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A Small Shopping Region with Selected Clothes
We're trying something new tonight! We'll be live streaming from Breathe Resort for an interview on Lone and DJ's Region show where we interview residents of Wolf Territories Grid about their regions 12:00 MIDDAY on the grid radio channel and youtube, facebook, discord LIVE STREAM!
Foto © http://Von Grywnn – Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Eventankündigung: Blue Monday im KlaJaKlu

Liebe Musikliebhaber und Nachtschwärmer,

Wir laden euch herzlich zum „Blue Monday im KlaJaKlu“ ein, einem aufregenden musikalischen Abend, der am 30. Oktober 2023 um 19:30 Uhr im KlaJaKlu stattfinden wird. Der KlaJaKlu ist der Ort, an dem die besten Klänge auf euch warten, also verpasst es nicht!

Details des Events:

Datum: 30. Oktober 2023
Uhrzeit: Einlass ab 19:30 Uhr, Hauptevent startet um 19:30 Uhr
Ort: KlaJaKlu (Taxi:


Xenos (20:00 – 21:30 Uhr)

Thema: „Ein Mix aus Hard Rock, Crank Wave, Punk Rock, Metal, bis hin zu Progressive Thrash.“ Xenos wird eure Seele mit einer atemberaubenden Auswahl an Rock- und Metal-Sounds verwöhnen.

Klara (21:30 – 23:00 Uhr)

Thema: „Klara entführt uns auf den Balkan, lassen wir uns überraschen.“ Klara wird euch auf eine musikalische Reise mitnehmen und euch mit Balkan-Klängen verzaubern.

Vorprogramm (ab 19:30 Uhr):

Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs – Full Performance (Live on KEXP). Erlebt eine mitreißende Live-Performance dieser einzigartigen Band und lasst euch von ihrer Energie mitreißen.

Egal, ob ihr Rock, Metal oder exotische Klänge mögt, dieser Abend hat für jeden Musikgeschmack etwas zu bieten. Kommt vorbei und genießt eine unvergessliche Nacht voller großartiger Musik und guter Gesellschaft.

Markiert euch den 30. Oktober 2023 in eurem Kalender und seid dabei, wenn der „Blue Monday im KlaJaKlu“ die Bühne rockt. Wir freuen uns auf eure Anwesenheit und auf eine unvergessliche Nacht!

I want to thank every one who came out to the Ballroom today, you all looked great in your Gowns and Tuxedos..

Mirkwood got updated danceball finally :D

Parsons Creek Lodge proudly presents..
Rice Tyler brings an experience of a "real life´s" rock concert. Tyler performs a variety of genres from 80´s, 90´s or even 2000´s, like pop, rock, hard rock, heavy metal, and love metal with the best rock ballads.
❈ ════ ❈ LIVE at 12:PM
❈ ════ ❈ RIDE: Creek Lodge
Parsons Creek Lodge proudly presents..
Katia has been doing Internet performances for over 15years. Her wide range of styles coupled with an upbeat stage presence and her infectious laugh has drawn a large fan-base. Come check her out & Welcome her to OpenSim!
❈ ════ ❈ LIVE at 11:AM
❈ ════ ❈ Parsons Creek Lodge
❈ ════ ❈ RIDE: Creek lodge
☯Ήσʂէ✩ HoneyOG
☯ահҽղ✩ 12 - 2pm ~ GT
☯Attire✩ Halloween/Casual
☯Taxi✩ hop://

NEW Outfit Amira
Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn
Happy Shopping

Cover Tunes 12 to 14 SLT with DJ Ruth at Angels Poolside in Caribou North

Adults Only Playground - Friendly, Beautiful, Exciting. Free Homes, Islands, Hideaway, Soft Love, BDSM. LGBTQ+.

As 18+ you are always Safe and Free to Love and Play. All Equal, All Welcome. We need no Closed Vip Groups.

Avatar age not about size but impression. Jeanne can help...

Loads of Beautiful Sims to Explore and Play

Caribougrid Avatar?

