OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Eden Travels
0 Users 13 0 A
Honey's Fun Creations Shopping Mall.... tobacco, Party Time, homes, birthdays, hula hoops, balloons, birthdays...weddings, jewels, bathrooms, showers, bath, kitchen, fun furniture, office, meeting roo...
Awakening in an exotic land of inspiration and magic, I found myself enveloped by the scent of blooming jasmine and the soft whisper of the breeze through the trees. Zensational is a nice place just to unwind, everyone is welcome here 💗🌷🌷🪷🪷

Hyacinth: Gorgeous pic! 8 days ago

Una Nueva region desde KONECTA EOS, Londres, 15 Septiembre 1940 ven a comtemplar todo a detalle. Te gustará¡¡¡¡¡

Come on, simple patriot, I'm waiting for you.

rent club
30 euro month
var 2x2

A Wonderful and fun HG Safari Group visited Mech Lab on Safari...
Thank you for exploring and experiencing Mech Lab HG Safari!

Thirza Ember Hosts and Blogs HG Safari. Safari

Hi guys!
I said I'd be gone for a couple weeks and then LIFE happened!
I'm back, uploading more legal original creations soon....

Working with our terrain generator on a massive test region 4096x4096, photo taken on an Asus Duo 2024 with 2 screens

Arcfury: That terrain looks great, but the sky also looks really good. It looks like you painted it, although trying to paint a "glow" is very difficult. 8 days ago

If you can find it, you may swim in it....

We really really missed a lot of people here so we're throwing a party tonight! DJ Mike will be turning up the music from 5pm at our club The Ravo, just behind the landing area at Nysa. Everyone is welcome so if you're bored, feel like dancing or singing or just wiggling your sexy butt in your chair... come along and party with us!

Mike & Zoey ♥

ZoeyRavenheart: DJ Mike has turned on the music and we are ready to party!! 8 days ago

Me reading Glenn's charmingly funny posts.^^

LeonitasLionheart: Gonna also add that Glenn made a positive compliment on lone wolf's post, and I gave said compliment a like. I like positivity and rationality. I do not like politics or religion in my place of relaxa... 9 days ago
Hi Everybody

I decided to leave Jungle Friends and build my own GRID.
This is an important and difficult decision. I want to thank you all for the support and thank Tony for everything here. It was a pleasure to be part of Jungle Friends GRID.
But now I will move forward and make my vision and dreams come true.
I hope to see you all soon.
I will return......but on my GRID
Follow updates about the process in Opensim world.
I've already had a couple of requests from patrons to customize the main marquee sign from MAJESTIC to something unique to their region. I am more than happy to do this for anyone who buys the venue and will do so at no extra charge, so feel free to ask :-). Please keep the name at 9 letters or less so that it will fit nicely on the sign.

Many grateful thanks to those who have purchased the new venue. Your support and profuse compliments humbled me. Of course, I expect invites to grand openings and galas.

LeonitasLionheart: I thought of it, but i like the ring of The Majestic Theater/Cinema. We named the region Royalty, and plan to turn it into a wedding region on a 3x3, free for all to use. It might take us a few months... 9 days ago
Hi Everyone!

After a 2 week break, installation of a shiny new server and a few tweaks here and there, Mike and I are happy to announce that Raven's Peak is back up and running! **Old landmarks to our store's won't work so please take the hop**

We wanted to extend the BIGGEST EVER THANK YOU @Wolf Territories Grid . Lone and the team from Dream Hosting are superstar's and Mike and I cannot thank you all enough for your fantastic advice, referral and help. I'm not sure we have anything to offer, however if you ever need help with anything, we are here! You are all amazing people! ** THANK YOU! **

Mike & Zoey ♥

Sodasullivan: Yay, glad you are back! 9 days ago



Join us at the Piazza at 3 pm grid time, for a couple of hours of fun and music while Rockin' Robert spins the tunes for us via his radio station Wax Radio.
The Piazza, where good friends and great music always come together. Lagoon

