OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Experimenting with hearding of animals with different heights on EAS region

They all stay nicely on the ground (or prim) auto-adjusting their height to the leader's.

Kelso.Uxlay: Really cool - keep working on this! 2 years ago

I wrote this post with invisible ink.

(Well most of it).


Are you a peace maker? Are you a peace maker or a troubler stirrer? Do you do things to escalate situations or do you calm down people and settings? Who are you? What do your actions say about you to others? Do you always find conflict? Do you have friends that turn into enemies all the time? Do you know how to have friends? Try operating from a base of love. Not siding with one person or another person, but loving them both. Try to understand what it would be like to be either of the people involved in the argument, and why they feel so strongly about the situation - even if they are polar opposite one another in their beleifs. How do people arrive at entirely different sides of an argument 180 degrees apart? How can a view point change the meaning of words from black to white? Is it perspective? What can you do to help? Are emotions heated? Is anyone getting hurt? Is what YOU are doing making the situation better? What kind of person are you? The bible says that if you think everyone else is evil, that it is actually YOU who are evil. Learn to love everyone, and always always operate from a base of love. Are you a peace maker? or a trouble maker? Does your joy come from stirring up strife among people? Ask yourself if that is the case why your joy must come from darkness, instead of light? What is wrong with you? How can you change to become a better person?

HanHeld: It's important to remember that what you read here doesn't necessarily reflect what people think or feel in-game. There's a whole lot of grids and not all of them are represented here. The smalles... 2 years ago
No llevo mucho tiempo en Open sim, y ya lo e visto practicamente todo. pero lo que mas e notado, el nivel de competencia entre grids, e incluso entre los mismos residentes de un mismo grid. No voy a explayarme demasiado, voy a ser directa y puntal: No voy a apoyar a quien de manera desleal tome lo que alguien a creado para ser COMPARTIDO DE MANERA GRATUITA, y lo venda x la moneda que sea, no importa si es 1... 5 o 1000 $ , las cosas deben FREE PARA TODOS, e creado contenido PROPIO para ser vendido, pero me di cuenta que los negocios deben ser dejados lado en un ambiente que a sido creado para hacer amistades. Chicos de Matrix , tienen el apoyo de nuestra comunidad!

edito y agrego pruebas de que se venden cosas que son GRATUITAS en otros grids

BearHug: You have no defense. You blame others for your crimes. You take no responsibility. Worst is you also steal and are selling stolen content inworld and on your web site. You are responsible and no other... 2 years ago
Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year! May this be a year of joy, success, and good health for you and your loved ones. Remember a New Year is a new 365 page Novel, the first day is the first page. So this year, write a good one! 2023!!

KikiBaily: Happy New Year from Kiwo Grid 2 years ago

Allen ein frohes und gutes neues.-.))) Passt auf Euch auf....

JeanDagostino: dir auch a happy new year :))) 2 years ago

New !!@ Moonrose Shopping

Allen ein schönes Weinachten...-)

JeanDagostino: wünsch ich dir auch thorben 2 years ago

Thanks, everyone, we're still here ? let's hold on and play. Happy Birthday Arkham City

Yes, this strange place is also on "The Good Place". But you'll have to find out for yourself what it's all about - I can't reveal everything here!

As uninviting as this part of the region is - inside this building are the "guest books" in the form of geodes, which you can break open and leave your name as a visitor. Some of you may already know this from my region "Stella Polaris". But of course you are welcome to like "The Good Place" here on OSW, if you like the region - or the game ...
* * *
Ja, auch dieser merkwürdige Ort befindet sich auf "The Good Place". Was es damit auf sich hat, müsst ihr aber dann doch selbst herausfinden - ich kann hier doch nicht alles verraten!

