OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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This build is "YUGE" as they say! Created for a mall type shop to be used as such, this giant shop boasts latticework entrance and doorways, fancy arched windows, brick exterior, decorative concrete pillars, and three fancy grillwork (teleporter) elevators. It's a unique blend of old and modern for a unique touch to any region. You can find it next to near "Fall's For You" beside "Skywind Designs" which are both by "Ezra's Antiques & Collectables". Stop in and check them out. And make sure to take your time an explore this ginormous 8x8 Mall. We are growing and adding new vendors so if you'd like to set up shop with us, we welcome you.
Blessings and much love - Lavia
Freitag 21.6.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

& more Animals
(Fortsetzung von letzter Woche)

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid :

Friday 21.6.2024
with DJ Anachron

Starts at 7:00 p.m.

& more Animals
(Continuation from last week)

Ends as always at midnight

Hypergrid :

Kitten Tattoo for Face/Back and Ass. Comes in 60/80/100%
Can be found in the Y-Y-T Tattoo Equiqment Store.

Sodasullivan: I know where mine is going =) 4 months ago

A big thank you to all that came to the safari event today - lots of fun chats and excellent moves too :)

come on over we are having a blast! You will be sorry if you miss it.


Your Express train:

Wolf Territories Grid Wt Atlantic 015

Sodasullivan: When I look at this picture, I can almost hear the water and the wind. Very pretty 4 months ago

WildRose: Fiddle dee dee... 4 months ago

Furnished Tattoo Studio Building, all furniture has menus. Can be found in the Y-Y-T Tattoo Equiqment Store

Sodasullivan: Awesome! Well done Chi! 4 months ago
Hello friends of New Life Italy,
The big day has arrived! We are pleased to announce that, starting tomorrow, Tuesday, June 19, we will celebrate one year of being open! Thank you for your continued support. To celebrate, we have organized two special evenings of live music.
Black Moon and Nikita will perform on Tuesday, June 19, and Rogue Galaxy and Putri Solo will perform on Friday, June 21.
Performance times:

Tuesday, June 19: 12/13 SLT and 1/14 SLT
Friday, June 21: 12/13 SLT and 13/14 SLT

Here is another screen shot of my Little Flower Garden!

I wanted to take a better picture! ;)

A new beginning! ;)

I am pleased to announce that I will be starting my VivoSim farming experience once again! ;)
I had a huge farm elsewhere at one time, but the grids assets got corrupted along with my huge 6 X 6 farming region.
Needless to say, I was devastated and had given up all hope of farming again.
I've been revived now! I want to start farming once again here only on Wolf Territories Grid, my new home & forevermore! ;)

This 360 pic is just the beginning. I pieced together this Something Magical Little Flower Garden Area with items from around open sim! ;)
When you come to visit my region Magical Fairies Pass 4, please excuse the clutter as I am just beginning once again, from scratch!

Please come enjoy what is here while you can see me as I progress on my farm as I build something spectacular!
▶▷▶ WHEN: 12 - 2 GRID TIME
Kick up your heels with us!

TAXI RIDE = CLUB SENSATIONS, Southfork Estates (142, 155, 24)
@FerdFrederix, created magic again last night 🏯He added the Grand Tower to Zensational. You will find the main TP with a menu to choose all the destinations of the region, the Grand Tower is located in the City just beyond the City Gates. Thank you, Ferd, I love your magic 💕🪄
We're working on tutorials and videos to help folks who are new to open sim to get around in open sim better - from creating your very first avatar to knowing how to Hypergrid, we're putting it together to help others find the joy of Open Sim just as we have. This not "just" for our new grid members but for anybody new to open sim, we'd love to help you.

Mistressdalgato: this is cool, i have the firestorm oar to help people with how to use firestorm, once you get this region finished i may be inclined to want to put a teleport for new members to the region. 4 months ago
join DJ Lala at club sensation you don't want to miss it it's always fun and the music always will groovy you. We're at a gentle fire grid
here your Taxi hop:// 12 to 2 grid time today
Hello friends of New Life Italy,
The big day has arrived! We are pleased to announce that, starting tomorrow, Tuesday, June 19, we will celebrate one year of being open! Thank you for your continued support. To celebrate, we have organized two special evenings of live music.
Black Moon and Nikita will perform on Tuesday, June 19, and Rogue Galaxy and Putri Solo will perform on Friday, June 21.
Performance times:

Tuesday, June 19: 12/13 SLT and 1/14 SLT
Friday, June 21: 12/13 SLT and 13/14 SLT
How would you like to run your own private AI Server at home? Now you can. Go to and download it, run it, get llama3 model. Ask it any question. It runs in only 4gb of ram. It's amazing! Give it a try! Runs on mac/windows/linux. :)

