on and off lights, headlights that follow you! Smoke machine included! Media streaming included!

Great: I saw the post about this stage and went to see it. I did not expect to find myself in entertainment heaven. A region complete with everything you need to organise events. The owner is a very humble a... 2 years ago
AviTron - Alex Class action lawsuit?
It has come to my attention today that Alex (and AviTron) has gone and attempted me from getting into AT at all after the debate I had with him over refusing to allow me to transfer my intellectual property as my inventory, from AT to another grid, just like I did when I joined AT and brought my inventory into AT from the previous grid.

This is outright DENIAL of service no matter what he claims, and a violation of my rights to MY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, to which I legitimately got from other stores by way of freebies, purchase or otherwise given to me, and I am now the owner of said items. He is attempting to lock anyone into AT and NOT allow them or their property out of AT all for GREED.

There is a potential class action lawsuit, and all the details can be found in in the matter;

If you are interested in joining this class action lawsuit, please contact me privately.

Edit 7-13-2023;
Corrected spelling mistakes
Alex has chosen to allow us to transfer our inventory out of AT to another grid, and therefore once this is completed, our part in a potential class action lawsuit becomes irrelevant to us

Copper: What about an apology here to all who you offended at OSW about a year ago who informed about Alexis and avitroll grid again and again? I have limited pity for you. Only from there one can get some in... 2 years ago

Advanced Lighting usage

  • I have it turned on all the time.
  • I only turn it on occasion for certain things.
  • I never turn it on.
  • If i tried to use advanced lighting my computer would die.
Vote (28)
WHO is up for Movie Night soundtracks next weekend ?
I am ! We are thinking Saturday 27th ... 12noon ? You all up for that ? Let us know and we will deliver! (PS ... if anyone wants to help with the enviroment set up for the night Let me know ... I am happy to collab :)

Courreges Malatesta: Hey hey ... ready for Saturday !! Just have to do the set ... lol 2 years ago

Morphed to a legacy AV, now to go get killed at Spax's SIM

Jerralyn Franzic: By the looks of it, must be easier to get killed at the park now. Hmmm... I gotta come back soon then lol, maybe I'll try it tonight. 2 years ago is a great way to promote all the wonderful creations we can find in different grids and I think this is the purpose of this website. Promoting creativity, giving people the ability to explore and see what others create. This is why Im sponsoring this website with advertisements and announcements. Lately I observe this place is filled with comments of personal kind , ( some would call it drama ). I am sure the majority here visiting this website for the same reason as I do are not happy with the continuously posted remarks of personal kind ( and disrespectful) . I wish to ask all who use this wonderful website to consider , where it was built for. If this website will become a gathering place for people who wish to display their frustrations, it will chase away others who are willing to invest in this medium. Please take this in consideration before you post ( and please use English if you can, this is an international community)

Trouble Ahead : "It’s lack of accountability, especially when combined with in-group favoritism, that turns the internet into a l... 2 years ago

The Inflatable Traffic Inflating Bot! Powered by patented AFK technology! Big enough to crush your competition. The Inflatable Traffic Inflating Bot is legit decor!

Oni Kiri: well is nice but can it dance? 2 years ago
Thinking of those of you who have marine worlds, I have left copies of a jellyfish, an octopus, a giant squid, a loggerhead turtle, a Beluga whale, a Yubarta whale and a whale shark at the base of Subnautica (and the whale skeleton can also be copied).
There are also 5 new NPS in the class that you can copy.
Enjoy them

Pensando en los que tenéis mundos marinos, he dejado copias de una medusa, un pulpo, un calamar gigante, una tortuga boba, una ballena Beluga, una ballena Yubarta y un tiburón ballena en la base de Subnautica (y el esqueleto de la ballena también se puede copiar).
También hay 5 nuevos NPS en la clase que puedes copiar.

Chad Deischer: I used that trick by wearing item at your region come home and drop item and open into my inventory. Then had to go back to your region wear the opened folder content . Then go home an assets were ok ... 2 years ago
Yah, I said it ... tired of idiots, like James West, Travesty and other jerks ruining my experience... those that like or support this DRAMA wave,.... like and friend request me ... OPENSIM needs to be a TROLL-FREE-ZONE

sorry Thor, starting another shit-storm

Nico Kaliani: You have to admire Pagane. She bans RL children with adult AVs in OS. Just ask her. It's bizarre but true. However, she may have identified a very serious issue. Just the other day I messaged an adul... 2 years ago

SheaButter: Nicely done! Well organized. 2 years ago

New Animated Bento Penis by Dark Wolf
Available at: Island Shopping Men Shop

JonSun: It would seem the texture HUD doesn't respond, even though the animations etc. are all working well. Like others said, it's effectively free as you get a credit of $3000 OS$ when you start the buy pr... 3 years ago
The other day I walked past a fitness place named The Beast. That makes sense. They are going to pump you up into some kind of muscle-bound monster. What didn't make sense was their logo. It was...a unicorn. Ah yes, who doesn't associate unicorns with buffed beasts? Why, when I was a child, my favorite movie was "Beauty and the Unicorn." Or something. In any case, I made this outfit. It's got horns. Wear it and prowl around, searching for what? Unicorns?