I don't often jump into the fray but I feel this short video summarizes my thoughts on the drama du jour:

VickiJoanne: There's a problem with the very concept of "hate speech" and that is WHO exactly gets to define it? In The Box we've seen the recurrent appearance of one or more people who are clearly either trollin... 9 days ago

Wolf Mountain

Marga: ? 9 days ago

SN Raven Outfit
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Phleur: beautiful 9 days ago
A change of schedule is going into effect for this week's event at the Players Club. Dj Tom will be moving his next event to May 31st, Friday. Thank you, for understanding in advance.

Infinity 21 Owner,
Wicked Way
hop:// ("-''-/").___..--''"-.
`6 6 ) -. ( ).-.__.)
(_Y_.)' ._ ) . `. ``-..-'
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♬·.¸·´·.¸.-BADASS HARLEY LOUNGE·.¸·´`·.¸.-♬

♬ WHEN: 6-11 pm GRID TIME
[18:05] Jami Bogbat: hop://

The Sweet Dj Alex and her sultry tunes Live Now.
Taxi: hop://
See you there!

The inverted pink triangle, surrounded by a green circle symbolizing universal acceptance, was introduced at anti-homophobia workshops from the Gay & Lesbian Urban Explorers in 1989. You may want to use this image at your place to show its a space free from homophobia, and to indicate your alliance with LGBT rights. You can get a copy of this, and other signs, at the Xinashi landing zone. Feel free to suggest other signs to use.

Please help distribute a sign or three by setting them for sale and full perm. Let me know if you display any of them, and I'll add your place to a list of LGBT-friendly places. The Love Is Love Alliance members hope to have Safari-like events once a month (one place at a time), rotating through the places on the list.
Rocking Thursdays @ Harmony Isle
Dj Golbez and his Exciting Rock Show Invade Harmony Isle Now till 6pm grid time.
Then, The Sweet Dj Alex and her sultry tunes return at 6 to 8pm grid time.
Taxi: hop://
See you there!
DJ Alex comes on fire, guys at 4 pm grid time! with the hottest tunes for everyone to set the mood. Yes! because it's always time to party. What's the reason for it? Well... we are PARTY PEOPLE!
Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together. Drop this link into your map; Lagoon

Freitag 24.5.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Kategorie: Kann man immer spielen

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid :

Let me be your guardian angel, Glenn my poor boy. ^^

The Love Is Love Alliance
We promote LGBT community-building activities in OS, such as identifying and promoting places that celebrate pride, individuality, and diversity. Membership is open to all people and places supportive of our purpose and those working to promote it.

Join us:

Jupiter Rowland: Jamie, if you're a member, you may want to advertise which ever Birch Grove sim you've currently got online. I guess they all have the Pride Shop now. 10 days ago
All about transgender people. :)
Transgender - From Wikipedia, "A transgender person (often shortened to trans person) is someone whose gender identity differs from that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth."

Transexual - A transgender person who desires medical assistance to transistion from one sex to another.

Transgender - includes transmen, transwomen, non-binary, genderqueer,gender 3 people, drag queens, drag kings, cross-dressers.

Gender 3 - A person who is neither a man or a woman.

Being transgender is distinct from sexual orientation, and transgender people may identify as heterosexual (straight), homosexual (gay or lesbian), bisexual, asexual, pansexual, or non-label.

cisgender - gender identity matches assigned sex at birth.

Transfeminine - any person, binary or non-binary, who was assigned male at birth and has a predominantly feminine gender identity or presentation.

