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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Next week @ Rosies ballroom - Save the date!

Mix and Mingle today @ 3 pm

Jeden Donnerstag mit anderer Thematik


Am 05.09.2024 um 19 Uhr starten wir wieder auf der TimeBandit im ArtDestiny Grid zu Richi's MusicCall durch. Alle sind wie immer herzlich willkommen. Musikalisch geht es um die 80er .

Stream: https://laut.fm/radiorockt
Streaming URL: https://stream.laut.fm/radiorockt
Taxi: artdestiny.de:8002:MusicCallBay
Phantom Rose friends... The grid is going to be down until Feb. I am traveling on a "once in a life time" trip with my husband. I am beyond excited. Since I host my own server, I have to shut down. Being out of the country for that long, there is no way for me to keep Phantom Rose safe and healthy. When I travel in the US, I am able to use my remote link to do many things, but for safety, I have decided to shut down the grid for the duration of my travels. I assure you, Phantom Rose WILL be back! Hopefully, better than ever. I have been running 24/7 since 2019 and I am looking forward to another 5 years in the Opensim Metaverse! Thank you all for your support and I will see you in February 2025!

HarperHeld: Enjoy your trip and take as long as you want. See some sights for too. Looking forward to your return! :) 6 months ago
Bad Event Idea #425: Best at Smashing Capitalism and Having Gay Sex.
While otherwise a good idea for a good event, its a bad idea because most people in OS are too busy smashing capitalism and having gay sex to come to an event about smashing capitalism and having gay sex.

FallenAngel Absent: What happened to your good/funny idea? Event location with animated housework scenes around? Looking forward to visit one day. ;-) 6 months ago
Bad Event Idea #425: Best at Smashing Capitalism and Having Gay Sex.
While otherwise a good idea for a good event, its a bad idea because most people in OS are too busy smashing capitalism and having gay sex to come to an event about smashing capitalism and having gay sex.
Today We have ME DJ-ing at AMV welcome.
What can you expact? The Roof blowing off, the walls shaking and the windows are full of the sounds.
Yana likes to play the years 70´s and 80´s
If you want to have a great time and getting awake with the tunes...Your so welcome at AMV welcome stage between 6 to 8am Gridtime! Here is your taxi

Freitag 6.9.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 20:00 Uhr

Thema diese Woche:
A Playlist From Hell

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon

Friday 6.9.2024
with DJ Anachron

Starts at 8:00 p.m.

Topic this week:
A Playlist From Hell

Ends as always at midnight.
Hypergrid: dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon

New Landing what you leave behind. Not sure if I added it in other stores, But we do have it at IRONHORSE as well.

Rogue just took the stream come on down and enjoy an hour worth of live singing.

A hippo for any pond......you can find on the circle NEW

A hippo for any pond......you can find on the circle NEW

Rocking and jamming with Motown with Dj Lia and Dj Lee
get them outfit on come down and enjoy the Music

New at the shop! A simple teleporter gives you access to each floor including the roof of this Observation Tower. I add new items all the time that don't always make the news. Look for the "New" signs glowing in red. The tower can be found near the pyramids. See you soon!

OpenSimUser: Nice place to visit, unfortunetly there are many builds supposed to be set for sale, that arent. 6 months ago

looking for door frame like the one on the right.. anyone knows where to send me or has one? thank you in advance

Hello Everyone!
I'll be performing today at the Train Station
Dj Azorz starts the set at 1:pm followed by me at
Time: 3:00pm OST
Bring a friend and come join us for a great afternoon of music!
Ride: hg.trianon-world.com:18002:Trianon Complex
♬ WHEN: 9-11am GRID TIME

I catch the 3HG Studios bus today and my driver is this cool, magical troll-like guy with huge feet straddling the gas and brake pedals. He flashes this wild-eyed grin and shouts, “Get in and buckle up!”

