Subject : Bans and grid bans
In the last 24 hours , I have had my personal area attacked,
As well as had threats from an individual because his grid is banned.
Let me explain a few things:
1. I hate bans….and wish people would respect each other in open sim. I have one individual on ban, and hope there is never more.
2. Grid bans - I have never banned an entire grid ; however, our tech team has carried over the same security settings from their experiences. I Can have these lifted, but to be honest, I prefer being a little more secure.
As an example, I have a guy who is furious he is unable to access friends. I visited with Josh on it, and individual caused much trouble for them in the past. He used to be a part of Sacrarium and now claims to be an angel. He is banned from all of the grids that Josh oversees.
I can over rule tech and demand that these people be allowed, but at this point; I prefer to respect the opinion of the person I have hired to keep us running and safe.
Should you make a friend and they cannot get here, have them try a different avi.
If they are unable to get here with any avi, means your friend is not quite as innocent as they seem and they have a Mac ip ban.
If it is super important friend, I will consider all views, but my first thought is to go with my tech manager’s suggestions.
I wish everybody could always come here….but realize we try to allow 95% of the people access.
I try to avoid this as much as possible.