OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Hey, as you seen allready the Store is Offline. We got again problems with the rented Server and going to change to our finaly own Server. :)

To get everything perfect done, we need some Days to get the Store ready. Ofcourse there will be lot of new Stuff for you :)

Thanks for understanding and see you next Days!

Amelia & Hertha

join us
Arkham Grid Community
Arkham Grid Support#1903

EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter now opened for public. Enable EEP sky for better experience. Space base with some dwellings.

Jupiter Rowland: I have a moon? 1 years ago



Clan's Band preparing for Friday's Redheaded Gypsy Camp show at Club Escotia!
All redheads will get in free!! Save the date! Friday 1PM

For all winter and christmas lovers.For the 4th year Xanten is open for public again. Not the newest freebies but the nicest! For every taste something. Have fun exploring! The sim is fully loaded so give it time to rez, or relog, that often helps! Please use shared windlight!

Salem Hells and Socking in any colors
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

Lightning-Fast Loading: Experience the magic of your virtual world in the blink of an eye with our supercharged Dreamgrid V has arrived!! 20 seconds to your Dream!
posted by Marianna


Nico Kalani: I checked and can verify this demon is circumcised. OK, that is a lie. But it better be when I do go check. 1 years ago

Created a wire crown, you can find it in the Middle of the Store, where all those little cupboards are, it came out looking a bit Medieval as always free! Jewelry

UPDATE: Thank you Dee.Ferry for providing me with the Blueberry - Frappe - Bodysuits fat-pack! The vendor now includes the black and the white versions of the bodysuit, as well as the gold.

Be both smart and sexy in this outfit. I'll supply the beautiful outfit and you supply the brains. I mean, I don't include brains with the outfits! That would only attract decidedly not sexy zombie shoppers.

oh HELLO: A Zombie Free Zone

I think the "Blueberry - Frappe - Bodysuits Full - Athena Gold" is part of a fat-pack. If you have it, kindly sent it to me, or tell me where to get it. Thanks!
Feeling low? Lost your enthusiasm? Try a little Cyber in your diet!
Cyber Punk Party @ The Mosh Pit
Freestyle Immersive Beats EBM
With DJ Synthetica

8 P.M. till 10 P.M. GMT
12 P.M. till 2 P.M. SLT

Dress Code Cyber Punk or come as you are.
All are welcome.

Come take a carriage ride and explore Never Village, an eclectic variety of shopping!

I have a crazy idea! I want to share a few names of places/services I have found to be AWESOME.

Maybe others can reply on this thread and we can all learn some new places to visit.

Ok. Here is my start

Camballa- home decor section. Love it!

Alternate meta verse - amazing freebies for fantasy landscaping

Flora - I love landscaping and this place is well organized

Houses - on AMV region. Massive selection of houses, tree houses, castles

Neiferleaf - this medieval region comes to life with detailed landscaping and Roland’s beautiful horses.

Agora - I need a semi truck for all the awesome clothing I find there

Safinemahoe2: Ok, I need some help from you all. I love new shopping places….and new places to explore. Please add some of the places you consider AWESOME! Lunaria - this is not a freebies region, but the ... 1 years ago

come in and ride out Bikerworld

Slowhand: Tolle Strecke, lässt sich gut fahren. Danke :-) 1 years ago
For OSFest 2023 in September as of 7/12/2023, 12 of 68 exhibit parcels and 6 of 40 merchant parcels are reserved, please spread the word around the HG.
Register for your spot on the OpensimFest website
You can start building on your home grid and transfer the build later when the grid is open.
Like to build? OSFest is looking for a creator to work on a new Welcome Center. Contact Banker Ibor on Discord or on the website for more details
Discord group:

Luna Lunaria: Sadly, I am not able to commit this year to building out infrastructure on the OSFest region due to RL commitments and medical issues, but if you see any of my structures that might work I will be hap... 2 years ago
Welcome to the enchanting Goliath Gardens, a realm where you can shrink down to the size of a bug and experience the wonders of nature up close. Be the bug!! We have bug Avatars! Ladybug, Beetle, Bee, and Praying Mantis!! Be careful in the garden there is a snake that might bite! Gardens Thank you Ferd Frederix!

Marianna : I added a box with the animesh script and animations so that you can create Animesh bugs. Keep in mind these bugs are avatar size, the world is Goliath so that the bug is to scale of the world. Thes... 2 years ago

---- NEW OUTFITS ----

Chubby Dagostino: wow coole Bikinis Jeanie 2 years ago
Mi nombre es Safine y soy el dueño de la red de amigos. Aunque no hablo bien el idioma español, el pueblo hispano siempre tendrá un lugar especial en mi corazón. Tengo que usar un traductor, y probablemente cometer muchos errores, pero tengo un gran corazón.

He decidido hacer algo muy diferente. En la red de amigos, voy a desarrollar una villa hispana sim de 36 muy especial.

Si alguien está haciendo esto, no quiero ofender ni copiar de ninguna manera. Esto es algo que he querido hacer desde hace mucho tiempo.