Before I can even find my seat, he’s spinning the bus out of control and diving straight into the ocean. We’re cruising underwater, octopuses scattering as we zoom past. The troll just laughs and says, “How do you like my shortcut?” 3HG has a new adventure coming soon...stay tuned! Thank you @ferdfrederix @ferdzee @FredBeckhusen 🚌🦈🪸🦑🌊🧜🏽‍♀️

Jupiter Rowland: These buses are sturdy. I've once driven one all across Virunga. 6 months ago
Hiya Everyone! :D

I am in a nostalgic mood today! :D

I'm thinking about Halloween! :D My fav time of the year! :D

I enjoy all the fun & silliness that goes along with Halloween! :D

So I decided to make some AI art, & I gathered some cool Halloween stuffs and put it in a box & put it in my farm store for ya'llz to grab whenever you like! :D

There is another box in there too. I'll let you be surprised when you open it up! :D HE HE :D

The AI art is yours for the clicking :D

I fixed that area up AGAIN :D

Now I must get that bright red marker out of there. It's killing the pic! :D LOL :D

No farming stuff this time around! :D

Creation City is the new addition to Builds Ahoy.

Based on beauty and enjoyment, we will be adding to this part of BA over the month of September, bringing you even more here to partake of in your shopping trip!


I have created a AI Lifeguard using kindroid, I am going to test this out until the end of September, appearance of animesh subject ot change

All you have to do is type /Alex in local and it will talk back to you.

Script has been modified to know who its talking too.

Please test it out and tell me what you think

Also it knows where to send you if your looking for land, i think that's pretty cool.

Little WE on motorbike :)

Technically you can connect to a local server while having it configured for external use behind a NAT... but the only way to reliably do this is by using a VPN. Not all VPN configurations work, allow you to circumvent the NAT. ProtonVPN and Privado work. Windscribe worked as long as you do not use split tunnel.

Loboto Chan: I had bad luck with mudfish. No idea why but it kept sending duplicate packets and causing the server to kick the client. 6 months ago
You can technically configure an opensim server in such a way that you can connect locally AND remotely behind a loopback router... but it... is not ideal. If you configure the User Server (Robust) to run on a domain name (or free subdomain) and your region to run on static IPs, it works.

The local computer can connect by adding the server's lan ip to the grid manager in Singularity (This trick doesnt work in Firestorm).
The host computer must have the server's public IP in it's hosts file.

This configuration causes 3 major problems:
-You MUST use singularity.
-It breaks hypergrid connections (you cant return after teleporting out)
-Firefox has severe issues with reading and editing parcel information including windlight settings.

You will recieve an error in the console reading
"[LAND MANAGEMENT MODULE]: Unable to find parcelID -1"

Arielle: I think you can do that with Cool Viewer also. That at least is more current for Opensim. 6 months ago
Unfortunately not much luck with freeswitch. From what I hear Vivox is being retired in favor of webrtc. The mumble solution requires modification of viewer code.
Freeswitch almost works for me. Users can be seen in local voice chat. The call is never started tho.
I am unsure if this is related to the 'proxy authentication' error i saw.
Why so serious? :p

Just a reflective moment, a snapshot I thought turned out well. Remember to have fun and relax a bit, and treat each other with respect. Taking the time to hear someone out, does not mean you agree with their opinions. Treat people the way you would wish to be treated. Enjoy your week, everyone!