Transmasculine - a person, binary or non-binary, who was assigned female at birth who has a predominantly masculine gender identity or presentation.

androphylic transexual - a transexual attracted to men.

gynephilic transexual - a transexual attracted to women.

bisexual transexual - a transexual attracted to both men and women.

asexual transexual - a transexual attracted to neither men or women.

pansexual transexual - a transexual attracted to men and women, but also the entire transexual spectrum.

non binary transexual - agender, androgynous, androgynes, bigender, pangender, or genderfluid, and exist outside of cisnormativity.

agender non-binary transexual - genderless transexual.

androgynous non-binary transexual - identifies as being both male & female simultaneously.

androgynes non-binary transexual - identifies as being beyond both male & female simultaneously.

intergender androgynes non-binary transexual - identifies as being between male & female genders.

bigender non-binary transexual - switches to male or female gender.

genderfluid non-binary transexual - moves between male & female roles.

transvestite - synonym for cross-dresser. a person who dresses in opposite cis gender style.

Faux Queen - woman who does female drag.

Pagane: Some of what I say in this post and others these days makes me angry and sad at the same time. People who aren't affected don't know what it's like to encounter rejection and hatred everywhere just be... 10 days ago

the ballroom is filling up.. remember this is a formal venue

Zoree Jupiter has just hit the stage.. come on down and enjoy this great singer for the next hour.. followed by DJ Essensual playing some great easy listening

Zoree Jupiter Live
1:00pm at The Triannon Ballroom
Friendly crowd and music variety according to your requests.
Looking forward to having you join us :)
Attire: Formal/Movie Star Complex

This is a screen shot from an Asus Duo 2024 Dual screen laptop with Singularity viewer stretched over it.

A brilliant light and sound show, and the end of an era; a significant grid-birthday, a new art collective, and the stupendous cyber mesh of Symphony... something for everyone, even the trolls...
Here are a few recent highlights of HG Safari which, a few days ago, also celebrated 10 years since our first trip ... Happy decade to all safarristas.

The surf demo video- this one opens in a new tab.

Marianna: It is the most incredible feeling to wake up in the morning and see #surfergirls hitting the waves! "Surfing's one of the few sports that you look ahead to see what's behind." – Laird Hamilton 10 days ago
Dear Friends,
What a great evening we had yesterday in the company of our outstanding friend DJ Giò! We had a great time, living every moment to the fullest. DJ Giò is without a shadow of a doubt one of the best DJs on SL and in Opensim. His talent and passion for music transported us on an amazing journey through his incredible DJ set.
A special thanks goes to you, DJ Giò, for giving us an electrifying and unforgettable evening.
Your ability to engage and make everyone dance with your music and friendliness is truly extraordinary. We cannot help but express our deep gratitude for your energy and talent. Greatest DJ!
Let us also thank our dear friend and staff member, DJ Tombeur.
His commitment and dedication to organizing often flawless events is invaluable.
Thank you, Tombeur, not only for your friendship and sense of family that you constantly show us, but also and especially for your commitment, talent, and extraordinary skills. Your presence is a key pillar to the success of our events and your contribution is always valuable and appreciated. You are family.
Heartfelt thanks also go to all of you, whose presence and enthusiasm make evenings like this possible.
We will never stop saying that all this is possible because of you, who always support us in large numbers and with so much warmth.
Your participation is what makes our events so special and unique.
See you soon for more events, ready to experience new excitement and have fun together.
We look forward to seeing you all again and sharing more magical moments in music.

A warm hug to all of you,
The Staff.
With all the name calling that's been going on today I thought i would make a list of the dehumanising language both wings use to attack others. Name calling helps us to feel superior to others and to see others as not quiet human. Its disgusting behaviour and can lead us down a very very dark path. Lets try and keep Opensim a place we can get away from it.

Insults hurled at Right Wingers by the Left:
Basement Dweller
Christian Sharia
Starbucks Cup
Vanilla ISIS / Y'all Qaeda / YeeHawdists
Velcro Shoes
Wrong Side of History

Insults hurled at Left Wingers by the Right:
Blue Pill
Coloring Book
CTR (Shill)
Low Energy
Participation Trophy
Regressive Left
Safe Space
Tolerant Left

Feel Free to add more.

