OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Genesis Estates Realty
0 Users 3 0
The real estate place for you to get land with the Genesis Roleplay Grid (Though you do not need to be a role player at all.)
Today and Every Monday at Magicland!
Join us for 2 exciting movies AND get to see our Electrical Light Parade!

2:00PM - Minority Report
4:30PM - Electrical Light Parade
4:45PM - The Matrix

Here's your taxi!
he bronze package offers you a full SIM, 15,000 SIMs available
with Admin rights in your region at a cost of €10/month

The silver package offers you a 2x2 Var surface, 30000 prims available
with Admin right in your region at a cost of €15/month
possibility of parceling out the region

The Gold package gives you a 4x4 surface, 50000 prims available
with Admin right in your region at a cost of €30/month
possibility of parcelling out the region

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Demy457✦ ▸ Rent sim 3 days ago
The bronze package offers you a full SIM, 15,000 SIMs available
with Admin rights in your region at a cost of €10/month

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Cruise Deals | Free 360° Image Sharing

M'okay - since I am doing some clothes for them boyz. Wondering what you guys want? (More sporty, more formal, accesories...?)

Caribia: thanks to all guys which told but surely would be nice to have specific too thanks Kashi =) 1 hour ago
Discover Colony Cafe, a virtual oasis on a serene island surrounded by clear oceans and sandy shores. Explore a world where futurism meets nature—interact with holograms, dive into sci-fi experiences, and engage in thought-provoking discussions on technology, space, and the future. With a floating iceberg as a backdrop, Colony Cafe offers a unique, immersive space for learning, inspiration, and connection. Visit today and step into the future! Another stellar build by Maximus Lear! If you wish to use this inspiration space for meetings and teachings, please contact Xenon Darrow or Maximus Lear @ Wolf Territories.

LICEALE Classe Maschile

Some of the incredible work going on at the Iceland Region.

Xenon Darrow: This is definitely Jimmy's best work...and that is a huge compliment. Jimmy is a true artist. He created the music hall pictured here using images from the real hall in Iceland. The images of this reg... 6 hours ago
DJ Dragon heute 17 bis 19 Uhr im Bikers Heaven mit Klassik Rock, Rock und Metal.
Nehmt Eure Freunde und kommt rüber zu Bikers Heaven.
Freu mich auf Euch
bis gleich

DJane Dragon at Bikers Heaven 8 to 10 am gridtime today playing
Classic Rock, Rock and Metal.

Take your friends and come over to Bikers Heaven and lets have some fun.
See you there

hop:// Noctem/209/221/1496

or im for a teleport
**Nomad Sweats Fatpack for LegacyM OUT NOW**
Another fatpack of comfy sweats:

-Includes HUD with 20 different textures
- Material (normal) layers
- Body auto-alpha for Sciattisi Grid's Legacy Body

Taxi: hop://
**Nomad Cardigan Fatpack for LegacyM OUT NOW**
Happy Monday! Another fatpack coming out:

- Includes HUD with 16 textures, collar/cuffs and main separate
- Material (normal) layers

Taxi: hop://
Littlefield Grid is celebrating it's 12th Anniversary this year!!
We will have the Anniversary region up for the full month of April so everyone can visit the displays from the residents and our Hypergrid friends!

Thank you to all of our residents and friends for 12 years!!

Bernd G.: Happy Bithday! 10 hours ago
Bla Bla Bla Magazine is now accepting articles for the "MAY" edition!

We’re looking for stories, features, and highlights from around "OPENSIM" – including region showcases, upcoming events, special happenings, and community projects.

Want to contribute? Send your article on a notecard to Sofee Supermarine INWORLD on AMV or via DISCORD or FACEBOOK MESSENGER and OSW.

Let’s make this issue exceptional together!
***Deadline for Articles and Adverts is 22nd APRIL***

The Latest HUD Version of Bla Bla Bla Magazine is Out Now! in the Bla Bla Bla Group at the Main Landing Point on the Alternate Metaverse Region on AMV for anyone to grab.

Web links to Older Issues also can be found on the website.

Happy Reading!! and looking forwards for your Stories to add in the next Issue.

and because it's so beautiful, here's another one right after that!!

for PHNX & [RL] Body

- Flat
- Petite
- Normal

OUT NOW!! Something completely different today!!
Cute Long Sleeves Outfit
for PHNX & [RL] Body.
Flat/Petite and Normal

AmberNL: Thank you is Real cute! 2 hours ago
Beach, relax, love, cuddie, sex, BDSM, Dance, Fries, Bar, Camping, Thalassa, Motel, (Legacy Body-M1,7-M 2.0 F 1.4), Full Avatar, Skin-EVOX-2025, Scuba, PBR-Textures (Materials ready use) Dance Club
Sim "Constant évolutions".
New item 25/03/2025

A good start to the week to everyone.

