OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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The Snowfall Expanse
Go in skates and a scarf, you can have fun in the snow, it is very big you need time to visit it, there are ski slopes in the mountains, then you can go to the Christmas market, visit the castle and the house of Santa Claus. Don't be in a hurry or don't enjoy this region, have fun, thanks to everyone it was a great job.

We are Back

Kingman City

Bonjour, hello, guten tag
J'ai beaucoup de problémes, I have many problems
avec mon ordinateur, win-shit, viewer, adsl connection et autre, and other
I make a break, une pause
à bientôt
see you soon
kisses kuss bisoux

The Snowfall Expanse
to access you need to join the Region group,contact me

New in the Store, Join :)

New in the Store, Join :)

Neiferleaf as seen from it's souden neighbour region. All neighbouring regions got a landscaping update. Much, much better then sim surrounds. HOP

Pink Floyd - In the Flesh! Or is it In the Mesh? Ernest and I spent all day bringing album cover art to life today. A different spin on art, but the installations are pretty amazing to see! Come by Battersea and see for yourself!
The Art Factory is about art and artists. At The Art Factory, we display art; we appreciate art; we learn about art; and, we promote art. We have over a dozen galleries dedicated to in-world artists, where they show their innovative creations. As such, we are beginning a feature called Meet the Artist.

This week we want to introduce to you, the very talented Nice Minik.

Ms. Minik, can you tell us a bit about yourself and your art?
My interest for VL-Photography started back in InworldZ with some photos of dancing Avis.
In 2017 the "Nice Minik" on OSG was created to try out "hypergriding" and to build a photo-studio with backdrops and "flat" lighting for Avi photo sessions.A visit of Ellen and Ernest in my first little gallery changed my virtual life.
Since that day I explored the photo-features of Firestrom and tried a lot of light-effects to make my inworld-photos more interesting. It comes in handy to be a prim builder (for certain backgrounds) and I also learned to create poses in the meantime.

And what are you doing artistically now?
Nowadays I can display model-sessions and themed series at "the Art Factory". And I was able to create some issues of the Stark Magazine.

So, what's the motivation behind your work?
Some of my work just tries to show beauty. Some may be a bit provocative. But I always try to find the mood, lighting and angle to take photos, that "tell a story". And sometimes I can even achieve that goal.
One thing stayed consistently through my development as an inworld-photographer: what you see is what I saw. That means, that I never do after-works on my photos.

What do you enjoy most about creating art in virtual worlds?
Besides that, I very much like to show virtual life in a way, that makes viewers enjoy what I enjoyed or maybe get an impulse to think about certain aspects.

Thank you for the interview, Ms. Minik!

Please stop by The Art Factory Reloaded and check out Nice Minik's art! It won't disappoint!
I worked out a solution for initial sitting bug in the NPC Horse (script by Shin Ingen) where the avatar sinks through the horse when wearing an AO.
In the NPC horse script by Shin Ingen in under run_time_permissions(integer perm) FIND
and REPLACE with
list anims = llGetAnimationList(llGetPermissionsKey());
integer len = llGetListLength(anims);
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) llStopAnimation(llList2Key(anims, i));
//llOwnerSay("Permissions Accepted");
If you don't like coding, just hop over to Neiferleaf and fetch the boxed new horse rezzer at the landingpoint.
Living with friends ...
Amazing community
wir sind mal wieder mächtig stolz auf unsere Leute. Einfach weil sie sind wie sie sind,
weil sie " living with friends" nicht nur als geklauten Slogan nehmen,
sondern dieses feeling jeden Tag leben. Dafür sind wir sehr dankbar .

Enjoy and share!
YAY Region

bonne année
2021 Falene prend de la hauteur

Ein aufregendes Jahr liegt hinter uns.
Wir hatten Verluste.
Manche taten weh, manche weniger.
Wir hatten aber auch Gewinne
Der größte Gewinn war
Teil einer funktionierenden, lebensfrohen, lebendigen Gemeinschaft geworden zu sein.
Teil eines Grids zu sein,in dem Freundschaft nicht nur ein geklauter Werbeslogan ist.
Teil eines Grids zu sein, dass eigenständig zurecht kommt.

Dafür sind wir sehr dankbar. Unseren Bewohnern und allen, die uns dies ermöglicht haben, wie auch unseren zahlreichen Besuchern.
Möge die Zeit der bollernden Heizungen und prasselnden Kamine die Herzen der Menschen erwärmen und der Duft der Tannenbäume
all den Menschen die schlechten Gedanken vertreiben

Wir wünschen Euch allen ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest, einen sensationell schönen Start ins neue Jahr und bleibt gesund.

Euch allen ein besinnliches und herzerwärmendes Weihnachtsfest

wünschen Euch Nasti und Rudi vom Soul Grid

*** LARCH TREE V- Larix sibirica V3 (version 3). Thx my friend Alfred (from sim WELCOME ( she gave a better model for these trees as seen at RL, so I could work on blender - once more released at FLORA, BOX 04, FOREST AREA (ground area). All FREE and FULL PERM. Seasonal textures included and leaves has a soft animation. Enjoy :)

Join Arkham City Halloween

Enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Baches On Mesh

CHERRY TREES PACK * FREE and FULL PERM available at FOREST AREA (ground) at BOX02. Animated particles are in mesh and separated prim so u can remove it when playing seasonal (textures inside). Enjoy :)

OpenSim is an oasis for people who are following physical distancing around the world. Thank you all for keeping yourselves safe, keeping your regions online and keeping your visitors entertained!

The first Stark! magazine is out now!


Right now we have a massive road building project in progress across the grid. Start off at welcome and follow the road!