Pagane: Sounds 100% like my years is socialism era. Socialist leaders use all this against decidents:) Welcome in SOCIALICM! 10 days ago
Set up an event calendar for your grid... Do you want an event calendar? This calendar has many different colors, styles, and skins. You can easily find a look to match your grids theme. You can also allow multiple users the right to post events with their own separate password, and you can approve or not approve events as you like. To everyone else who is not an authorized user the calendar will be read only. It has recurring events and many more features. Get it here:
To install it unzip it to a sub directory of your web server and run the install to set it up. :) It's an amazing event calendar and runs flawlessly. :D

SN Gena Outfit
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

The Box
Pagane 2 hours ago
I mean destroy on server side! Not local cache. Using ancient Ubuntu 20.04 is joke?! For this who sleep in 19th century current version is Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, and ATI/Nvidia wars was before 15-20 years. Oh yes, we is in 2024 year!
Pagane 3 hours ago
I not speak about 5% speed difference! On Debian12 Stable every try to save appearance ends with FS freeze and TOTAL destroy of ALL other saved appearances. Yes, this is not fatal bug, because 99% of peoples not know how to save appearance and use only one body and clothes.
Jupiter Rowland 4 hours ago
As for Nvidia, Linus Torvalds' bird-flipping gesture towards them didn't happen without a reason.
Jupiter Rowland 4 hours ago
AMD has mostly gone open-source now. There's still a special edition of amdgpu for more recent GPUs that offers some more performance, but not enough for distros to offer it as a binary blob. radeon and regular amdgpu are both open-source and pretty good.
MrSnoodle 4 hours ago
@Pagane Running software not designed for your distribution can be tiresome. I'm still angry about my Play Station games not working on my Xbox.
Suzi_Avonside 6 hours ago
From what I can gather it's a case of swings and roundabouts when it comes to your choice of graphics card, but around 15 years ago the advice was to go for NVIDIA if running Linux as they were better supported than AMD (ATi) as the fglrx drivers were a bit rubbish.
Suzi_Avonside 6 hours ago
The situation with AMD cards (used to be known as ATi) I'm not sure about, as I haven't used and ATi card since before they changed to being AMD, but I believe they're much better than they were. AMD provide their own Linux drivers too.
Suzi_Avonside 6 hours ago
Moot point, but NVIDIA has relaxed its approach slightly when it comes to the noveau drivers, (which are much better than they were) but as NVIDIA does Linux drivers of their own, there isn't really an issue unless you're purist Linux and only want to use non-proprietary drivers etc.
Susanna_Heller 11 hours ago
Source code directly from NVidia I mean of course
Susanna_Heller 12 hours ago
I always thought Nvidia cards run a little worse under Linux because there is no source code available ... but I like to learn something new
Arielle 12 hours ago
Did say she was using an ATI card which has a reputation for not being good with linux drivers.
Susanna_Heller 12 hours ago
i am sure on your System the FS works very well ... but a system as sensitive as the OpenSimulator can quickly become a test of patience..... a wrong entry in a config can make the system unstable.....
Susanna_Heller 12 hours ago
why didn't you stay on the professional level... the word nonsense was unnecessary (stop talking crap)
Suzi_Avonside 12 hours ago
Pagane, stop talking crap, FS works fine on the latest versions of Linux, and with NVIDIA graphics cards too.
Arielle 12 hours ago
Yes it is a very closed opensource project it seems, being micromanaged into oblivion. Could be so more then SL :(
Susanna_Heller 13 hours ago
But that's more because the OpenSimulator developers aren't really interested in further development. I'm wondering if there's only one developer developing it (okay, a German programmer would like to give his comments now and then, but most of the code was probably more for his own benefit :( )
KrisTina 13 hours ago
hmm good point
Arielle 13 hours ago
SL viewer code has been the driving force for advancement of Opensim. If we had our own viewer, we likely wouldn;t have had animesh BoM and few other recent features.
Live Traffic
Parx Paradise A
9 0
JaM's Sex Hideaway A
10 4
Shinobar Annex
62 18
Trianon Complex A
65 12
Xenotown A
11 0
Agora A
140 7
Magical Fairies Pass 2
6 6
42 5
Maze ofthe Mind A
5 2
Fashion Temple
2 0
Extreme Surfing A
8 1
Yin Yang Town A
25 2
Lbsa Plaza
186 38
Paradise Beach Cove A
4 1
6 1
Regions Online: 1,761
Active: 231 avatars in 147 regions