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options. And now, a baby unicorn in every box!

Nico Kailani: This outfit has been replaced by Beast 2, which has a more out-door forest-living Beast look. Come get it, and the special baby unicorn gift as well. hop:// 3 years ago

Rigged 3D models for use as avatars or animesh. Open to commissions, send me a notecard inworld with your request.

Antonia Ling: Wonderful stuff! Love it... 3 years ago
key card and swipe maching
what i am after is either a car and lock that opens doors, or a keycard and swipe machine. We have two hotels at present that we are outfitting, here at City of Serenity. We are trying to make things look authentic as in each room has a lock of some sort that needs a guest to open. Imaging a hotel you going to stay at and the door to your room thats what i want and opening system. I have been looking for a key i can hang on a hotel key board but to no avail and if i use a keycard system i need to be able to put room number and logo on it. Thank you
Well, I released a novelty item today. Every once in a while (well, maybe more often than that) I get obsessed with something goofy. I always thought stick men were cute, don't know why, I just do. So, I made animesh and avatar stick people. There are regular ruth size and also tiny versions. I put them on the second floor of the shop building right in front of the elevator. They are dancing in the landing zone purely for my entertainment :).
After hearing of the sad news that Gertie Bumbtious left us on June 5th, we, Niki Stark (ex-wife of Gertie) and I decided to make a tribute edition of Stark! with some nice photos of Gertie. We will miss Gertie very much with her happy, positive manner and her legendary music sets!

You can get copies of the magazine and the vendors at the Stark landing point as always.

Rest in peace, Gertie!
Niki & Mattie

LIGHT MUSEUM opening! All FREE and FULL PERM for LAMPs, STREET LAMPS and LIGHT related..
In STORE 01 u will find: Lamps decor stuffs. Enjoy :)

Ask Yourself:
You made a great cake, you did put all your time and effort in this cake. Then you sell it to make a few bucks extra, to pay the rent for the bakery. Then some else steels your recipe and starts making your cakes and gives free cakes to people. People no longer have to buy your cake and you can close your bakery. Do you think that is fair? This is the same thing. By grabbing all these illegal items ( and believe me ALL is illegal at Sacrarium grid ) you kill others, who try to be honest and do things the right way. This is not 'SHARING' and does not even come close to 'CARING'. Remember they only care about themselves and laugh about you the silly and dumb people who keep them alive. JUST DON'T! They copy everything except good behaviour :) They are the outcast in our society, they are worthless criminal people:) You do not want to be one of them.
And I probably will be banned, without notice, from this site, because they cannot deal with what we call 'FREEDOM of SPEECH'.
Searching free outfits shopping for old avatar males

Searching free outfits shopping for old avatar males (no mesh bento avatar)
but please not the kelly stuff :)

best regards

YES... I KNOW... IT SUCKS.... but...
Opening this thread after someone has left a bad review on my sim because she didnt agree about the GDPR policy...

"Wth is GDPR policy"
- The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR") is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). It also addresses the export of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas. The GDPR aims primarily to give control to individuals over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the regulation within the EU.

"All grids asking for registration then?"
- Not all grids but the commercial ones were forced to.

"WTH I have to do with this law if I not even European?"
- YES, I KNOW.. IT SUCKS.... but... Grids owners cant control (or its too complex and costy $$$) to know who is who. I run a Norwegian sim but I could be from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on RL or even from Tivunantampuran, India and u wouldnt know...

-YES... I KNOW... IT SUCKS.... but... let me tell u a thing.. Info being collected refers only to ur av name, age, IP address, time u log in there and harware/software used on PC used only for grid statistics.. Grids owners are not worried if u watch porno on PC or even u own copybotted stuffs in inventory.. And guess what. ALL GRIDS ALWAYS COLLECTED info about u. Difference now u know tha happens!!

-YES... I KNOW... IT SUCKS.... but... please follow carefully instructions from grids website.. Most of times (99,9%) are from people who types either "http" or the "/" (or even both) at hypergrid address.. For whom IMmed asking for help I could manage them all to get to my sim, so please dont give us, sim owners, a bad review. just try to contact us first (or why not the grid support).

