OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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***ALFHEIM CAMPFIRE *** 02 prims only! Scripted to 08 avies max! Winter textures included! All for FREE and FULL PERM at CAMPIRE store (Box 06 or click the teleporter). Enjoy :)

Hugabug: I fell in love with a few items here :) Thanks Jimmy 2 years ago

for the 2nd advent new on camballa

KarinBecker: Thanks Jackie i love it to 2 years ago
Weihnachts Achten
Es schlagen die Herzen
so hell und fromm
es funkeln die Kerzen
so wild im Sturm

Es friert die Armut
das Fest erwacht
auf Bänken im Winter
in voller Pracht.
(Claas Claasen)

Wir wünschen Euch einen besinnlichen und achtsamen 2. Advent,
und viel Spaß mit Türchen 4

Hugabug: beautifully done ! 2 years ago

News For Roleplayers
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

AUTUMN IS HERE: Why are you still rezing green trees in your region? Come to FLORA, wide variety of plants with seasonal textures (*). Available for FREE and FULLPERM
(*)Not included at evergreen or tropical ones!

The Etheria Grid: Jimmy Flora is SUCH a treasure, thank you so much!! 2 years ago
Unsere Topmodels Bad und Siwas präsentieren den neuen Dale Partner Herbstlook! lol - Our top models Bad and Siwas present the new Dale Partner autumn look! lol (erhältlich ab Morgen - available from tomorrow)

Thirza Ember: I feel warmer already 2 years ago

Autumn has struck at Neiferleaf

KhennaReenberg: Being new to the grid, I recently had the pleasure of visiting - what a breath-taking place...I will visit again to experience Autumn. ♥ Thank you so much for sharing your labor of love and vision. 2 years ago
ADVISORY: If you are NEW to Opensim, there are many choices for worlds to live in. Do yourself a favor and run a background check on ANY GRID before you open your wallet.

Google search: Alex Pomposelli

Spax Orion: Knowing what this operator has done in the past, I would be doing a major disservice to the community by being silent. Is it wrong to warn others of potential danger based on a proven track record? If... 3 years ago
Have u been attacked by Priscilla Kleenex with prim-made penises? Did ur SIM or grid survive? So this 3D sign is for u lol.. Available for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy:)
PS. Before someone asks me why a transsexual pic remember the old motto in SL:
"In Second Life, men are women...
women are men...
and children are FBI agents".....

GlennXpletive: HAHAHA Ok that is some true and funny shit fer shure! lol Thanks for the morning giggles! 3 years ago
My first 3D picture of ViBel's Neiferleaf Castle
Taken with the new Firestorm
3D view on Flickr

(Just in case you would want to know how to take a 3D picture with the new FireStorm: - It proves that anyone can)

Kelso.Uxlay: Real nice 3 years ago

Yesterday, Dotty, a true cutie came to CyberPunk, a street drone couldn't resist to snap us

Oni Kiri: Super Photo !!! 3 years ago

Hello, bonjour
Grid kaput, broken, cassée
Voila Falene est surement finie
Sorry, it's now possible Falene is dead
Thank for all visitors, merci tout le monde

Dabici132: Chère Falène, c'est avec tristesse que j'ai appris les difficultés techniques rencontrées par Virtualdream Grid. J'espère que toutes tes billes n'étaient pas rattachées à une seule base de données. ... 3 years ago


AnaKathy: Dear Avia, such a nice choice. You make us all Dinkie lovers very happy ♥ 3 years ago
Second-year, I will soon celebrate my Arkham's birthday, I added 8 regions this year, I have many projects to implement, thanks to all my friends and many fans. 2022? Innovation, news...
we discover by gaming

Enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Bakes On Mesh

The river was upgraded today, with a nice realistic looking flowing water.