New Comments

SilviaFrey 8 minutes ago
Os felicito por tan buen trabajo. Hay ropa para todos los cuerpos y todos los gustos. He encontrado varios vestidos y tatoos muy xulos. Gracias.
Ankhsenaton 49 minutes ago
No IM possible as he blocked ma after insulting me but I don't care. Once more this is to warn any potential recruits he might make into his harem of what awaits them! And believe me it always ends th...
Sylvia-Koeln 3 hours ago
Do you have to misuse an artist's advertising to clarify private differences? You should clarify this via IM. Nobody cares about your crap here!!!!
Ankhsenaton 4 hours ago
Poor little man, YOU came to OSGrid to look for me after banning me for what you admitted was a misunderstanding and since I didn't want to come back you ended up insulting me at the e,d of the day......
Jimmy Olsen 12 hours ago
My apologies. Aracno Airways was not offering properly its "service". had to redo script little bit, guess people they came today havent seen all of it. its working now.
Mattt McGregor 13 hours ago
Cogita / Ankhasenaton, I can actually see everything you're saying ;-) But seeing as you're a liar, cheating on your husband and were quite rude to people on our region, I've chosen to ignore you. B...
FreshVirtualWorld 15 hours ago
there's so many open source messenger systems and u pick the most shady one to write this for lol no thanks.
Sodasullivan 16 hours ago
This pretty much sums up how I feel about flying in general.
Ankhsenaton 18 hours ago
It doesn't matter to me, I have nothing to sell or recruit and everyone already knows that I'm a bitch ;-) but it is a charity to warn my sisters against a sick sex addict who hates women


I have been studying Ancient Sumer and Babylon etc for the past year and this location is SO exciting!!!! I think it is just perfect. Lovely atmosphere and objects here. Great work and kudos to the p...
JFlame 23 minutes ago
Fashion Temple
the link on this page is currently incorrect hop:80:Fashion Temple. I think it should be Temple
Captain Shadow 4 hours ago
Super Nova Beach Resort
Really nicely laid out sim, when I read you sell bikinis I went bonkers. =O I have been looking for some forever, but only found 2 for reborn. Saw all the ones for Athena, really nice, please, pleas...
Dallas Dastardly 14 hours ago
Chances are this sim doesn't even exist anymore. I vaguely remember what it was actually named, it was definitely not named Corsica, and OSgrid has no sim under any name like what I remember anymore. ...
Jupiter Rowland yesterday
Wet Dreams
no access to the mall... [18:50] Grid: You do not have access to the parcel how do i get access?
Annah Gestaga yesterday
Très bien fait, les italiens qui refont Paris, un grand merci pour votre magnifique région, et oui l'esprit de Paris est présent, beaucoup de détails et un agencement très bien calculé, bravo !
Hella 2 days ago
Yin Yang Town
I didn't think much about the Tai Chi...until I used it alone. It calmed my energy and allowed me to think and center myself. A pretty Amazing place :)
JamieSmith 2 days ago
Whether you need lighting, party supplies, fireworks or sky items......this is an amazing place! Deserves more than 5 stars!
Safinemahoe2 2 days ago
Arkham Grid
Only positive things to say about Arkham! The decor/furniture and fashion are absolutely beautiful. Very large mall so make time lol. To those who say they have been banned for "no reason", surely y...
IvyEdenflower 3 days ago

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