Caribougrid website:
WLFG's Halloween Stream!! Halloween Music daily from 9am EST - 3pm EST and then 24x7 starting Monday October 30th through Wednesday Nov 1st!! Happy Halloween!!
A pretty new Christmas Decoration for you. An evergreen wreath with lights, Christmas ball ornaments and red ribbon just waiting to grace your home for Christmas with quiet, delicate beauty. Mesh and 3D and full perm. You can find it in the Holidays & Seasons department of Star Jinn Palisade Mall in our Masala Al Kohav region. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

WTGR Wolf Territories Radio tonight with Lone Wolf at the Ballroom

This has to be the coolest lighthouse I have ever seen. Perched offshore at Ferd Frederix Outworldz Welcome what a delight to explore this! Each time I visit Outworldz there is always something new to see! Make sure you take some time out to explore this remarkable destination. Ferd has been adding new builds to Alexandria - there is always something new to see here!!
Hello to all wizards and witches ^_^ park your scope and get ready for great spells! This evening DJ Tombeur on the console for the highly anticipated Halloween party!! We hope many of you will come. It's a masquerade party so show off your best costume!! Remember Halloween is an opportunity to be truly creative! Grill time 12.30pm... hop://

Great event In Halloween with our dj tombeur and his music you are all invited start 12.30 p.m. s.l.t.
halloween themed dress

Eu crio e distribuo huds mágicos. Existem muitos huds mágicos para vampiros, bruxas, fadas, elfos e bruxos localizados em Eles estão lá em cima, nas prateleiras da lojinha onde você pousa. Aproveitar!

Creo e regalo hud magici. Esistono molti hud magici per vampiri, streghe, fate, elfi e maghi situati su Sono al piano di sopra, sugli scaffali del piccolo negozio dove atterrerai. Godere!

Ich erstelle und verschenke magische Huds. Es gibt viele magische Huds für Vampire, Hexen, Feen, Elfen und Zauberer unter Sie liegen oben in den Regalen des kleinen Ladens, in dem Sie landen. Genießen!

Creo y regalo cascos mágicos. Hay muchos huds mágicos para vampiros, brujas, hadas, elfos y magos ubicados en Están arriba, en los estantes de la pequeña tienda donde aterrizas. ¡Disfrutar!

Je crée et offre des huds magiques. Il existe de nombreux refuges magiques pour les vampires, les sorcières, les fées, les elfes et les sorciers sur Ils se trouvent à l’étage, sur les étagères de la petite boutique où vous atterrissez. Apprécier!

I create and give away magic huds. There are many magic huds for vampires, witches, fairies, elves, and wizards located at They are upstairs on the shelves in the little shop where you land. Enjoy!

Dancing to Wolf Grid Radio! details at

Halloween celebration starts at Club Majestic!
Costumes encouraged!
Looking forward to seeing you there!

☾✯☽ ☾✯☽ ☾✯☽ ☾✯☽ ☾✯☽ ☾✯☽ ☾✯☽ ☾✯☽ ☾✯☽
★ ★ ★ ★ THE MAJESTIC★ ★ ★ ★
█▓▒░ ᴡʜᴇɴ: TUESDAY @ 2PM GT
█▓▒░ ᴀᴛᴛɪʀᴇ: HALLOWEEN
█▓▒░ ʜᴏꜱᴛ HONEYOG
↓ ℍeRe iS YoƲR ԼiMo ↓

I love applying my RL textures to my mesh clothes in world. I'm going to start leaving some in the shops as freebies.

Alleycat Planks Custom Skateboards

Wizardry Hud - The Most Powerful Hud of All!
[Teleport] - teleport to anyone in the sim
[Spying] - remotely view anyone in the sim
[Scrying] - find lost objects
[Invisible] - go invisible, click again to become visible
[Sanctuary] - rez a secret hideout perfect for a wizard
sub buttons...
[Bubble] - rez a bubble shield if you are in a rez area.
[Interceptor] - click this button for on/off. Repel bullets shot at you!
[Deflector] - wear a shield that reports collisions.
[Cluster] - rez a thick multi layer shield.
[Disruptor] - rez a star that will follow you and push everyone away.
[Megaceptor] - a giant shield.
sub buttons...
[Platform] - rez a green magic platform and be tp'd to it.
[SuperJump] - some cool thing here.
[Sim Razor] - rez a keyframe object that will bulldoze priscilla's prims away.
[Radar] - rez and attach a radar on screen.
[AFK Orb] - let others know you are afk. works in no rez areas.
[Air Walk] - rez metal magic disks in the air you can walk on. Click again 2 stop.
[Magnus Vox] - talk to everyone in the land and have them see what you type.
[Fix Cam] - fix your camera back to normal settings.
sub buttons...
[Bright Magic] - click yes to attach, then select a person on the menu.
[Dark Magic] - click yes t attach, then select a person on the menu.
[Follower] - Follow anyone in the sim very closely.
[Orbiter] - Send your friend or enemy into space.
[Clouder] - Put a cloud around your frenemy that follows him/her everywhere.
[Ban] - ban a person in the sim pestering you.
sub buttons...
[Attract 50] - in a sim with push allowed, pull everyone 2 u from 50 meters.
[Attract Sim] - pull everyone in the sim to you.
[Repel 20] - push people away 20 meters.
[Repel 50] - push people away 50 meters.
[Repel Sim] - push people away to the sim edge.
sub buttons...
[End Attacks] - end all attacks at once.
[End Utility] - end utility functions.
[End All] - stop everything at once.
DJ Kith at Hot Daddy's--6:00PM! Alternative Rock Party!
Event begins tonight at 6:00!
Added by: Harmony
DJ Kith is an all-around awesome DJ, but did you know, right after Blues, is another of Kith's favorites....Alternative Rock!! With artists and bands such as Coldplay, Imagine Dragons, Eddy Vedder and Jane's Addiction, it's easy to see why! There are hundreds of incredibly talented Alternative Rock artists! Kith will only have time to play a few of those and he will have only the cream of the crop! Throw on your jeans or come as your ALTERNATE YOU and come party with us! Bayou Hot Daddys