Grid ON

Arkham Grid 2021
New Region coming

Valentine's Day #outfit #avatarfull #kingmancity

Highly political. Joe Biden just stutters his memes in his wheelchair and Donald Trump asked me why I don't have the 5th Avenue in my Big City. Now the Trump Tower can't exist on my sim. I would have the Park Avenue and even Madison Avenue but not the 5th Avenue. He believes that the Trump Tower is the greatest of all and it would be a shame that it doesn't exist in my Big City Life.
Anyway. Elon Musk came by coincidence and congratulated me to my AI Research Center and suggested that I should become his consulting assistant for AI research. Trump was a bit astonished and made one condition. If I would build the 5th Avenue with his Trump Tower then it would be ok. lol (in virtual reality all is possible and we are all billionaires lol )
here my AI Research Center

Arielle: We'll soon see if 'old man' Trump can get the hostages free and is able to resolve the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine. I have more faith that he will do what many others haven't been able to,... 1 month ago
An UFO crashed and military is securing the region around the crash. But then suddenly another UFO appears over little New Jersey to rescue their buddies. lol Critical situation now with all the military. But Dr Who speaks to the aliens. Hopefully the situation can be defused ...

Roland Francis: ... and the Men in Black came to investigate ! 2 months ago
'...And ye shall be free from slavery. And as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be naked in your rites. And ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love all in my praise.
For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and mine also is joy upon Earth, for my law is love unto all beings...'
=Dali Babe Stretch Marks & Cellulite Marks Addon FATPACK=
Hi everyone! Out at the store we have another customisation add-on fatpack for the Dali Babe tone range.
Available for LEGACY and REBORN bodies
Includes Belly, Cellulite, Legs, and Breasts addons
Each comes in the 22 tones of the Dali Range
Uber: hop://

EllenOptinett: The TP doesn't work for me either, I love your work, what's going on? 2 months ago
For fun i made this system to play with NPCs, if you want to play with it too come get it.
Inside there are all the commands i set and how to use them, you can use multiple NPCs just change the channel in the description
if there are bugs let me know


Lilith: amazing thank you👧🏾😁 2 months ago
what if.....
we spent our time focusing on our similarities
instead of our differences?

I have seen many discussions here become very toxic recently because people are focused on how we are all different. I love how we all are different, but we also have some common similarities; the most obvious is that we are all people behind the pixels.

Sometimes in life and Opensim, it is much easier to tear a person down than to build them up. Let's make the extra effort and support eachother!

This is our Opensim.....lets take pride in it!

what if.....
we spent our time focusing on our similarities
instead of our differences?

Caribia: It's about respecting and live and let live 2 months ago

best wishes to everyone from Sciattisi Grid
Welcome 2025!

Marpil Grafenwalder: Buon anno alla famiglia Sciattisi Grid!!! che il 2025 sia un anno meraviglioso! 2 months ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/139/133/3827

MidnightRain Glas: Hello I wanted to say I love all the beautiful things you have, my only problem is I'm legally blind and I can't find things very easy I am using voice to chat that types for me. I have been coming to... 2 months ago
**Dali Babe Muscular Muse Fatpack Out now!**
And another 'muse' comes to join the pack for those wanting to show all that hard work at the gym: Muscular Muse.
- Like the rest of the 'muses' from Dali Babe, comes in 22 tones.
- Includes 2 particular cleavage add-ons tailored to that particular muse.
- Comes with a throve of add-ons for bums, thigh creases, etc.

Uber: hop://

Sabrinastav: Gracias Aurora, como siempre, trayendo los mejores artículos, de gran calidad y compartiendo con la comunidad de SL desinteresadamente. EXCELENTE !!! 2 months ago

May all that is beautiful, meaningful and brings you joy be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!
We wish you a Merry Christmas! From Andremus & Alchy