-YES... I KNOW... IT SUCKS.... but... Sun is yellow, Moon is white, someone here is gay - u couldnt not agree but if u still want to travel hypergrid (stuff u cant do at SL) its ur choice.. but nothing u do will change it. and my advise is: relax! registration is done once for AV!

YES... I KNOW... IT SUCKS.... but... some people working to make process more simple. Hope one day all grids will do the same (but its all about $$$ u know)..
Bill Bright has just shown me a project he s been working at to make it more simple (

well, hope to have clarified about GDPR here. Please leave ur comments here and tell me what u think about this thread. Thx :)
I wanted to thank you for all the heartfelt reviews of our region Emerald City! A special thank you to Ferd Frederix for bringing the Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion, Tin Man, Flying Monkeys, Animated Tree, he brought the life and magic with his incredible creations! The most amazing to me is the yellow brick road he created it is all one piece created in blender. When you visit please turn off your music and just listen to the region sounds for the ultimate experience. City

Caribia: Oh surely I come and see it sometimes I feel like I was Alice in wonderland lol 5 days ago

Valentine's Day Event
New items for this great love event

KittenKeppler: Got a few outifits to Reborn...lovely and well choosed itens congratulations for the hard working 17 days ago
It's with a heavy heart I announce the closure of the Hub Grid.

It was never one of those 'popular' Grids, and nor is the E Grid, but I like to think a few held it in a special sense :) We may not have been popular or well visited, or featured on the Safari or anything like that, but we enjoyed what we had. Sadly the funds are no longer there to finance the hosted Grid, so it will be shutting its doors, so to speak, immediately.

The E Grid will remain available for its rentals and may continue to offer new rentals.

If you are renting there, be sure you are wearing the Residents tag to visit your home.

Most of the E Grid will now be private, all that is not rentals.

While I am sad to announce the Hub going dark, I want to shout out to Masala Estates for their wonderful hosting and recommend them very very highly to anyone!

I am myself going on Hiatus here for an extended time. Life has changed for me and not in a negative way, but still changed. I will check from time to time, and want to thank those of you who visited our regions, for all your support. You truly made it worthwhile to stick around :)

Luna Lunaria: So very sad to see your place close down Milly. I wish you nothing but happiness and peace no matter where you are 1 month ago
Hey everyone, hope you are doing fine. We just added new Skins and Outfits for you in our Mall! Grab them while they are hot :P

We also working on own custom Nail System for Mesh Bodys and bring soon new Stuff for Legacy Males.

Amelia & Hertha

Marpil Grafenwalder: Weeeee!!! spectacular thanks for sharing! 1 month ago
Good looking map tiles.
Hi all,

I'm looking for an easy way to generate good looking map tiles. The main usecase here is for textures for Val's awesome rental kiosks. For now - I have just grabbed the existing map tile (or just taken a screenshot of the map itself) but I have seen far better renditions elsewhere.

My investigations have led me to Warp3DImageModule with an understanding that it may have a memory leak and so not to use with refreshing tiles. As I have that set to never anyway and manually generate new images with "generate map" - that's not an issue for me.

However, as soon as I set that as the map module - the regions refuses to get past loading objects. It then just sits there forever (or at least too long). It seems that either the module is broken - or I need additional configuration that I can see no reference to.

Anyone know what's wrong with this module and/or have a solution for making a nice looking map tile?

Many thanks :)

MrSnoodle: Not sure I can help much, but what type of setup have you got? Dream Grid? Diva Distro? Osgrid? Other? Its pretty easy to get the Warp3DImageModule working on Osgrid, but when I tried to get it workin... 2 months ago
=Dali Babe Stretch Marks & Cellulite Marks Addon FATPACK=
Hi everyone! Out at the store we have another customisation add-on fatpack for the Dali Babe tone range.
Available for LEGACY and REBORN bodies
Includes Belly, Cellulite, Legs, and Breasts addons
Each comes in the 22 tones of the Dali Range
Uber: hop://

EllenOptinett: The TP doesn't work for me either, I love your work, what's going on? 2 months ago
Firstly "Happy New Year" everybody!

zetaworld grid automatically logs out any hypergridders from dynamic dns grids from visiting them (SUPER RUDE ZETA!), so in return I've done the same, so if zetaworld residents get logged out when hypergridding to " of merci" then that will be the reason why.

I'm more than happy to reverse my decision, assuming zetaworld does the same :)

I'm trying to be a more positive, encouraging, creative and empathic individual, but currently I'm struggling. I'll do my very best to do better in future. :)

Always happy to share grid admin tips along with general opensim support and help, generally, I don't bite, unless you do :)


Glenys Bieler: Zeta SAY its to do with German law: Grids have to have the name and details of the grid owner on their website to be legal...... I don't know if thats true or not - but tbh I don't care - it still suc... 2 months ago

:D .