Al principio, este pueblo albergará a unos 14 residentes hispanos, cada uno con un gran paquete de 1 sim isla en nuestras aguas marinas. Además, quiero trabajar con alguien que elija vivir aquí para ayudarme a desarrollar un centro de aldea de 9 sim. Este centro podría incluir compras, recursos, entretenimiento y cultura. Estoy dispuesto a expandirme, pero primero quiero llenar esto.

Estoy buscando gente que quiera vivir en la red de amigos y estar involucrada. No quiero coleccionistas que raramente aparecen.

El centro del pueblo tomará tiempo para construir, pero tengo algunas islas que están disponibles inmediatamente para los residentes.

Si usted está interesado en ser parte de esta especial Villa Hispana, por favor contacte con safinemahoe2 en el mundo abierto sim. Trabajo y a menudo me cuesta llegar debido a las zonas horarias, por favor póngase en contacto conmigo en Osw.

Por favor, comprenda que acogemos con beneplácito todas las nacionalidades en la red de amigos…. y tengo espacios disponibles para otros.

Este proyecto es algo de mi corazón para mis amigos hispanos.

Una vez más……. por favor, envíeme un mensaje directo sobre la OSW si está interesado en ser parte de esta aldea hispana en la red de amigos.

victorialogan: desde que te conozco ,y ya hace varios años, jajajaj, siempre demostraste ser una persona solidaria y desinteresada. Esas actitudes son realmente admirables. Un abrazo muy fuerte. since I've known y... 2 years ago

News at Camballa
Frida Elegant outfit
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
have all good time
Karin Beckers

YARR ... Summer is there and the pirates are already back

New Rily Outfit
also available in Legacy and Reborn
Happy Shopping :))

Karma exists so you don't have to get your hands dirty.

Some of tonight's work at Luxor

HG Address:


Serina Gee: One of my favourite stores on my home grid.....I feel a few shopping trips coming up!!! 2 years ago
UPDATE: Visit the Tribute Club at the CopyKat Collective Center to hang out and dance with old and new friends. The TP to Collective member regions and shops is also located at the Club Central

1. You Are Kind.
2. You Are Generous.
3. You Like People Coming to Your Grid
Read on.

Do you want a region on your grid that is part of the CopyKat Collective? Of course you do! There are many places we could rent a region. But we are looking for someone to subsidize the effort to preserve the legacy and grow the future of what was the #2 traffic grid in OS.

This region will serve as home base for the CopyKat Collective. A single full use region is all we ask. Fast server a plus. Full powers needed.

If you remember Adachi, you will be familiar with what we plan for this Collective home base region. We will have a landing zone adjacent dance and hang out area. We will offer a wall of new items to be found on our Collective member regions. And we will have a wall with a HG TP boards to those regions. Sound good?

And if you could provide a home at no cost to other Collective member regions, all the better. For example, my oh HELLO shop was #2 in CopyKat grid traffic. Oni said it brought more people to the grid. Tempt me with an offer of a free region for the shop. But my first priority is establishing a home region for the CopyKat Collective. Message me if you can help.

The CopyKat Collective: Think Outside The Grid

Pagane: my server is very small and obviously underpowered, but if there is no better offer, I'm here… 2 years ago

Springtime, flowers, the moon...doesn't get any better than that. The pendant is on a rope chain. This is in shiny silver. In the foyer on the little table. Jewelry

Once I'm finished upgrading Luxor, it might be time to revisit this project and turn it into something really fabulous. I have some interesting ideas, including a possible Atlantis region. We'll see. This began life a few years ago as a scene concept for a chapter in a book I'm writing, then I set it aside until I could decide what I wanted to do with it.

You can see the current version at my main store on Wolf Territories Grid. Click the Roman sign in the lobby to go there.

Here's the address: Emporium - Main Store

New !!!! Jas Outfit
also available in Legacy and Reborn
Happy Shopping :))

My ongoing Egyptian passion project called Luxor, located on Wolf Territories Grid. Currently working on the interior of the main pyramid (finally), which will have a new lavish club venue at the top.

Lone Wolf: this is an INCREDIBLE build folks! Do come and check it out. 2 years ago

Come to The Land Of Xzar and discover a magical place like no other! Devil's Fork is a fairly large town waiting for you to explore and you may even find a thing or two to take home with you. :)

My new region "Lost Island", work in progress but you can already come have a look and enjoy the place :)

Mattie has now opened her new shop on Stark North with some of the items she has created or repaired, so please feel free to pop over and see!!


rayne: Thank you Huga and Fred for working so hard to keep our home alive. words aren't enough, i know, but its all we have. 2 years ago

SkyRealm Sun Moon Stars Charm Bracelet-Please find this at the SkyRealm Observatory

I have created an Aurora Borealis for you. Three different Auroras, I call it my Aurora Wave, please feel free to pick up your copy at the store in the foyer.

NEW!! Rekka Jeans and Top 4 Color Jeans Top is Hud driven

Spring-Time Spring Feeling
Dahila Dress in any Colors
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
have all good time
Karin Beckers