Lise: Joyeux Noël et bonnes vacances ! 2 months ago
Dal profondo del cuore auguriamo a tutti voi un Natale pieno di pace e speranza, vi ringraziamo per tutti i bei momenti condivisi in questo 2024 che sta per finire e ci auguriamo che il prossimo 2025 sia per tutti noi una grande opportunità per divenire la migliore versione di noi stessi.
De todo corazón les deseamos a todos una Navidad llena de paz y esperanza, gracias por todos los bellos momentos compartidos en este 2024, deseamos para todos que el próximo 2025 sea una gran oportunidad de convertirnos en la mejor versión de nosotros mismos

Marpil & Jim

Aurora Starchild: Muchisísimas felicidades a los dos guapis 2 months ago


Jordan Melody: oooo yess i love blackout tatts!! Please make some for females 4 months ago

Jupiter Rowland: Seriously, if your machine has got what it takes, set your viewer to shared environment, crank your graphics settings up as far as you and your hardware can bear (shadows strongly recommended), take o... 4 months ago

Was für ein Megaevent. Nach all den unzähligen Trainingsstunden auf der Kart Bahn fand gestern das große Finale statt. 10 Fahrer aus 6 Grids sind an den Start gegangen und haben sich heiße Duelle geliefert. Auf den Tribünen wurden alle von den eigenen Fans in bunten Outfits angefeuert. Die Stimmung war einzigartig und zeigt, dass es auch gemeinsam Spaß machen kann. Die After-Show-Party im Anschluss sorgte für einen würdigen Abschluss dieses Events.

An dieser Stelle möchte ich ein ganz großes DANKE an das Pangea Grid aussprechen. Ich mag nicht wissen zu wollen, wie viele Stunden damit verbracht worden sind, nicht nur die Strecke, sondern auch das Drumherum so zum Laufen zu bringen. Karsten hat zusammen mit seinem Team Großartiges geleistet und das verdient meinen höchsten Respekt. Gemeinschaft und Erlebnis, Spaß und Freude so unter einen Hut zu bringen ist etwas Einzigartiges in Open Sim World. Danke Danke Danke
What a mega event. After all the countless hours of training on the kart track, the grand finale took place yesterday. 10 drivers from 6 grids started and had hot duels. In the stands, everyone was cheered on by their own fans in colorful outfits. The atmosphere was unique and shows that it can be fun together. The after-show party afterwards ensured a worthy end to this event.

At this point I would like to say a big THANK YOU to the Pangea Grid. I don't want to know how many hours were spent getting not only the track but also everything else running like this. Karsten and his team did a great job and that deserves my utmost respect. Bringing together community and experience, fun and joy is something unique in Open Sim World. Thank you, thank you, thank you

📝 Men's Ballet "About Bees & Flowers - Die Wahrheit über Bienen und Blumen"

Start the men's ballet inworld by yourself or watch it on YouTube *** Männerballett inworld selbst starten oder auf YouTube ansehen

"Von süß bis schaurig – Hier findest du alles für dein perfektes Halloween !"
"From cute to scary - here you will find everything for the perfect Halloween !"
News!!! Group Gift if you are already a member of Tierra de Volcanes come and get your group gifts, open the group info and go to announcements, there open attachment and receive the group gifts.
If you are not yet part of the group don't forget to join the next time you visit us.
We Lava U ♥!!!!

Ellen: So adorable! I joined the group but cannot find the gift! 6 months ago
=OUT NOW: Llewellyn Tightback Chairs & Ottoman (PG)=
Some of you have asked for some PG furniture (although you can simply edit-out the animations from the adult ones). Here is the set that goes with the Llewellyn Decor Set.

Chair in two styles (with and without blanket - slightly difference sequence).

Includes Texture HUD, materials, and props.

Uber: hop://

Sodasullivan: this looks very comfy! like you could curl up with a good book and just stay there all day! 6 months ago

News!!! Country ..... Yehaaaaaaaaa!!! hop://

I see a lot of people talking bad about others on OSW lately. Can't we come up with something more interesting than "bad mouthing" each other?

Sooo...there he is, my cute ratzi !
Now avalable in ZZ's shop

Ankhsenaton: I found it !! ZZ Top ! ;-) 6 months ago