Speck: A great way to start the week and another great image, thanks Dorena 12 hours ago

It's still really hard to believe a year flew by! Thank You to all of you!

Xenon Darrow: This was truly amazing! I hope we get to host it next year! 6 hours ago
I've nearly completed a full PBR remodel of the Medieval Area in the store by updating all existing items and adding new ones as well. Pictured here is the redone King Arthurs Round Table, part of a larger collection of Arthurian items like Excalibur, the Grail Tapestries, as well as a group of items utilizing my imagining of the Arthur Pendragon heraldry.

The table group is done in reflective copper, gold, mahogany and leather, and includes Siege Perilous - the one chair of the Round Table reserved only for the most worthy knight, and would kill anyone else who dared sit in it. The platform under the table is marked with Merlin's triskelion symbol, denoting a kingdom created and established by magic; the table above bears the Knights Oath, denoting a kingdom governed by the rule of law and equity.

You can find the Medieval Area on the left at the back of the lobby.

Mistressdalgato: that looks great, no matter pbr or not i still love my original from you. 19 hours ago
Last Call for Fun at the Fair!

Join us Sunday, March 30th, at 6:00 PM Grid Time for a Brazilian Pool Party with none other than our amazing OSWF Entertainment Coordinator, DJ Rosa Alekseev who will be spinning all of the Latin hits!

Let’s celebrate the final show of the Fair with music, fun, and good vibes under the Brazilian sun! 🏖️ Optional: Show up in your best swimwear!

Don’t miss this unforgettable finale! We hope to see you there!

Stage 2: hop:// Worlds Fair/1278/1251/36

IM me inworld for a teleport if you have trouble with the hop. :)

#outfit #avatarfull #kingmancity

----- NEW -----

MarySTEton: Awww, thank you. But the hair is not available. :) 15 hours ago
Get ready for a captivating performance! Sunday, March 30th, at 12:00 PM Grid Time, musician, singer and songwriter Grace Loudon offers an hour of piano, guitar and one of the virtual worlds most exceptional voices. Come enjoy an unforgettable musical journey!

Stage 4 hop:// Worlds Fair/1245/804/22

One's posh British Sunday evening at welcome. Photo by Jimmy.

Cosa: Yeeeaaahhhhh coooool yesterday
Miss Munk will be spinning her wheels of steel at 1 pm grid time, at The Piazza!
Bring your headphones and get on down here and listen to nonstop beat matching and full spectrum sound!
Plug the link into your map and we'll see you there. Lagoon

New Groups Gifts

Es ist soweit am Sonntag den 13ten April um 18 Uhr findet das JetSki Rennen statt jeder darf teilnehmen !!
Anleitungen zum Rennen gibt es wenn Ihr den LM nehmt von der Box
Nach dem Rennen findet die Siegerehrung statt und dann ist Party angesagt :)

the time has come on Sunday the 13th of April at 3 am the JetSki race will take place everyone can participate !!
Instructions for the race are available when you take the LM from the box.
After the race, the award ceremony takes place and then it's time to party :)


Funsize Dinkies Drive-in Cinema Presents: The New Snow White Movie!
Experience the magic of cinema in the comfort of your very own car! Join us at Funsize Dinkies Drive-in Cinema for a special screening of the brand-new Snow White movie on the BIG screen!
Bring your friends, grab some popcorn, and enjoy a magical night of movie fun, Dinkies-style! See you at the Drive-in!
***Kyle Sweatpant Fatpack for Legacy M OUT NOW!***
Second part of the Kyle set available now at the store, including:

- HUD with 12 different styles
- HUD changes the sweatpants, towel, boxers, and zipper separately
- Includes material (normal) layers.

***Kyle Top Fatpack for Legacy M OUT NOW!***
Happy weekend! The Kyle set for Legacy Male body:

- Comes with HUD in 12 different textures.
- Includes material (normal) layers.


True dat

Listen i could care less what grid your are with, or if you have personally banned me from your location, :) i do not have a mean bone in my body all is welcome to DALLAS I HAVE NOT BANNED ANYONE, if you can't get in message me i will restart sim sometimes that works wonders :) HAVE A AWESOME Sunday

Khiron Ametza: I couldn't find them in the Dallas Mall. Are they placed anywhere else? yesterday

A Lovely early morning as the dawn breaks over the Vampire's Lair Castle, part of the new role-play regions coming soon to Exotic Realities Grid.

Happy Sunday, OpensimWorld!