Mondas 23 October 11am Slt / 20 Uhr Cet
Dj Marlon Wayn
Rock's the Bourbon Beach

Monday 23 October 12 pm Slt / 21 Uhr Cet
Bourbon Beach Presents
Putri Solo Live Singer from Indonesia

Animesh @ AVW Open 24/7

Allow time for Delivery Allow time more time time an time again BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

From today virtualife is a grid open to everyone. You can add your region for free.
Go to the site to download the configuration files and register
Virtualife hub.Free mesh, races, horse, fishing area, combat system and rp and much more
we sell sim free
I'm adding my real world Etsy, Shopify and Board Pusher shops to my shopping district. Right now it's just the Etsy store with some sample images and a QR code on the wall. Scan the code off your screen with your smartphone and it takes you right to my Etsy store, where you can browse all of my products.
Reading this post on the Firestorm Viewer page, I found SET's comment to be truly fascinating, not so much about copybots and laws, but more about third-party viewers. However, even when they discuss legal matters, it's intriguing. What do you think? There's a lot of confusion in this. Link to the post :

Lunaria Emporium is back online

still a lot of time and a lot of room for you on the dance floor..

DJ Rosa Spins at Rockin' the Blues Tonight at 6:00 PM!
Added by: Harmony
It's Sunday & DJ Rosa is taking the stage at Rockin' The Blues to spin blues that will ease you out of the past week and into a new one! Rosa likes it HOT, HOT, HOT so be prepared for a rockin' evening down in the swamp! You love her Disco, Reggae and Latin sets, wait till you hear her Blues!! Come on down to Rockin' the Blues and hang with friends old and new! It's going to be a great night on Wyldwood Bayou Grid! Bayou Rockin' The Blues

Mal burns Interview with Wolf Territories Grid

Half time fun COME jOIN US

Miss Munk will be spinning her wheels of steel at 1 pm grid time, at The Piazza!
Bring your headphones and get on down here and listen to nonstop beat matching and full spectrum sound!
Plug the link into your map and we'll see you there. Lagoon
Sunday Brunch Blues with DJ Kith on the Bayou Belle every Sunday Morn at 9:00AM (SLT)!!
Region: The Bayou Belle at Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins: 12 minutes ago: 2023-10-22 09:00 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
Get up, grab your breakfast and come on down to The Bayou Belle to chill with DJ Kith & The Tribe for coffee and relaxing blues!! DJ Kith may be a lousy cook but he's a fabulous blues DJ! He's got the blues that will both ease your troubles from the previous week, put a smile on your face and give you the motivation to head into the next! No better way to start your day than with a heaping helping of DJ Kith and some chill blues! See you there!! Bayou Rockin' The Blues

Join me for and early evening of easy listening music!
I'll be performing at the beautiful Nefertari Resort Hotel Ballroom!
Map: Beach Resort

La vallée hantée (the haunted Valley) of Novale

pomeriggio in dj roberto

The E Grid will be down starting Sunday 10/22/2023 for one week for scheduled maintenance..

The Roleplay Grid will remain open, along with the mirror of the Matrix shopping area!

Just go to any of the Roleplay Grid lands and search for The Matrix.

E Grid will be up tonight and down tomorrow for the week. Thanks for your patience!