So wenig einladend dieser Teil der Region auch ist- im Inneren dieses Gebäudes befinden sich die "Gästebücher" in Form von Geoden, die ihr aufbrechen und damit euren Namen als Besucher hinterlassen könnt. Mancher von euch kennt das vielleicht schon von meiner Region "Stella Polaris". Aber natürlich dürft ihr "The Good Place" auch gerne hier auf OSW liken, wenn euch die Region - oder das Spiel - gefällt ...
Very much apprciated having 25 HG Safari group members visiting WesLorien at ViBel Grid & joining them to visit Hobbiton @ Fred Bekhusen's Outworldz grid.
We had a great time, made a few new connections with the Seconde Vie French community and enthousiatically talked about animesh scripting for wandering animals with the help and a gentle push in the back of a friend who provided the core functionality here

Read the full article by Thirza Ember on the HGSafari blog here:
Ellen and Ernest would like to thank all the HG Safari members for coming over to the grid last night, it was an absolute pleasure to see you all! and thank you Thiriza for a wonderful write-up of the evening which you can view here

We were only able to show you a small fraction of what the Art Factory has to offer so do visit again soon or even better join our group of talented artists!

Thirza Ember: Thank you for having us! I hope we didn't make too much litter 2 years ago

- Biker Dresses and Bikes to take away
- Bikerdress und Bikes zum mitnehmen Bikerworld

Hello everyone..excited we received 8 visitors today and got some great feedback. I am posting a few more pictures to tempt you to come and explore this unique experience in AI Art.

Kashi Takeshi: Great place with a lot of different art displayed. Worth visiting ! 2 years ago

The first Norwegian knitwear store opens its doors - Welcome to Dale!

CCI Grid: Ladies, this sim will never be accessible 24/7. But of course we are happy about every visit. 2 years ago

Join us as the Art Factory goes on HG Safari !

When: 28th of September 2022
What time: 12:00 PST - 19:00 GMT - 04:00 Japan
Where: Art Factory Bikerworld


Because of this always annoying I can't fill the stores on Needful Things permanently with new items. Even creating (reasonably) appealing images takes some time. For this reason I created the < GACHA ROOM > on Needful Things, where you can pull a random item out of the vending machine. A few machines only give you one item every 24 hours, but most of them you can click as many times as you want - until they finally give you the item you want :) .
The gachas work without (game) money or anything like that; just click on them and see what they give out....


Aufgrund dieses immer wieder lästigen kann ich die Läden auf Needful Things leider nicht permanent mit neuen Items befüllen. Schon das Erstellen (einigermaßen) ansprechender Bilder nimmt einige Zeit in Anspruch. Aus diesem Grund habe ich den < GACHA ROOM > auf Needful Things eingerichtet, wo ihr euch ein zufälliges Objekt aus dem Automaten ziehen könnt. Ein paar Maschinen geben nur ein Objekt alle 24 Stuunden aus, aber die meisten kann man beliebig oft hintereinander anklicken- bis sie endlich das ersehnte Item ausspucken :) .
Die Gachas funktionieren ohne (Spiel-)Geld oder dergleichen; einfach anklicken und abwarten, was sie ausgeben....
Viel Spaß!

One of Thirza Embers' blogs about my favorite virtual artist:

Cherry Manga: Ohhh thank you dear Luna! 3 years ago

four candles?

Phill895: Love the amount of detail put into this world. Amazing Sim! 3 years ago

Bakes On Mesh Arkham Grid
#meshbody #heads
Arkham City

Last week saw the passing of one of the greatest artists of the last century. Portuguese born Paula Rego, who has died aged 87, once said that she liked “to work on the edge”, and her many series of paintings and drawings, about the subjugation of women, abortion and the marriage market, cut across social perceptions of the role of women, and disrupted the male view of women and their sexuality.

The Art Factory has lovingly recreated a replica of the Cascais museum that houses much of her work. The Architect Eduardo Souto de Moura was from Oporto, Portugal.