RemmyRavenhurst: We need more of it in this world for sure! :) :) 6 months ago

We like to thank you, for your awesome event Congratulations from all of us at gentle Fire Grid
For Live singer! and Entertainment

SilviaFrey: Maravilloso evento disfrutando de grandes voces y un premio bien merecido. 6 months ago
𝗗𝗝𝗮𝗻𝗲 𝗘𝗺𝗺𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗪𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 - 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗷𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 😎
Wednesday Night Party with DJane Emma Florido! You're warmly invited to our casual Wednesday Night Party filled with good vibes and good company. Musical preferences: Partymix, 80er & 90er, Charts & Mainstream. Don't miss it, we look forward to seeing you! We start at 11 am Opensim Time
Taxi: virtualvistametaverse.com:8002:discofux
Virtual Vista Metaverse – präsentiert unsere Mittwochabend-Party mit DJane Emma Florido! Wir laden euch herzlich zu unserer lockeren Mittwochabendparty voller guter Stimmung und guter Gesellschaft ein. Musikalische Richtung: Partymix, 80er & 90er, Charts & Mainstream. Verpassen Sie es nicht, wir freuen uns auf euch! Wir beginnen um 20 Uhr

Zoree Jupiter Live
Club Fire
Gentle Fire Grid
Semi Casual attire

Hikonai #arkhamgrid

Builds Ahoy! Has moved to Osgrid!

Please update your Landmarks and we will see you at the new location. As always, be patient, there is a LOT to load in ...

Star Ravenhurst: Oh boy am I in trouble! I am building a region using other people's stuff with less of my builds, so I am especially searching for architecture. I may need a big moving truck because I can spot some b... 6 months ago
Visit the Ashram on Shanti - to relax, do some tai chi, yoga, meditation while listening to Indian classical ragas.

Or listen to the raga online ( playing on the Ashram's stream that always plays relaxing music ) : http://us.ishout.net:8514

You are always welcome on Shanti, a place dedicated to relaxation, meditation and the exploration of Indian cultures.

Click here to listen to the Ashram song : https://suno.com/song/0d0707db-215f-4fe2-a471-8d687db858bd
I added a cluster of farming stores. It was getting a bit crowded and starting to look unkempt, so I went and put those stores behind the landing point on the other side of the fence.

All you have to do is click on the fence and it will open automatically for you and let you through! :D

Eventankündigung: „Blue Monday in der Zappelbude“

Wann: 9. September 2024, ab 20:00 Uhr
Wo: In der Zappelbude – Taxi: hg.osgrid.org:80
Wer: Xenos, wer sonst^^

Am Montag, den 9. September, lädt die Zappelbude wieder ein zum legendären „Blue Monday“!
Pünktlich um 20:00 Uhr starten wir mit einem ganz besonderen Vorprogramm: „Dr. John – Things Happen That Way“.
Dieses Album, das 2022 erschien, vereint die unverwechselbare Stimme und den Stil von Dr. John mit einer Mischung aus Country, Blues und Americana.
Es ist eine Hommage an den großen Musiker, der mit seiner einzigartigen Interpretation klassischer Songs wie „Ramblin’ Man“ und „Guess Things Happen That Way“ erneut sein musikalisches Genie unter Beweis stellt.
Lasst euch von diesem Sound verzaubern und genießt dazu noch einige exklusive Zugaben, die euch garantiert in die richtige Stimmung versetzen.

Ab 21:00 Uhr übernimmt dann Xenos mit einem Mix aus allem möglichen Zeugs – von den groovigen Klängen der 70er bis hin zu Mukke von heute.
Anfangs noch sanft, wird die Musik ab 22:00 Uhr deutlich intensiver, und Xenos wird euch bis ca. 23:00 Uhr ordentlich einheizen.

Kommt vorbei und lasst euch diesen besonderen Abend nicht entgehen!
Titelfoto: Schorle, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Hey Everyone 🙂 I'm performing at Stark Islands at 11:AM
Come join me, request a few tunes and have some fun!
Time: 11:00am Grid Time (2pmEST) (1pm Central)
Place: Stark Islands The Question Mark Blues Club
MAP: hop://login.zetaworlds.com/Stark/93/95/46

niki stuart: Cant wait Rogue, you rock girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6 months ago

Sorry for this simple question, but how do I import a .tattoo file into Opensim?

hop://craft-world.org:8002/Infinitum/432/148/23Dj Arianna alle 22:00 8 settembre 2024