Frank Hurt: ooooh, this will be fun! I need to find something road-worthy and go sight-seeing! 7 days ago

#outfit #avatarfull #kingmancity

News!!! Arabela Full Avatar hop:// De Volcanes/346/205/5002

Lone Wolf at the Irish Wolf Pub on our welcome area. Picture by Jimmy Olsen

Frank Hurt: Thankfully, no wolf-boogers to be seen! 17 days ago
Alina's Custom Vehicle Shop – Now Open on OpenSim!

Discover a collection of custom cars, hot rods, monster trucks, American classics (1950s–present), military vehicles, construction trucks, and rare machines.

From vintage legends to extreme off-road beasts, there’s something for every enthusiast. Stop by and see for yourself—you won’t leave empty-handed.

Monica Cloud: Nice place! I'm always looking for place which have different vehicle types, and I seen it contains a lot of models and use cases. 21 days ago
Waiting for the bus at trailer park.
Since I am on OSW Website (2 weeks now) many come to my Big City Life and ask for shops. They stand at landing point with distance draw 256 and think that the promenade of little New Jersey is the big city. They stand there for some minutes and cam around looking for shops perhaps. But little New Jersey is country side of the sim. Not the big city lol
To be clear: The shops are just a bonus, because Cities have shops you can buy things. This sim is more like a game experience like you would explore cities. Lot of traffic, all is moving in a City environment. 25 000 scripts are running and 400 animesh people are the population of the sim.
The landing point is just to start with this city experience and load in cache. So this biiig sim (7x7) is purely built to the limit what opensim as technology is still capable and able to offer. It is a lot. But of course, not what we could have with unreal engine or think of Cyberpunk 2077.
At Landing point you get introduction with maps where you can see and listen what you can explore. Here is the video you see also inworld at landing point directly if you have mediaplayer on.
If you want to drive with bus in the city then you have to walk over the rails to the bus stop at trailer park. I had no space anymore for a bus stop at Little New Jersey Promenade (Landing Point)
So be warned. Big City Life is not to be confused with other sims that are called similar but are malls. I have shops in the city and also many exclusive things you get only here in opensim but it is not a mall to go for shopping. Most you can copy anyway and don't need a shop for it. If you see something you want to copy then do it. No need to ask for permission. We are in opensim. Not secondlife. Sharing is caring.

Frank Hurt: Your project is on my To Visit list! You're pouring an incredible amount of effort into this city. 26 days ago

NayaPinazzo: Te reciben muy bien, funciona perfectamente. Llevo más de 1 año y estoy encantada 1 month ago
BE AWARE IF YOU USE SSD'S. An SSD can randomly go into a complete shut down and lock ALL DATA on the drive out. You won't be able to access that ssd ever again. In my case it was a SAMSUNG 870. Well, I had made several beautiful oars... but I had a drive crash... well actually, an ssd crash. very unexpected as it was a samsung 870. but when i say crash what happened was it totally locked up the ssd. I mean totally. Everything is completely not accessible. At least with a hard drive if you have a crash you can recover most of your files. But apparently not with this ssd. It's beyond crazy they don't make people aware that an ssd can lock up like this for no apparent reason. I'm afraid to say I've lost all my work. Not surprising I suppose. I really don't know what happened, everything was fine when I went to bed, and I woke up the next day and the ssd is electronically locked and cannot be accessed by any computer. I even tried a special device I ordered from amazon. Nope. I never knew this could happen. It's very disheartening to have technical troubles of this magnitude coupled with the negativity from the trolls... so... I just left the grids for months. I may come back one day and try to rebuild everything. But it's a monumental task. I spent so long creating all those beautiful places... Only to have them completely destroyed by a complete ssd lock. I should point out I was running samsung magician and there was NOTHING wrong with the ssd at all... Nothing was reported by magician except that the ssd was in GREAT SHAPE.

CyberGlo CyberStar: Thanks to all of you! I will try to send this back to samsung immediately if I can find the address... I never thought of doing that. You guys rock. 1 month ago

News!! hop:// De Volcanes/354/236/5002

Yinni Benelli: Nice outfit. =O Where do you get an 'apple' body? 1 month ago

News!!! area FEEDME hop:// De Volcanes/231/351/3825

Aurora Starchild: Hahahahaha #ded 1 month ago
Fifteen years, how fast they flew,
Dorena’s World, a dream come true.
A digital realm, so full of life,
With shared ideas, escaping strife.

From the first pixel to today’s delight,
You’ve built a world that shines so bright.
Friendship, dreams, and fantasy,
All united in harmony.

Let’s celebrate, day by day,
For all the wonders that pave the way.
Fifteen years of inspiration,
A reason for joyful celebration!
Further information on the upcoming events will follow.

Dorena Verne: Of course, everyone is cordially invited. 1 month ago
Work continues at the Japanese display area under reconstruction at Lunaria Emporium. Added a large torii gate in a central lake. All items are separate and some are free and full perm. Perimeter walls and main gate are next, then I'll start on a larger, more opulent house, revised tea houses, a temple, some additional decor, and a Japanese castle. Click the Japanese teleport board in the lobby to get there.

Mistressdalgato: you going to make me broke lol 2 months ago

You are all invited to join us this evening for a small New Year's Eve party starting at 8 p.m.

Jupiter Rowland: That's 11 a.m. grid time, by the way. I guess even we will be in bed by 8 p.m. grid time. 2 months ago

Happy New Year set #arkhamgrid #available
Kingman City

The Japanese Home with Garden build is complete now and going through final testing. Every surface has both PBR and standard textures, including the prim water with movement. This has been a fun project and I'm excited to release it at the store soon.

Mistressdalgato: already trying to figure out where i am going to put this. cant wait to see it when its finished. 2 months ago

I will assemble a stylish male avatar for you and your friends. Please contact me.

Dream: great taste in avitar 2 months ago