Hicks: 2 months ago

this crap is actually fun for some people or so I was told, the "nuke grid" button.

Frank Hurt: hahahaha, that's awesome! "Not only will it kill you, it will hurt the whole time you're dying." 2 months ago
Something wonderful is coming. working on free homes for you with surrounding, just changing with just one click on a button in your own region. full perm and a "how to". free to grab in a box at our grid when i finished. :) the future will be awesome. multiscene-rezzer on it's way. the first tries were working fine. now we rock the scenes and need some finetuning. the scrips will be full perm by the way too, so you may try them out yourself :) Costs? nothing but a smile by you because sharing is caring!

Pete Huldczynski: i think it will be ready as beta for you this next sunday or monday to try it out at my grid. maybe earlier. and if i think it is ok and it is working, then you may feel free to take it with you where... 4 months ago

Everytime I go to @RichardFairplay 's R.Lion store is like a going there for the first time, finding more and more stuff! Best store *by far* in OS!

PinDeluca: Yes I have to say R.Lion is one of my Go to stores ! Truly fantastic, there is everything and more! 4 months ago

Here is a new update of the Horse & Horse Rezzer script v3.3. This is a bugfix release. Enjoy :)

Hicks: beautiful objects made with care, I like it a lot tank you . 4 months ago
The Latest Issue of the BLA BLA BLA is OUT NOW!!
Titled: BlaBlaBla Special Issue - Halloween around AMV 2024
Click on --->
and if it isn't already showing for you, just click the dropdown list until you see a title called: blatest.... the Last issue can also still be viewed
Titled: BlaBlaBla - Issue 1 Autumn 2024
Happy Readings and Enjoy!!

OpenSimUser: Site is not showing "Cant Be Reached". 4 months ago
Well the cats woke me up at 6:30 am biting my toes - which is their way of saying "FEED US NOW!". So I got up and opened a can of tuna for them. Then I got a shower and got dressed and shaved and got all my gym gear and went to pick up my gym buddy in the phantom. I lifted weights and did 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill, while watching "Obliterated" on netflix on my tablet. (These treadmills have a handy tablet holder spot) Well then we left the gym and I dropped off my gym buddy and went home. I thought I had to take TJ to the dr. for a BP checkup, but I was wrong, so I slept a few hours on the couch. When I woke up I was hungry so I went to Church's chicken and bought $43.79 worth of chicken, potatoes & gravy, mac & cheese, and honey biscuits. I already had tea at home so I came back home and we ate. Then I went to the movies and saw "The Painter" which is ok, but not that great as an action film. Typical cia spy saves the day and rescues everyone. Then I came back home and played with my kali linux uConsole and the cellular modem capabilities creating a service in systemD to autorun the cellular modem at boot. Then I logged onto open sim world and insulted someone and then decided to write about it all. :)

Blake Hayvenhurst: "Then I logged onto open sim world and insulted someone..." - I laughed :D 5 months ago

Soirée amitié Francophone
Vendredi 6 septembre à 21h Paris (12 slt)
Region :

Hicks: Bravo à Hella, sa région est solide ! Quand je suis arrivé, certes un peu tard, nous étions 18. Pas de lag. On sait où faire les prochaines rencontres francophones et francophiles. :) 6 months ago

I sent my current profile picture through my local AI.
I only entered a little into the prompt: "This woman in real life"
Well, I like the result. :-)

HarperHeld: So, it worked for me. I don't like the way my avatar looks right now (I don't seem to be able to find a skin and eyes I like) so I used on of my favorite snapshots from 2010 instead: https://www.flick... 6 months ago
I've just completed an exclusive interview with the incredibly talented digital artist and photographer, Hella Yver. In this conversation, we delve into the creative process behind her stunning works, her inspirations, and the unique perspectives that make her art so compelling. This interview offers a rare glimpse into the mind of an artist who continues to push the boundaries of digital photography. Image courtesy of Hella Yver nadej dae/hella yver copyright 2024
Thank you, Hella 💗

Hella: I have a mixture of joy and wanting to hide in a corner, but I am very touched by the attention, moreover, it allowed me to visit your blog, original and full of colors, a good report on Opensim, I am... 6 months ago

I am alive and well. Sorry for my quiet stretch of time. Happy to be here still, as I always have been. Cheers all. xoxo

Star Ravenhurst: I am glad you are OK. (((HUGS))) 7 months ago

Dash & AppleJack sitting on my knee watching "cat-tv" on my laptop. { cat-tv is a youtube channel that plays bird videos all day long...}

Star Ravenhurst: Those are great names you came up with for them. They are so cute and so lucky to have you. You are lucky to have them too. Love this photo!! 7 months ago