Arcfury: Thanks for this comment. I had been waiting for something like this for my R2 unit. 4 months ago
Harmony Isle Events:
Dj KrisTina
Starting 4 to 6pm Grid-Time
Classic Rock / Country Night
Danger Lytton
Starting 6 to 8pm Grid-Time
Blues, Classic Rock, Country
Taxi: hop://
Hello friends of New Life Italy,
The big day has finally arrived! We are pleased to announce that, starting tomorrow, Tuesday, June 19, we will celebrate one year of being open! It has been an amazing journey in your company and we want to thank you for your constant support and affection. To celebrate this important milestone, we have organized two special evenings of live music, and we hope you will join us to make these occasions unforgettable.
The first evening, Wednesday, June 19, will feature two talented artists, Black Moon and Nikita, performing on our stage. Their music is sure to enchant you and create a magical and engaging atmosphere. Do not miss this opportunity to enjoy their extraordinary performance.
The second evening of celebration will take place on Friday, June 21, when Rogue Galaxy and Putri Solo, two esteemed artists on the music stage, will take the stage. They too will give you unforgettable moments with their unique and fascinating music. We are sure it will be an evening full of excitement and fun.
Performance times will be as follows:
Wednesday, June 19: 12/13 SLT and 13/14 SLT
Friday, June 21: 12/13 SLT and 13/14 SLT
We invite many of you to attend both evenings to celebrate with us this first year of success and beautiful shared experiences. Don't miss it, it will be a special occasion to all get together and celebrate friendship and good music.
We look forward to welcoming you!
The team of New Life Italy


Zoree Jupiter Live
Club Fire
Gentle Fire Grid
Semi Casual attire

A new expo in my gallery: Relationships

Thornhollow is Neverworlds newest roleplay region. You can start your own clan or coven, be a witch or a vampire or 'other', you are welcome to bring your existing group here to stay or visit. We invite you to come over and take a walk through and we promise not to bite any visitors. :)

castles, crystal caves, and DRAGONS!!!!!! ;)

Hey Everyone 🙂 I'm performing at Stark Islands at 11:AM
Come join me, request a few tunes and have some fun!
Time: 11:00am Grid Time (2pmEST) (1pm Central)
Place: Stark Islands - Cafe Gossip!
Dress: Casual
MAP: hop://

niki stuart: yay rogue yay rogue rararararara xoxox 4 months ago

CCC_Lewdy Apple Animated with a Texture HUD for different apple textures. You can find it in the Yin Yang Town Store. I hope you have fun with it, hugs♥

Auf einer verlassenen Insel mit dunklen Ecken haben sich Piraten ein Zuhause geschaffen. Gold und viele Schätze sind in den Tiefen verborgen. Am Abend jedoch feiern die Piraten ihren Beutezug mit Whiskey und Rum. Kommt und feiert mit uns diesen Ruhm.
Pirates have made a home for themselves on a deserted island with dark corners. Gold and many treasures are hidden in the depths. In the evening, however, the pirates celebrate their raid with whiskey and rum. Come and celebrate this glory with us. Nova

AresHalostar: This is a project that was completed with the assistance of the Neverworld Grid building team, with many generous beta testers, that had to deal with my many versions of scripts. A good team project.... 4 months ago

LeonitasLionheart: We already have a holy grail! Oh yessss itsa verreh niiice! 4 months ago

AresHalostar: That is fluffy, Midge Inglewood's pet. Yes, it does damage (but then again, most things on Thornhollow does). 4 months ago

SN Yinni Bikini V2
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

BelaCara: Por favor podeis poner la urls para poder ir?. Gracias 4 months ago

Bangles and bracelets at the Monentes Jewelry store! Jewelry

Was eine geniale Einweihungsparty. 😍
Eine rammel volle Bude, ein super Publikum, geile Mukke und Spaß ohne Ende.
Manchmal echt Tränen in den Augen vor Lachen. 🤣
Ein riesen DANKESCHÖN an alle die da waren, das schreit nach Wiederholung. 🥰
Klicke auf den Link um zur Galerie zu gelangen ...

Hi folks! You can find some pride items at the entrance of the store!
Will keep adding a few more slowly, through June/July
hop:// Boutiques/388/356/23

Jared Seda: Thank u so much for the awesome pride stuff! Much appreciated! 4 months ago

Have a nice, peaceful summer day everyone. :-)
Euch allen einen schönen, friedlichen Sommertag. :-)

So many places to photograph I could not post anymore photos! ;) Na Sioga is connected to a huge RP land, The Fey Wilds, come play with us!

"Keep Your Dragon Flapping" script has been updated by me. I created this script because I would go to tour a sim and see a dragon flying in the skies and it's wings would have quit flapping, so it's just sliding across the sky. Putting this script in with your script that animates the dragon will keep it flapping forever and you never have to reset it. This also works for flying cars, flying spaceships, birds, etc.

A wee village

The Tree