There is no denying that there have been some spectacular AI pictures posted here. I would like to add my own discovery to this impressive showcase. its not an AI image. but instead a tool to inspect and generate a possible prompt that may have been used to create a pic. its a free thing. on google colab. Im going to stop trying to explain it and just let you all see for yourselves

Have fun :)

Caribia: I will surely try it :) yesterday

Iriska Leo: люблю тебя 💖💖💖 yesterday

OUT NOW !! Cutey Kitten Play - full Outfit [white]
for Legacy f Body
- Top
- Shorts
- Boots

MarySTEton: Super cute, rush to the store...:) Thank you!! 15 hours ago

I wish everyone a nice Sunday.

Hicks: Une belle journée pour profiter du bord de mer. A nice day for enjoy seaside 2 days ago
One of Opensimulator's Longest continually running Dance Parties! 12 years and counting!! LIVE DJ and Dancing!! Music from the 60's to current day!

Tonight at 8pm Pacific!


Having fun at the Spooky party at the Opensim Worlds Fair. This is their last weekend of events, don't miss it!


🎳 Rolling Thunder Bowling Kit Now Available
Want to add bowling to your own region?

The Rolling Thunder Bowling Kit is now available in Three Hills Grid.
Includes a working bowling ball, return system, and mesh pins that fall when hit.

No setup stress — just rez, touch the ball, and bowl.

Pick up when you land at the Catena di Isole welcome it is setting there by the TP board. di Isole

Marianna : I need to apologize someone came by and picked up the box and I had the PinRack newly saved in the box and something told me to examine it again and good thing I looked there was a reset pin button a... 23 hours ago
Kimm Starr is having her big Spooky Town bash tonight with none other than yours truly spinning the tunes. We really, hope you will come to it! You can wear any of your spooky costumes or come as you are, it's going to be a moving show. We go to four different areas of her parcel so please do your very best to come on time so you can stay with the crowd as we move from place to place. It's at 6pm grid time on her parcel at the fair (parcel 8).

hop:// Worlds Fair/1830/1035/81

OpenSim Worlds Fair: It was amazing! 2 days ago
Starting Soon...

A 'Rocking Blues' set featuring, primarily, Beth Hart and Larkin Poe.
Join us at 5 pm grid time for an hour of great fun with a live performance from Steven Strikker.
The Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together.
Drop this link into your map; Lagoon

Join us today at 2pm Grid time at the Golden Dome Ballroom as we celebrate Star Trek all genres. DJ Maldrul Smith will be bringing the tunes in both sci fi rock and roll and Star Trek Theme music from the various TV shows and Movies. We celebrate Star Trek This month as 3 of the original series stars share the month in birthdays....James Doohan aka Scottie, William Shatner aka James T. Kirk, and Leonard Nimoy aka Mr. Spock.
So dust off those Star Trek uniforms and transport over to Masala Al Kohav Mall and use the teleporter there and select "Dance Event". Al Kohav

Need a Shuttle? contact

Lavia Lavine

For you. :-)

🎾 FREE TENNIS KIT – Swing Into Action!
✔ Fully Working Tennis System for OpenSim
✔ Launching Ball with Arc, Bounce & Sparkle
✔ Physical Racket with Collision Trigger
✔ Auto-Flip Logic for Rally Gameplay
✔ Swing HUD with Custom Button + Animation
✔ Bonus: Sample Tennis Court Included!

🏆 Rally-Ready: Just Rez, Wear, and Swing!
No setup headaches. Everything's scripted, animated, and ready to play.

- 🎾 TennisBall (with flip direction + reset logic)
- 🏸 Physical Tennis Racket (collision launch)
- 🧍 Swing HUD (animation-ready, one-button)
- 🧱 Tennis Court Layout
- ✅ Setup Instructions

💚 Created in 3(H)(G)
Free to use, share, or modify — please keep credits if you expand it. di Isole

Please find the kit out on the little island where the waves begin.

Star Ravenhurst: I need this!! Thank you! yesterday

Rosa back tonight in town
In Docklands club to shake us down
Something new a country set
Lots of Yee Haa you can bet
So come to us n we can do
Country shake with me and you

IM Bobbi Fox Pin Deluca or Zen Reiko for Uber DOCKLANDS2

ZenRieko: Party rocking on - come over and join us! 2 days ago

join us ... even with your alt ...of what ever you want....;p

hop:// Plaza/391/348/26

Coming up soon!