Cascais is located near Estoril where Paula grew up and Ericeira where she lived and worked with her husband Victor Willing. Paula studied at the Slade school of art and died peacefully on the 8th of June in North London.

we are about to reopen with animesh children for everyone

RuSandals: I stand corrected. There are different ethnicities available at this shop. Pardon my error. 3 years ago

Bakes On Mesh Arkham Grid
#meshbodys #heads

Nach einer durchzechten Partynacht erstmal der Frühsport.
Ein Dank geht an Roland.Francis für das tolle Sportgerät ......

New! Perching macaw with folding wings


I'm thinking I need a bigger storage yard this One is 16 region Var and has 300 sci-fi ships.
Stacking them is no option. My map pic, since this pic was taken added 6 more ships.

StevieZee: How about putting them on plinths so they look like they flying 3 years ago

Hey everyone, we are at last on the final details of the sims, but on Saturday 21st May 2022 Stark is back, we back!!!!!

There is a Grand Opening Party starting at 11am SLT through to whenever, and sometime prior to 11am Stark will be opened to the masses!!! ;-) There will be another announcement on Saturday when the veils are finally lifted.

As always Stark will roll out the rainbow, Love, Pride and Respect to all and Mattie will be playing the tunes, a great mix of favourites to get Stark back up and grooving!!!

Join us if you can and let's have a great time!

StevieZee: welcome back 3 years ago
Das Soul Grid bedankt sich herzlich für alle Glückwünsche .
Es war ein wundervolles Wochenende mit viel Spass, guter Laune und ganz vielen lieben Freunden
Wir freuen uns auf das nächste Jahr mit euch .

Soul-Grid living with friends ja das ist das was wir am Wochenende erlebt haben . Vielen Dank euch allen

Dorena Verne: Das war schön mit euch den Gridgeburtstag zu feiern, freue mich schon auf den nächsten. :-) 3 years ago
10:00 PDT Warm-up with Bella Diesel
11:00 PDT Janice Mills, a smooth voice with heart and soul. Live at Tosca.
Afterwards we party until the lights go out.

Celebrate with us, celebrate with friends!

2 years Soul Grid

Rudi Bakerly: Eine wundervolle Stimme. Janice Mills jetzt live im Tosca What a wonderfull voice just now in tosca 3 years ago

KikiBaily: Sag mal Danke zu allen, schöne gemacht, Daumen hoch ;-) 3 years ago

Rudi Bakerly: und wieder ein Haufen Freebies. And again , many freebies 3 years ago
Born on October 30, 2008 on Francogrid, this day March 14, 2022, the pirate queen died with the grid. Thank you for your past support.
Née le 30 octobre 2008 sur Francogrid, ce jour 14 mars 2022,la reine pirate est morte avec la grille.
Merci de vos soutiens passés.
I was told SUNFLOWERS are the national flowers of Ukraine hence FLORA offfers u a mesh pack (up til 90 of them for 1 single prim) for FREE and FULL PERM! Available at GARDEN AREA at BOX 02. Enjoy :)

Ps. And before someone starts complaining about pic sent, I`m not against Russian people but against this sh*t war....

River: lol, I love your picture 3 years ago
Ein neues Jahr heißt neue Hoffnung, neues Licht, neue Gedanken und neue Wege zum Ziel. Einen guten Start ins Jahr 2022 das wünsch ich Euch!
A new year means new hope, new light, new thoughts and new ways to the goal. I wish you a good start into the year 2022!

New at Dinkietown! Dokkies!
My first little doggie avatar with the size of a Dinkie. Full outfit included the Dokkie avatar now available at the store.

Arkham MocapMotion
Enjoy, and Share!

The Snowfall Expanse
Go in skates and a scarf, you can have fun in the snow, it is very big you need time to visit it, there are ski slopes in the mountains, then you can go to the Christmas market, visit the castle and the house of Santa Claus. Don't be in a hurry or don't enjoy this region, have fun, thanks to everyone it was a great job.
3D Life world

2 members

NightWalker Fashion Depo

2 members

HG Safari

21 members

Friends Of Middle Earth

5 members

New Enterprise

1 members


6 members


1 members


5 members

Music Lovers

2 members