Live Traffic
AMV Welcome
94 0
31 1
Shopping FUN A
1 0
Xenotown A
14 0
Tosca A
95 4
Shinobar Annex
64 19
Anubis A
4 0
Trianon Complex A
90 18
Valeria's Avatars 2
65 12
Hypergrid Games
12 5
Welcome A
20 2
Agora A
155 7
Lbsa Plaza
191 38
Rock City
56 15
34 0
Regions Online: 1,785
Active: 216 avatars in 138 regions
The Box
OpenSimUser 50 minutes ago
Besides just trying to cause trouble, since everyone knows you are nothing but trouble
OpenSimUser 53 minutes ago
And i do not earn any money what so ever from my grid, so learn before you go running your mouth.
OpenSimUser 59 minutes ago
And pagane needs to get a life, rather than causing trouble, period.
Pagane 1 hour ago
People, if you earn money from fake rating here, NOT ARGUE again me with your real, primary acounts! Make new fake account and blow all mud and hate!!!
OpenSimUser 1 hour ago
What ever, since it seems you have nothing nice to do.
Pagane 1 hour ago
oh yes, is not fake and not contain 3 parked and one active avatar:) Sorry, i again make mistake:)
OpenSimUser 1 hour ago
i do not run fake regions
Pagane 1 hour ago
@OpenSimUser, yes may be must add and fake regions with 3 parked avatars. But parking avatars in regions is also some "activity":)
OpenSimUser 2 hours ago
Pagane do you not have something better to do, like play in traffic?
Pagane 3 hours ago
Major problems always have easy solutions. Only must use brain:
Ellen 4 hours ago
⁀⊙෴☉⁀ ٩(^◡^)۶ /(=✪㉨✪=)\ (`°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) ू(ʚ̴̶̷́ .̠ ʚ̴̶̷̥̀ ू) ♡(ŐωŐ人)
Luci☬Fer 5 hours ago
... . -. -.. / -- . / -. ..- -.. . ... .-.-.
PapaJohnson 11 hours ago
Nice chat box its quiet 4 once! :-)
Nekotomoyo 12 hours ago
First :3
Box Cleaner v.2 12 hours ago
/ - .... . .-. . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / - .. -- . --..-- / - .... . .-. . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / - .. -- .
Box Cleaner v.2 12 hours ago
/ .-. ..- -... -... .. -. --. / .. - ... / -... .- -.-. -.- / ..- .--. --- -. / - .... . / .-- .. -. -.. --- .-- -....- .--. .- -. . ...
Box Cleaner v.2 12 hours ago
/ ..-. --- .-. / - .... . / -.-- . .-.. .-.. --- .-- / ... -- --- -.- . / - .... .- - / ... .-.. .. -.. . ... / .- .-.. --- -. --. / - .... . / ... - .-. . . - --..--
Box Cleaner v.2 12 hours ago
.- -. -.. / .. -. -.. . . -.. / - .... . .-. . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / - .. -- .

New Comments

Xenon Darrow 8 minutes ago
Hmmm...what you hearing with them ears, gal?
NyxNight 19 hours ago
haha das ist eine coole Idee gut gemacht
MinordLoup 19 hours ago
superbe, mais je n'arrive pas a utiliser le Uber, merci d'avance pour me faire parvenir le LM ou modifié le uber pour le plus grand nombre ;)
Dorena Verne 21 hours ago
Hat mir sehr gut gefallen. :-)
FallenAngel Absent 21 hours ago
Immer wieder schön, solche Veranstaltungen und Kreativität hier zu finden/sehen. Well done. :-)
KrisTina 22 hours ago
JasonFlux 23 hours ago
An Tagen wie diesen....kann nur Adriana die Erste sein :-))))
NyxNight 24 hours ago
thats great thanks I will use it :)
Jerralyn Franzic yesterday
Haven't seen everything yet, should be perfect for testing the latest firestorm release or whatever... I'll be back soon! =D


5 Stars for being absolutely Original and having everything avi sized! This place is amazing and the fact that everything was made by Sum with the exception of some landscaping and an NPC or two! So m...
Faith Fromund 16 hours ago
wonderful place to visit, see the imagination of this team come to life, go visit :)
Hopelives3 yesterday
Super!!! Très joli travail d'organisation et de qualité. Merci pour vos partages.
Celeste Charnelle 2 days ago
Great Club, Awesome DJ's, People here are nice. It was a Awesome vibes here to be had :)
EllieVenusa 3 days ago
Haunted Halloween Isles
So much to see here and so much fun to explore. really well done. My lawyer will be in touch about us getting blown up in your caves :) Seriously go see this people, you will love it.
Gentle Dragonheart 3 days ago
AnKaBi Shopping Mall
This is a great place to shop. With so many wonderful outfits and everything you need, it's definitely a must-visit place!!
Ria RyzenCore 3 days ago
awesome as allways very spooky and lots of great stuff ty for sharing !! we invite ya to visit our halloween sim as well ~s Halloween
Mystic Moonlight 3 days ago

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