Join us on Saturday, March 29th, at 12:00 PM Grid Time for back-to-back performances by Forest Azure and Rez Rezzal! 🌟 Their set will take you on a journey through a wide range of moods, from high-energy ⚡ to smooth and soulful 🎷. Expect an incredible mix of Folk, Rock, Jazz, Blues, and Country from across the decades. Don’t miss their powerful vocals and dynamic performances! 🎤✨

Stage 4 hop:// Worlds Fair/1245/804/22

Water Race
Die Saison ist eröffnet
the season has begun


Live Traffic
16 0
Serrallo de Mogor A
12 1
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
52 8
Hypergrid Games
11 5
79 17
8 0
10 2
Shinobar Annex
67 19
ShoppingDance A
7 1
Stark A
138 73
10 2
SciattiShopClothes A
97 6
Xenotown A
18 0
Trianon Complex A
96 23
4 0
Regions Online: 1,821
Active: 275 avatars in 159 regions
The Box
Sparky 4 hours ago
All of the OSW trolls have done me a huge favor. they all blocked me. so. thank you guys! I dont need to see your toxic shyte anymore!
Ludo 5 hours ago
Is the server isolated from the LAN?
Ludo 5 hours ago
Is DNS + reverse working?
Pagane 8 hours ago
@CyberGlo this is "NAT Loopback Issue" read here:
CyberGlo CyberStar 14 hours ago
I am on Linux. I can tp to any grid, but then I can't tp back to my grid. Anybody know the fix?
NiaKara 16 hours ago
OSgrid "Infos Grid Results" sugests that the grid is ready to go online anyone wanna guess as to when?
CyberGlo CyberStar yesterday
whew! i was so wiped out i slept for 16 hours... o.O
Vulcano_Stirpe yesterday
Vulcano_Stirpe yesterday
Xuna yesterday
Im sorry. but all I can think of when Pagane thinks everybody is everybody else is her in a police lineup goosestepping like a demented poode yelling "Is simple!! IS NOT ROCETT SIENSE!!!! HIM ALL ONE MAN FROM SACRIUM GRID!!!! YOU MENTAL IDIOT!!!"
Speck yesterday
And as far as old sayings go - useless old tin cans rattle the most
Speck yesterday
Fortunately, you're about as much use as that too.
Speck yesterday
@Pagane you sad old tool. You're about as sane as someone who puts their underpants on their head, pencils up their nose and shouts WIBBLE
Pagane yesterday
Lesson: When you always use the same lines, actions, names, pictures, etc. Well... it's easy to be recognized. Why bother using 1000 accounts. THEY'RE THE SAME TO US!!!
Pagane yesterday
Many years ago there was an old but instructive joke: The USA send a perfectly prepared agent to USSR for the third time and... catch him right at the border. The CIA chief, irritated, calls Moscow and asks - OK, BUT HOW? On the other side - a roar of laughter - Well, there are no other afro here!
Pagane yesterday
Believe me i know them perfect. More than you can imagine:) And.... you also:)

New Comments

Caribia 1 hour ago
thanks to all guys which told but surely would be nice to have specific too thanks Kashi =)
Hicks 1 hour ago
we just want clothes
Caribia 2 hours ago
usually they say.. something and I tell that i don't see that at my cook book..
AmberNL 2 hours ago
Thank you is Real cute!
Aurora Starchild 3 hours ago
Teeeeell me... Otherwise Imma just gonna bring whatever I want :P
Xenon Darrow 6 hours ago
This was truly amazing! I hope we get to host it next year!
Aurora Starchild 6 hours ago
Soooo pretty
Sharpened Razor 8 hours ago
Yes he does amazing stuff...
Luna Lunaria 8 hours ago
I love @JimmyOlsen 's work


Hypergrid Games
Always 3 Avatars on sim? Really? Wouldn't happen to be running bots now are you? I think that's against OS policies. Might want to check that out just to be sure.
Debra Ann Congi 4 hours ago
5 out of 5 Stars. Great place to party and enjoy yourself! The region is beautifully perfect and well decorated by the creator. :)
CyberGlo CyberStar 20 hours ago
NakedWorldz Grid
I'm happy to be here. Nice people, fun conversations, AND good parties. Ich freue mich hier zu sein. Nette Menschen, lustige Gespräche. UND Gute Partys.
Lilith Angel yesterday
CCC Boutique
wow. Genau mein Style. Weiter so !!
Danisun yesterday
Fashion Temple
A great layout with ease of access, teleporters at every store -- brilliant. I'm loving the unique selections here and looking forward to many more!
Annah Gestaga 2 days ago
superbe belle sim je reviendrais visiter
harthelie 2 days ago
I've never been here and was greatly surprised to find things I hadn't seen before! Thank you! I'm looking forward to returning!
Annah Gestaga 2 days ago
New Beginnings
Awesome sim with great activities. The place to be to have fun.
DesyGraywolf 3 days ago

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